Hacker News
- Lamar Smith trying to quietly revive SOPA http://boingboing.net/2012/07/10/sopa-is-back-lamar-smith-tryi.html 47 comments
- SOPA IS BACK: Lamar Smith trying to quietly revive SOPA and cram it down the world's throats - Boing Boing http://boingboing.net/2012/07/10/sopa-is-back-lamar-smith-tryi.html 3 comments technology
- SOPA IS BACK: Lamar Smith trying to quietly revive SOPA and cram it down the world's throats http://boingboing.net/2012/07/10/sopa-is-back-lamar-smith-tryi.html 268 comments politics
Linked pages
- ACTA IS BACK: Leaked docs show Canada/European Commission trying to sneak ACTA into Canada & back into Europe | Boing Boing http://boingboing.net/?p=170057 385 comments
- Lamar Smith Looking To Sneak Through SOPA In Bits & Pieces, Starting With Expanding Hollywood's Global Police Force | Techdirt http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20120709/12574819634/lamar-smith-looking-to-sneak-through-sopa-bits-pieces-starting-with-expanding-hollywoods-global-police-force.shtml 267 comments
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