Hacker News
- Infants May Be More Likely to Die in America Than Cuba https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/18/opinion/sunday/cuba-healthcare-medicare.html 81 comments
- America Is About to Lose Its 200,000th Life to Coronavirus. How Many More Have to Die? https://www.propublica.org/article/america-is-about-to-lose-its-200-000th-life-to-coronavirus-how-many-more-have-to-die 136 comments politics
- ‘America’s Dying’: Russian Media Is Giddy at Chaos in the USA https://www.thedailybeast.com/russian-media-is-giddy-at-chaos-in-the-usa-claims-americas-dying 270 comments worldnews
- Trump told America a ‘wonderful woman’ died from coronavirus — but the victim was actually a man https://www.rawstory.com/2020/02/trump-told-america-a-wonderful-woman-died-from-coronavirus-but-the-victim-was-actually-a-man/ 16 comments worldnews
- The man who is believed to be America’s oldest known World War II Veteran has died. https://texastake.com/2018/12/27/remembering-the-nations-oldest-world-war-ii-veteran/ 14 comments worldnews
- How People Die in America https://splinternews.com/how-people-die-in-america-1822743566 7 comments italy
- More and more women are now dying in childbirth, but only in America http://www.vox.com/2016/8/8/12001348/more-women-dying-childbirth-america 4 comments politics
- Donald Trump Is Winning Because White America Is Dying http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/donald-trump-noam-chomsky-white-mortality_us_56cf8618e4b0bf0dab31838f 13 comments politics
- How America’s dying white supremacist movement is seizing on Donald Trump’s appeal https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/12/21/how-donald-trump-is-breathing-life-into-americas-dying-white-supremacist-movement/?hpid=hp_hp-more-top-stories_trump_supremacist_11am%3Ahomepage%2Fstory 6 comments politics
- Supermax Prisons: America’s Shame – “… the judge told him 'You will die alone, the only sound you will hear is your own whimpering'. 'Except,' warned Prof. Jones, 'No-one in these prisons ever dies with a whimper but with loud screaming, as they inevitably lose their minds.'” http://thestochasticman.wordpress.com/2009/03/08/supermax-prisons-americas-shame/ 32 comments politics
- Bank of America will enjoy your money when you die. http://consumerist.com/366958/if-you-are-planning-to-die-soon-avoid-bank-of-america 59 comments reddit.com
- Something strange is happening to retail spaces in America. In increasing numbers, shopping malls are dying. http://thepiratesdilemma.com/ethernomics/scenes-from-a-dead-mall 39 comments reddit.com
- 100-year-old WWII Marine vet broke down in tears says That America we see today “is not what our boys died for” https://www.foxnews.com/us/100-year-old-wwii-vet-breaks-down-says-country-we-fought 159 comments military
- Bumblebees are dying across North America and Europe as the climate warms, scientists say https://ecoplanetnews.com/2020/02/07/bumblebees-are-dying-across-north-america-and-europe-as-the-climate-warms-scientists-say/ 4 comments environment
- The real “train wreck” is that America has the most expensive health care system in the world yet more than 45 million are uninsured and 26,000 to 45,000 Americans die every year for lack of insurance. http://www.eclectablog.com/2013/05/the-train-wreck-is-the-american-health-care-system-is-broken-and-the-gop-has-no-plan-to-fix-it.html#.uyed03vbdiw.reddit 872 comments politics
- Lara Logan to Gen. John Allen: "American soldiers continue to die because of the support Pakistan gives to America's enemies." Allen to Logan: "You've just stated the truth." http://pundita.blogspot.com/2012/10/lara-logan-to-gen-john-allen-american.html 3 comments pakistan
- Bicyclist Dies After Being Hit By Vehicle at Pelotonia - One of the largest charity rides in America http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2010/aug/21/6/pelotonia-ride-marred-rider-death-ar-202517/ 13 comments bicycling
- Argentine folk singer Mercedes Sosa, often called "The voice of Latin America", dies aged 74 http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/aleqm5ibsb5zdej8mi6_qzwccznzqitnmad9b48lb00 20 comments worldnews
- "There is something terribly wrong when a country as great as America will let their citizens die for lack of insurance or money" http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1444243/20010604/death.jhtml 6 comments reddit.com
- Black Friday Die Die Die / America's most obscene shopping day meets its doom in an oily nightmare hell. All true! http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2007/11/28/notes112807.dtl 2 comments reddit.com
- Mostly they are young, in their 20s and 30s and 40s. But they are dying, slow difficult deaths, caused by the hazardous substances they use to make products for the world -- and for America http://extras.sltrib.com/china/? 2 comments reddit.com
