- Report: iOS 9 will be optimized for older devices, including iPhone 4S http://arstechnica.com/apple/2015/05/report-ios-9-will-be-optimized-for-older-devices-including-iphone-4s/ 87 comments apple
Linked pages
- iOS 9 & OS X 10.11 to bring 'quality' focus, smaller apps, Rootless security, legacy iPhone/iPad support - 9to5Mac http://9to5mac.com/2015/05/22/ios-9-os-x-10-11-to-bring-quality-focus-smaller-apps-rootless-security-legacy-iphoneipad-support/ 294 comments
- New lease on life or death sentence? iOS 7 on the iPhone 4 | Ars Technica http://arstechnica.com/apple/2013/09/new-lease-on-life-or-death-sentence-ios-7-on-the-iphone-4/ 10 comments
- iOS 8 on the iPhone 4S: Performance isn’t the (only) problem | Ars Technica http://arstechnica.com/apple/2014/09/ios-8-on-the-iphone-4s-performance-isnt-the-only-problem/ 7 comments
- Overdue http://overduepodcast.com 6 comments
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