- FBI: “The allegation that we paid CMU $1M to hack into Tor is inaccurate” http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2015/11/fbi-the-allegation-that-we-paid-cmu-1m-to-hack-into-tor-is-inaccurate/ 7 comments linux
- FBI: “The allegation that we paid CMU $1M to hack into Tor is inaccurate” http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2015/11/fbi-the-allegation-that-we-paid-cmu-1m-to-hack-into-tor-is-inaccurate/ 20 comments technology
Linking pages
- Judge confirms what many suspected: Feds hired CMU to break Tor | Ars Technica http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/02/judge-confirms-what-many-suspected-feds-hired-cmu-to-break-tor/ 571 comments
- Tor hacked via FBI fund: CMU “researchers” got $1M, it’s alleged | Computerworld http://www.computerworld.com/article/3005083/security/tor-fbi-cmu-million-itbwcw.html 62 comments
- Two months after FBI debacle, Tor Project still can’t get an answer from CMU | Ars Technica http://arstechnica.com/security/2016/01/going-forward-the-tor-project-wants-to-be-less-reliant-on-us-govt-funding/ 49 comments
- Tor Says Feds Paid Carnegie Mellon $1M to Help Unmask Users | WIRED http://www.wired.com/2015/11/tor-says-feds-paid-carnegie-mellon-1m-to-help-unmask-users/ 30 comments
- How Tor’s privacy was (momentarily) broken, and the questions it raises – Bentham’s Gaze https://www.benthamsgaze.org/2015/12/10/how-tors-privacy-was-momentarily-broken-and-the-questions-it-raises/ 0 comments
- Apple sneaks a USB 3.0-compatible Lightning port into the iPad Pro | Ars Technica http://arstechnica.com/apple/2015/11/apple-sneaks-a-usb-3-0-compatible-lightning-port-into-the-ipad-pro/ 0 comments
Linked pages
- Tor director: FBI paid Carnegie Mellon $1M to break Tor, hand over IPs | Ars Technica http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2015/11/tor-director-fbi-paid-carnegie-mellon-1m-to-break-tor-hand-over-ips/ 27 comments
- Court Docs Show a University Helped FBI Bust Silk Road 2, Child Porn Suspects http://motherboard.vice.com/read/court-docs-show-a-university-helped-fbi-bust-silk-road-2-child-porn-suspects 2 comments
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