- Looking for most practical/used C++ idioms (preferably C++/11) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource_Acquisition_Is_Initialization 37 comments cpp
Linking pages
- Writing Python like it’s Rust | Kobzol’s blog https://kobzol.github.io/rust/python/2023/05/20/writing-python-like-its-rust.html 858 comments
- Deeply typed programming languages › Type Inference http://typeinference.com/languages/2017/01/12/deeply-typed-programming-languages.html 632 comments
- V Language Review (2022) | mawfig.github.io https://mawfig.github.io/2022/06/18/v-lang-in-2022.html 428 comments
- The Language I Wish Go Was – journal.stuffwithstuff.com http://journal.stuffwithstuff.com/2010/10/21/the-language-i-wish-go-was/ 377 comments
- Async/Await Is Real And Can Hurt You — My Blogs https://trouble.mataroa.blog/blog/asyncawait-is-real-and-can-hurt-you/ 330 comments
- Rust, an Anti-Sloppy Programming Language http://arthurtw.github.io/2014/12/21/rust-anti-sloppy-programming-language.html 319 comments
- German for Programmers https://wickedchicken.github.io/post/german-for-programmers/ 309 comments
- Managing C++’s complexity or learning to enjoy C++ – Schneide Blog https://schneide.wordpress.com/2015/03/30/managing-cs-complexity-or-learning-to-enjoy-c/ 281 comments
- Still in love with Rust — Dawid Ciężarkiewicz aka `dpc` https://dpc.pw/still-in-love-with-rust 267 comments
- Using goto for error handling in C - Eli Bendersky's website http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2009/04/27/using-goto-for-error-handling-in-c/ 132 comments
- More Rust compared to C++ https://rnestler.github.io/more-rust-compared-to-c.html 132 comments
- Modern C++ for C programmers: part 2 - Bert Hubert's writings https://ds9a.nl/articles/posts/cpp-2/ 101 comments
- C++ and Thoughts On Java, Go, and Rust https://eklitzke.org/c++-java-go-and-rust 100 comments
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- What is LLVM? The power behind Swift, Rust, Clang, and more | InfoWorld https://www.infoworld.com/article/3247799/development-tools/what-is-llvm-the-power-behind-swift-rust-clang-and-more.html 90 comments
- GitHub - quambene/pl-comparison: Comparison of widely used programming languages https://github.com/quambene/pl-comparison 76 comments
- GitHub - klalumiere/NiceMPI: An alternative to Boost.MPI for a user friendly C++ interface for MPI (MPICH). https://github.com/klalumiere/nicempi 75 comments
- 10 Reasons to Use the Haskell Programming Language https://serokell.io/blog/10-reasons-to-use-haskell 72 comments
- Errors vs. exceptions in Go and C++ in 2020 - Why and how exceptions are still better for performance, even in Go · dr knz @ work https://dr-knz.net/go-errors-vs-exceptions-2020.html 71 comments
- Oxidizing Source Maps with Rust and WebAssembly - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog https://hacks.mozilla.org/2018/01/oxidizing-source-maps-with-rust-and-webassembly/ 59 comments
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