- Environmental Campaign Suggests Naming Vicious Storms After Climate-Change Deniers 'Marco Rubio threatens everything in his path' http://www.adweek.com/adfreak/environmental-campaign-suggests-naming-vicious-storms-after-climate-change-deniers-152036 5 comments nottheonion
- Everything You Need to Know About Obama's New Climate-Change Rules - “Every big country needs to know that every other big country is in the game,” he said. “This is the U.S.’s way of showing that it’s in the game.” http://theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2014/06/everything-you-need-to-know-about-obamas-new-climate-change-rules/371983/ 11 comments politics
- Hurricanes Are Pummeling Us. The Media Is Partially To Blame. Climate change is so much more than a science story. It’s an everything story. https://www.nbcuacademy.com/catalog/hurricanes-climate-change 6 comments climate
- Olúfémi O. Táíwò’s theory of everything: One of America’s most prominent philosophers argues that climate change calls us to rethink world history. https://grist.org/culture/olufemi-taiwo-climate-change-reparations-justice/ 28 comments philosophy
- 'With this, you lose everything': Postcards from the frontlines of climate change https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-05-11/climate-change-effects-facts-causes-pacific-postcards/100999144 7 comments science
- Merkel Vows Germany Will Do 'Everything Humanly Possible' To Fight Climate Change https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/476416-merkel-vows-germany-will-do-everything-humanly-possible-to-fight 1406 comments worldnews
- Sen. Sanders blasts Zinke: Wildfires 'have everything to do with climate change' http://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/401640-sanders-blasts-zinke-says-wildfires-have-everything-to-do-with 46 comments politics
- Carly Fiorina did a 4-minute riff on climate change. Everything she said was wrong. http://www.vox.com/2015/8/21/9186313/carly-fiorina-climate-wrong 120 comments politics
- Everything’s About to Get a Hell of a Lot More Expensive Due to Climate Change https://www.wired.com/story/everythings-about-to-get-a-hell-of-a-lot-more-expensive-due-to-climate-change/ 63 comments climate
- In the Arctic, "everything is changing" massive animal tracking study finds | Animals across the Arctic are changing where and when they breed, migrate and forage in response to climate change, says a new study. "We're going towards a large imbalance, I think." https://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/arctic-animal-archive-climate-1.5790992 285 comments worldnews
- Who knows more about economics: Steven Mnuchin or Greta Thunberg? Mnuchin and his ilk are betting everything that we’ll survive climate change without breaking a sweat https://www.marketwatch.com/story/who-knows-more-economics-steven-mnuchin-or-greta-thunberg-2020-01-24 20 comments politics
- Sanders: 'Hurricane Dorian has everything to do with climate change' https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/459778-sanders-hurricane-dorian-has-everything-to-do-with-climate-change 46 comments politics
- Gov. Jay Inslee Says He Is Running For President To Do “Everything Humanly Possible” To Defeat Climate Change https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/emilyashcraft/jay-inslee-democratic-debate-climate-change-2020 25 comments politics
- We can't save everything from climate change – here's how to make choices https://theconversation.com/we-cant-save-everything-from-climate-change-heres-how-to-make-choices-108141 3 comments moderatepolitics
- The Planet Has Seen Sudden Warming Before. It Wiped Out Almost Everything. - In some ways, the planet's worst mass extinction — 250 million years ago, at the end of the Permian Period — may parallel climate change today. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/07/science/climate-change-mass-extinction.html 141 comments worldnews
- Adam Ruins Everything Reminds Us Why Trump Withdrawing From the Paris Agreement Hurts Climate Change Efforts https://www.themarysue.com/adam-ruins-everything-paris-agreement/ 4 comments politics
- The key to tackling climate change: electrify everything http://www.vox.com/2016/9/19/12938086/electrify-everything 18 comments technology
