- Flask on AWS ECS (elastic container service) with a load balancer: do I need Nginx? http://docs.gunicorn.org/en/latest/deploy.html 4 comments flask
Linking pages
- Don't use Gunicorn to host your Django sites on Heroku | And then it crashed https://blog.etianen.com/blog/2014/01/19/gunicorn-heroku-django/ 12 comments
- Using Django’s ORM from aiohttp. Unleash the performance of your Django… | by Aristóbulo Meneses | Medium https://medium.com/@menecio/using-djangos-orm-from-aiohttp-fb9538072ba0?sk=062c5edc52eb362d02afbb4196e1c26b 7 comments
- Custom Application Metrics with Django, Prometheus, and Kubernetes https://labs.meanpug.com/custom-application-metrics-with-django-prometheus-and-kubernetes/ 6 comments
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