- How is it possible that the universe is 13.8 billion years old, but the observable universe is 46 billion light years in radius? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observable_universe 8 comments askscience
- Are the sizes of all the Observable Universes in this Universe the same size as our Observable Universe? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observable_universe 18 comments askscience
- The Schwarzschild radius of the observable universe is roughly the size of the observable universe. Is there any significance to this? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observable_universe 10 comments askscience
- Did the early universe have an event horizon and behave as a black hole? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observable_universe#Estimation_based_on_the_measured_stellar_density 5 comments askscience
- Why do we assume the universe is isotropic? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observable_universe 20 comments askscience
- Can someone explain to me the most common models (diagrams) of the universe, and some knowledge of the distance? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observable_universe 12 comments askscience
- How is it that the radius of the universe is larger than ~13.7 billion light years? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observable_Universe 25 comments askscience
- Can relativistic length contraction let me observe beyond the observable universe? Yes, I get the idea that the observable universe is a sphere in my frame of reference - but by changing speed ISTM I can see beyond it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observable_universe 12 comments askscience
- According to Wikipedia, the diameter of the Observable Universe is ~93billion light years. How is this possible if the Universe is only ~14 billion years old? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observable_universe 7 comments askscience
- Is it possible to explain the accelerating expansion of the observable universe through normal gravitation by assuming a large mass exists beyond the cosmological horizon? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observable_universe#The_universe_versus_the_observable_universe 39 comments science
Linking pages
- GitHub - dwyl/learn-json-web-tokens: Learn how to use JSON Web Token (JWT) to secure your next Web App! (Tutorial/Example with Tests!!) https://github.com/dwyl/learn-json-web-tokens 181 comments
- It's not just statistics: GPT-4 does reason. https://jbconsulting.substack.com/p/its-not-just-statistics-gpt-4-does 93 comments
- Becoming physically immune to brute-force attacks - Seirdy https://seirdy.one/posts/2021/01/12/password-strength/ 68 comments
- Astronomers Have Traced The Source of The Most Powerful Radio Signal Ever Received From Space : ScienceAlert http://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-have-witnessed-the-most-powerful-intergalactic-radio-waves-ever 67 comments
- Becoming physically immune to brute-force attacks - Seirdy https://seirdy.one/2021/01/12/password-strength.html 30 comments
- Does the size of the universe prove God doesn't exist? https://theconversation.com/does-the-size-of-the-universe-prove-god-doesnt-exist-86645#comments-container 23 comments
- The Internet explained from first principles https://explained-from-first-principles.com/internet/ 18 comments
- Putting unfathomable astronomical distances into human perspective https://www.universal-sci.com/article/astronomical-distances-human-perspective 12 comments
- Is There Suffering in Fundamental Physics? http://reducing-suffering.org/is-there-suffering-in-fundamental-physics/ 12 comments
- Astronomers Have Traced The Source of The Most Powerful Radio Signal Ever Received From Space : ScienceAlert http://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-have-witnessed-the-most-powerful-intergalactic-radio-waves-ever?amp%3Blimitstart=1&perpetual=yes 4 comments
- The Great Filter Comes For Us All https://blog.codinghorror.com/the-great-filter-comes-for-us-all/ 2 comments
- Big ideas that I suspect to be true - Inverted Passion https://invertedpassion.com/big-ideas-that-i-suspect-to-be-true/ 1 comment
- Needed: Infrastructure to Make the Web Personal – Old GigaOm http://gigaom.com/2010/02/05/needed-infrastructure-to-make-the-web-personal/ 1 comment
- No cosmic meaning | Meaningness https://meaningness.com/no-cosmic-meaning 0 comments
- The Observable Universe | Science Mission Directorate https://science.nasa.gov/observable-universe 0 comments
- Scaling Media Machine Learning at Netflix | by Netflix Technology Blog | Feb, 2023 | Netflix TechBlog https://netflixtechblog.com/scaling-media-machine-learning-at-netflix-f19b400243?gi=247f1cd77922 0 comments
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- Scaling Media Machine Learning at Netflix | by Netflix Technology Blog | Feb, 2023 | Netflix TechBlog https://netflixtechblog.com/scaling-media-machine-learning-at-netflix-f19b400243?gi=073b1a3c21a5 0 comments
- Cosmological models are built on a simple, century-old idea -- but new observations demand a radical rethink https://theconversation.com/cosmological-models-are-built-on-a-simple-century-old-idea-but-new-observations-demand-a-radical-rethink-204190 0 comments
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