Hacker News
- dlib C++ Library v18.5 released. Lots of state-of-the-art Machine Learning algorithms and other useful tools meant for use on real world problems. http://dlib.net 8 comments programming
- dlib C++ Library v18.0 released. Lots of state-of-the-art Machine Learning algorithms and other useful tools meant for use on real world problems. http://dlib.net 10 comments programming
- dlib: a C++ library for developing portable applications dealing with networking, threads, graphical interfaces, data structures, linear algebra, machine learning, XML and text parsing, numerical optimization, Bayesian nets, and numerous other tasks. http://dlib.net/ 36 comments cpp
Linking pages
- C++ UI Libraries • memdump https://philippegroarke.com/posts/2018/c++_ui_solutions/ 404 comments
- digiKam - digiKam 7.0.0 is released https://www.digikam.org/news/2020-07-19-7.0.0_release_announcement/ 194 comments
- Machine Learning is Fun! Part 4: Modern Face Recognition with Deep Learning | by Adam Geitgey | Medium https://medium.com/@ageitgey/machine-learning-is-fun-part-4-modern-face-recognition-with-deep-learning-c3cffc121d78 112 comments
- GitHub - noahlevenson/stealing-ur-feelings: Winner of Mozilla's $50,000 prize for AI https://github.com/noahlevenson/stealing-ur-feelings 104 comments
- GitHub - p-ranav/awesome-hpp: A curated list of awesome header-only C++ libraries https://github.com/p-ranav/awesome-hpp 75 comments
- GitHub - ageitgey/face_recognition: The world's simplest facial recognition api for Python and the command line https://github.com/ageitgey/face_recognition 65 comments
- GitHub - fffaraz/awesome-cpp: A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff. https://github.com/fffaraz/awesome-cpp 38 comments
- GitHub - saanuregh/hola: Windows Hello™ style facial authentication for Linux written in Rust https://github.com/saanuregh/hola 27 comments
- Qt 5.14, Android multi ABI, and CMake https://www.qt.io/blog/qt-5.14-android-multi-abi-and-cmake 21 comments
- GitHub - mit-nlp/MITIE: MITIE: library and tools for information extraction https://github.com/mit-nlp/MITIE 16 comments
- GitHub - bikz05/object-tracker: Object Tracker written in Python using dlib and OpenCV http://github.com/bikz05/object-tracker 16 comments
- GitHub - fabioperez/transito-cv: [DEPRECATED] Traffic sign detector and classifier that uses dlib and its implementation of the Felzenszwalb's version of the Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HoG) detector https://github.com/fabioperez/transito-cv 7 comments
- 25 Open-Source Machine Learning Repos to Inspire Your Next Project | by Khoa Pham | Heartbeat https://heartbeat.fritz.ai/25-open-source-machine-learning-repos-to-inspire-your-next-project-3b027a90155 7 comments
- GitHub - decentropy/SentryTurret: A robot to visually track and target an object. (RaspberryPi2 + RaspiCam + OpenCV + Dlib + servos/driver) https://github.com/steve-vincent/SentryTurret 6 comments
- GitHub - bfactory-ai/zignal: Image processing library in Zig, heavily inspired by dlib https://github.com/bfactory-ai/zignal 6 comments
- Facial Landmark Detection | LearnOpenCV # http://www.learnopencv.com/facial-landmark-detection/ 5 comments
- Speeding up Dlib’s Facial Landmark Detector | LearnOpenCV # http://www.learnopencv.com/speeding-up-dlib-facial-landmark-detector/ 5 comments
- Book review: Applied Math for Security https://dustri.org/b/book-review-applied-math-for-security.html 5 comments
- digiKam - digiKam 7.0.0-beta1 is released https://www.digikam.org/news/2019-12-22-7.0.0-beta1_release_announcement/ 4 comments
- Face Morph Using OpenCV — C++ / Python | LearnOpenCV # http://www.learnopencv.com/face-morph-using-opencv-cpp-python/ 4 comments
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