- Russians' lawyer says new documents show Trump Tower meeting not about dirt on Clinton http://www.cnn.com/2017/10/09/politics/russia-trump-tower-meeting-new-documents/index.html 12 comments politics
- Russians' lawyer says new documents show Trump Tower meeting not about dirt on Clinton http://edition.cnn.com/2017/10/09/politics/russia-trump-tower-meeting-new-documents/index.html 34 comments politics
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- Russian lawyer who met with Don Jr. is building her defense — and raising big questions for Trump | Salon.com https://www.salon.com/2017/10/09/russian-lawyer-who-met-with-don-jr-is-building-her-defense-and-raising-big-questions-for-trump/ 50 comments
- Mueller seeking interview with publicist who set up Trump Jr., Russian lawyer meeting | CNN Politics http://www.cnn.com/2017/11/17/politics/mueller-goldstone-trump-jr-russian-lawyer/index.html?amp%3Bcnnpolitics=tw&sr=twcnnp111717mueller-goldstone-trump-jr-russian-lawyer0845pmvodtop 22 comments
- Mueller seeking interview with publicist who set up Trump Jr., Russian lawyer meeting | CNN Politics http://edition.cnn.com/2017/11/17/politics/mueller-goldstone-trump-jr-russian-lawyer/index.html 8 comments
- Memo Undermines Russian Lawyer’s Account of Trump Tower Meeting – Mother Jones http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2017/10/memo-undermines-russian-lawyers-account-of-trump-tower-meeting/?amp%3Butm_medium=social&%3Butm_source=twitter 4 comments
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