- Naomi Klein reveals corporate greenwashing in This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/sep/13/greenwashing-sticky-business-naomi-klein 5 comments books
- Archbishop of South Africa and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Desmond Tutu is saying their is no longer any excuse for not doing everything humanly possible to fight climate change and called on Thursday for an international "anti-apartheid-style boycott" against the fossil fuel industry. https://www.commondreams.org/headline/2014/04/10-2 207 comments worldnews
- Obama to propose new climate change plan on Tuesday, by using executive powers on everything from power plants to energy standards for appliances http://www.politico.com/story/2013/06/obamas-climate-plan-seen-putting-heat-on-power-plants-appliances-93174.html?hp=t1 6 comments politics
- Many people seem to be using the UK's big freeze as proof that 'global warming' isn't happening. Well, it has nothing to do with climate change and everything to do with the Arctic Oscillation. Climate change is still happening, folks. http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/thereporters/richardblack/2010/01/arctic_conditions_arctic_cause.html 17 comments worldnews
- We Fact Checked Everything Trump Has Said About Climate Change Since 2021 | From “In my opinion, you have a thing called weather” to “They’re driving the whales, I think, a little batty.” https://heatmap.news/politics/trump-fact-check-climate-change-wind-solar-electric-vehicles-energy 18 comments politics
- Pink Floyd’s David Gilmour Sold His Guitars for $21.5 Million—And Donated Everything to Fight Climate Change https://www.motherjones.com/media/2019/06/recharge-59-climate-change-guitar-auction-pink-floyd/ 4 comments politics
- This climate lawsuit could change everything. No wonder the Trump administration doesn’t want it going to trial https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2017/03/09/this-climate-lawsuit-could-change-everything-no-wonder-the-trump-administration-doesnt-want-it-going-to-trial/ 7 comments politics
- This climate lawsuit could change everything. No wonder the Trump Administration doesn't want it going to trial https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2017/03/09/this-climate-lawsuit-could-change-everything-no-wonder-the-trump-administration-doesnt-want-it-going-to-trial/?utm_term=.9f34a987f9e2 65 comments politics
- This climate lawsuit could change everything. No wonder the Trump administration doesn’t want it going to trial https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2017/03/09/this-climate-lawsuit-could-change-everything-no-wonder-the-trump-administration-doesnt-want-it-going-to-trial/?utm_term=.9f34a987f9e2 6 comments law
- Three fir trees on a nature reserve in southeastern China are the last of their kind. As their existence is threatened by human disturbance and climate change, researchers hurry to learn everything they can about the tree – which might inspire new and more effective ways to treat various cancers. https://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/releases/2019/q1/are-we-killing-the-cure.html 4 comments science
- The housing theory of everything - Western housing shortages do not just prevent many from ever affording their own home. They also drive inequality, climate change, low productivity growth, obesity, and even falling fertility rates. https://www.worksinprogress.co/issue/the-housing-theory-of-everything/ 348 comments economics
- The housing theory of everything - Western housing shortages do not just prevent many from ever affording their own home. They also drive inequality, climate change, low productivity growth, obesity, and even falling fertility rates. https://www.worksinprogress.co/issue/the-housing-theory-of-everything/ 1716 comments futurology
- Greta Thunberg has recorded a song with The 1975 calling for a climate change rebellion | "Everything needs to change. And it has to start today," she says in the song. "So, everyone out there, it is now time for civil disobedience. It is time to rebel." https://edition.cnn.com/2019/07/25/entertainment/greta-thunberg-1975-song-scli-intl/index.html?utm_source=twcnn&utm_content=2019-07-27t02%3A31%3A05&utm_medium=social&utm_term=image 932 comments worldnews
