Hacker News
- Why did I spend 1.5 months creating a Gameboy emulator? (2017) http://blog.rekawek.eu/2017/02/09/coffee-gb/ 95 comments
- Why did I spend 1.5 months creating a Gameboy emulator? http://blog.rekawek.eu/2017/02/09/coffee-gb/ 2 comments assembly , games
- Why did I spend 1.5 months creating a Gameboy emulator? http://blog.rekawek.eu/2017/02/09/coffee-gb/ 74 comments programming
Linking pages
- I ported my Gameboy Color emulator to WebAssembly - djhworld https://djhworld.github.io/post/2018/09/21/i-ported-my-gameboy-color-emulator-to-webassembly/ 49 comments
- GitHub - gbdev/awesome-gbdev: A curated list of Game Boy development resources such as tools, docs, emulators, related projects and open-source ROMs. https://github.com/avivace/awesome-gbdev 11 comments
- GitHub - gbdev/awesome-gbdev: A curated list of Game Boy development resources such as tools, docs, emulators, related projects and open-source ROMs. https://github.com/gbdev/awesome-gbdev 3 comments
- A GAMEBOY supercomputer. At a total of slightly over 1 billion… | by Kamil Rocki | Towards Data Science https://towardsdatascience.com/a-gameboy-supercomputer-33a6955a79a4 0 comments
- GitHub - torch2424/wasmboy: Game Boy / Game Boy Color Emulator Library, 🎮written for WebAssembly using AssemblyScript. 🚀Demos built with Preact and Svelte. ⚛️ https://github.com/torch2424/wasmBoy 0 comments
- GitHub - trekawek/coffee-gb: Gameboy emulator in Java 8. https://github.com/trekawek/coffee-gb 0 comments
- GitHub - sderosiaux/every-single-day-i-tldr: A daily digest of the articles or videos I've found interesting, that I want to share with you. https://github.com/sderosiaux/every-single-day-i-tldr 0 comments
- GitHub - ArcticXWolf/AXWGameboy: A simple gameboy emulator written in golang https://github.com/ArcticXWolf/AXWGameboy 0 comments
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