Hacker News
- HTMLDoc – a standard for documenting your HTML http://usehtmldoc.org/ 2 comments
- Declarative Shadow DOM Merged into HTML Standard https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/5465 3 comments
- Simple JSON to standard HTML table converter in fastest way https://github.com/afshinm/Json-to-HTML-Table 3 comments
- I Blame the W3C's HTML Standard for Ordered Lists https://siderea.dreamwidth.org/1819759.html 17 comments rant , web
- Standards-Compliant HTML Filtering in PHP http://htmlpurifier.org/ 2 comments programming
- In HTML and CSS, how can I add fonts that are not standard? https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/jwe3mf/in_html_and_css_how_can_i_add_fonts_that_are_not/ 11 comments webdev
- Browser vendors win war with W3C over HTML and DOM standards https://www.zdnet.com/article/browser-vendors-win-war-with-w3c-over-html-and-dom-standards/ 9 comments programming
- What is the 'proper' or standard way to add HTML elements dynamically? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/af5l1m/what_is_the_proper_or_standard_way_to_add_html/ 6 comments learnprogramming
- HTML 5.1 is the gold standard | W3C Blog https://www.w3.org/blog/2016/11/html-5-1-is-the-gold-standard/ 19 comments webdev
- HTML 5.1 is the gold standard https://www.w3.org/blog/2016/11/html-5-1-is-the-gold-standard/?pk_campaign=feed&pk_kwd=html-5-1-is-the-gold-standard 51 comments web_design
- C++ standards drafts in HTML form (warning - they're about 25MB each) https://ubershmekel.github.io/cppdrafts/ 11 comments programming
- W3C Has Officially Begun Working on HTML 5.1 Standard https://thelasttechie.com/2016/04/12/work-has-begun-on-html-5-1-standard/ 3 comments technews
- Desktop Notifications for your webapp come standard in HTML 5 https://developer.cdn.mozilla.net/media/uploads/demos/e/l/elfoxero/c17223c414d8ddafb7808972b5617d9e/html5-notifications_1400214081_demo_package/index.html 70 comments programming
- Code Guide - Standards for developing flexible, durable, and sustainable HTML and CSS http://codeguide.co/ 3 comments webdev
- Code Guide - Documenting standards for HTML and CSS https://github.com/mdo/code-guide 7 comments web_design
- mdo's Code Guide - Standards for HTML and CSS http://mdo.github.io/code-guide/ 11 comments webdev
- WHATWG just dropped the 5 from HTML and declared it a living standard http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/introduction.html 19 comments web_design
- Decoding the HTML 5 video codec debate: why standardized, open video on the web is going to take a while to become ubiquitous http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2009/07/decoding-the-html-5-video-codec-debate.ars 246 comments programming
- Trying to parse HTML in Swift 4 using only the Standard Library https://www.reddit.com/r/swift/comments/77m74m/trying_to_parse_html_in_swift_4_using_only_the/ 11 comments swift
- HTML's New Template Tag: standardizing client-side templating http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webcomponents/template/ 27 comments javascript
- Microsoft joins HTML 5 standard fray in earnest http://www.builderau.com.au/news/soa/microsoft-joins-html-5-standard-fray-in-earnest/0,339028227,339297835,00.htm?feed=rss 8 comments web_design
- Microsoft finally joins HTML 5 standard efforts http://news.cnet.com/8301-1001_3-10305822-92.html?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1_3-0-5 21 comments technology
- A problem in web standards: Is x equal to y? [html slides] http://intertwingly.net/slides/2004/devcon/ 2 comments reddit.com
- Nikola trucks have a "HTML 5 super computer" - "That's the standard language for computer programmers around the world, so using it let's us build our own chips" https://www.truckinginfo.com/330475/whats-behind-the-grille-of-the-new-nikola-hydrogen-electric-truck 395 comments webdev
- Adding DRM to the HTML standard will have far-reaching effects, incompatible with the W3C's most important policies http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/blog/2013/mar/12/tim-berners-lee-drm-cory-doctorow 385 comments programming
- Update on the relationship between the WHATWG HTML living standard and the W3C HTML5 specification http://lists.w3.org/archives/public/public-whatwg-archive/2012jul/0119.html 4 comments programming
- Just finished a small site for a client. HTML Standards and best practices wise, did I overlook anything? http://dapdesigndistrict.ca/ 15 comments web_design
- "Windows 8 apps use the power of HTML5, tapping into the native capabilities of Windows using standard JavaScript and HTML" http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/features/2011/jun11/06-01corporatenews.aspx 19 comments javascript
- hocr-parser: A parser for the hOCR format, “an open standard to represent OCR results as a subset of HTML.” https://github.com/styrowolf/hocr-parser 3 comments rust
- "What I wish Tim Berners-Lee understood about DRM. Adding DRM to the HTML standard will have far-reaching effects, incompatible with the W3C's most important policies" http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/blog/2013/mar/12/tim-berners-lee-drm-cory-doctorow#.ut9bol_4pty.reddit 114 comments technology
- HTML standards editor, Ian Hickson, declares that a proposed DRM Web video standard from Microsoft, Google, and Netflix would be unethical and ineffectual. http://news.cnet.com/8301-30685_3-57384129-264/standards-leader-blasts-html5-video-copy-protection/?tag=mncol 20 comments technology
- Brotli is now supported in most browsers - a new standard that provides better compression than gzip. Performance is 14% smaller than gzip for JavaScript, 21% smaller than gzip for HTML, 17% smaller than gzip for CSS https://certsimple.com/blog/nginx-brotli 42 comments webdev
- The specification for native image lazy-loading has been merged into the HTML standard! https://twitter.com/addyosmani/status/1227619409625174016?s=21 80 comments webdev
- The specification for native image lazy-loading is merged into HTML standard https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/3752#issuecomment-585202516 3 comments webdev
- On Medium Today: Google releases Material Design Lite, "..a library of components that will make it very easy to apply Material Design elements to standard old HTML, JavaScript, and CSS." http://www.getmdl.io/ 3 comments programming
- What should not be Open Sourced? Google or Facebook would not be global leaders without the global standards of HTTP, Email, Hyperlinks, Unicode, JavaScript, HTML, and many other technologies. ... it should be obvious that being secret or proprietary isn't always smart ... http://nedgam.es/2014/09/13/what-should-not-be-open-sourced/ 13 comments opensource
- schema.org/Dataset : Standard schema for linked data in HTML Microdata, JSON, RDF, RDFa, OWL, Turtle, CSV http://schema.org/Dataset 19 comments semanticweb
- "Unethical" HTML video copy protection proposal draws criticism from W3C reps - A new Web standard proposal authored by Google, Microsoft, and Netflix seeks to bring copy protection mechanisms to the Web. http://arstechnica.com/business/news/2012/02/unethical-html-video-copy-protection-proposal-criticized-by-standards-stakeholders.ars 352 comments technology
- Microsoft breaks own world record for IE nonsense - 'Native HTML' pitch sets new standard for online balderdash http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/04/13/web_skewers_microsoft_for_native_html5_talk/ 22 comments web_design
- Microsoft now attempt to fragment ODF - STANDARDS SABOTAGE! - As they did in the past with Java and HTML (just to cite two cases), Microsoft has now invested at least 12 months of work to try to fragment the ODF in the IT market http://homembit.com/2009/05/microsoft-now-attempt-to-fragment-odf.html 218 comments technology