- Exxon Knew Everything There Was to Know About Climate Change by the Mid-1980s—and Denied It | Presidential candidates Martin O’Malley and Bernie Sanders have called on the Department of Justice to investigate, comparing it to the predations of the tobacco industry. https://www.thenation.com/article/exxon-knew-everything-there-was-to-know-about-climate-change-by-the-mid-1980s-and-denied-it/ 389 comments politics
- Of Course Trump Won’t Correct Birthers - It’s called pandering, and Republicans do it on everything from climate change to the debt ceiling. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2015/09/donald_trump_doesn_t_correct_birthers_but_how_is_that_any_worse_than_the.html 12 comments politics
- Obama: Climate change threatens US 'right now'. “Already, rising sea levels are beginning to swallow one island community.” “Think about that,” Obama added. “If another country threatened to wipe out an American town, we’d do everything in our power to protect ourselves.” http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/252240-obama-climate-change-threatens-us-right-now 2708 comments politics
- Immediate Climate Action Is Needed to Avoid "Grim" Future, Scientists Warn | Researchers from 14 countries said climate change is already damaging the planet more than scientists had projected, endangering everything from food supply to the existence of island nations https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/immediate-climate-action-is-needed-to-avoid-grim-future-scientists-warn/ 143 comments worldnews
- Is This the End of the Summer Vacation as We Know It? This year, everything from scorching heat to fires, floods, tornadoes and hail storms driven by climate change have disrupted the plans of travelers around the world. A summer getaway remains a powerful desire, but it’s at a tipping point. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/05/travel/summer-travel-climate-change.html?unlocked_article_code=a3zyhsLKq2xTehXBuphwtP84PxL3dbIe-hwAtdlON1oI9qItRDrj0G3ylrwOG3WjQQaT7W1Yz0IAfDeRuHOJGJXRpe-AzgZV2QYQk_gP8-prNaPO6W_NxpuYQRUSl_0ihjd0_-3nFE0bOJSjB6fQ26Aq79eYvpQueioXssvkn3p8YMJzQ58GZBtftabITc-pvxcNTy07x8ArjHqR9y3RAyaKb9lcxe4YHs0GY80PBbV4YhdxPHyCU8FLJaeYHM2-ReeiIpKpuwlNG5iNt1uxBm4rn7K5271M-quGl2JM8L7ICX9mMYDqT3cwPohC2WWsAUpVmufIOd2uk8KprHLELMaAvb7aWA 10 comments climate
- How curbing climate change can prevent Russia from becoming a superpower - America has done pretty well for itself under the current global climate. Doesn’t it make sense to do everything we can to preserve that trove of good fortune? http://www.latimes.com/opinion/opinion-la/la-ol-climate-change-russia-super-power-20140311,0,5497942.story#axzz2vjxyos7q 3 comments politics
- Old Crow Yukon declares climate change state of emergency | "We are seeing birds up in our community we have never seen before. Their migrations are changing, the snow is changing, the rivers are changing. Everything is changing right in front of our eyes." https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/old-crow-climate-change-emergency-1.5144010 329 comments worldnews
- Climate change will cost the U.S. economy hundreds of billions of dollars by the end of the century, damaging everything from human health to infrastructure and agricultural production, according to a government report issued on Friday. https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-climate-change-usa/u-s-report-says-climate-change-will-batter-economy-in-clash-with-trump-idukkcn1ns19d?rpc=401& 93 comments economy
- AskScience AMA Series: I'm Mark Jacobson, Director of the Atmosphere/Energy program and Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Stanford University, and author of 100% Clean, Renewable Energy and Storage for Everything. AMA about climate change and renewable energy! https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/m7ocl9/askscience_ama_series_im_mark_jacobson_director/ 324 comments askscience
- Study: World on track for worst-case warming scenario "Presidents, PMs and ministers flying into a one-day UN summit on climate change have their work cut out for them. And this is why. As the graph shows, despite everything they have done so far, we are on a clear course to extreme global warming." http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn26243-world-on-track-for-worstcase-warming-scenario.html?cmpid=rss%7Cnsns%7C2012-global%7Conline-news#.vcatvef6tuo 157 comments science