- The Kerala Model: Our fears about simpler living are unjustified. It is not a choice between suburban America and dying at 35, between agribusiness and starvation, between 150 channels of television and ignorance http://www.ashanet.org/library/articles/kerala.199803.html 17 comments politics
- How America’s Founding Fathers Missed a Chance to Abolish Slavery — They swept the issue under the rug, and even Thomas Jefferson realized that civil war was inevitable before he died on July 4, 1826. But history could have taken a different direction. https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/07/03/america-founding-fathers-jefferson-washington-adams-race-civil-war/ 33 comments politics
- The Coronavirus Exposed America’s Authoritarian Turn: Independent Expertise Always Dies First When Democracy Recedes https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/2020-03-23/coronavirus-exposed-americas-authoritarian-turn 7 comments politics
- Authors of “How Democracies Die”: America will never get back “to the norms we had before” Trump https://www.salon.com/2018/03/26/authors-of-how-democracies-die-america-will-never-get-back-to-the-norms-we-had-before-trump/ 75 comments politics
- America's dying whites: Caucasian death rate now outstrips the birth rate in a third of states http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3984874/more-whites-die-born-states-new-research-reveals-changing-demographics-amidst-soaring-caucasian-death-rates.html 148 comments politics
- Unearthing America’s 'Lawrence of Arabia,' Wendell Phillips: Phillips uncovered millennia-old treasures beneath Arabian sand, got rich from oil and died relatively unknown http://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian-institution/unearthing-americas-lawrence-arabia-wendell-phillips-180953059/?no-ist 4 comments history
- America's indifference to death is nothing new: But it's made this crisis much worse. Our history suggests a willingness to ignore death and suffering — especially when those who die aren't white https://www.salon.com/2020/05/16/americas-indifference-to-death-is-nothing-new-but-its-made-this-crisis-much-worse/ 21 comments politics
- Ann Coulter: Best Thing Trump Could Do for America Is ‘Die’ https://www.thedailybeast.com/ann-coulter-best-thing-trump-could-do-for-america-is-die 1084 comments politics
- The Rate of the Percentage of Males in America Dying from Police Brutality is Greater Than the Rate of the Percentage of People Dying from Corona-Virus. https://www.latimes.com/science/story/2019-08-15/police-shootings-are-a-leading-cause-of-death-for-black-men 19 comments worldnews
- Failing Central States Pension Fund is out of options. One of America's largest public pension funds is nearing default - a Sanders bill last year called "Keep Our Pension Promises" died without a vote. http://money.cnn.com/2016/05/20/retirement/central-states-pension-fund/ 47 comments politics
- Civilians are dying. Campaigners are being kidnapped. The world cannot turn a blind eye to America’s drone attacks in Pakistan http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/civilians-are-dying-campaigners-are-being-kidnapped-the-world-cannot-turn-a-blind-eye-to-americas-drone-attacks-in-pakistan-9132184.html 76 comments worldnews
- "I’m here because I did two tours in Iraq, and I saw a lot of people die," he said. "Why? Why did they die? The answer is they died for corporate America, so it’s time to bring a change." http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2011/10/protesters-set-up-camp-in-front-of-los-angeles-city-hall.html 31 comments politics
- With 50 million people without health insurance, people die every day because America is the only developed country in the world that doesn't provide universal health care. http://blogs.browardpalmbeach.com/pulp/2011/03/universal_health_care_the_grea.php 5 comments politics
- America’s Other Coal Job, Ignored by Politicians, Is Dying Fast - Coal-fired power plants are shutting down or shedding staff. Trader sees coal ‘going to zero’; workers cite safety risks https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-08-10/america-s-other-coal-job-ignored-by-politicians-is-dying-fast 2 comments technology
- "Human behavior is unpredictable, but gun violence is not. In Chengping, Henan, China today, a deranged man slashed 22 schoolchildren with a knife. None died. School shootings in America are a product both of mad people and bad laws." http://www.cnn.com/2012/12/14/opinion/zuckerman-connecticut-shootings/ 6 comments politics
- This Is What Happens When America 'Liberates' Foreign Countries: Bombs in Baghdad killed six people Saturday night, capping a deadly day which in at least 33 people died across Iraq, officials said. http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/story/2011-08-27/iraq-33-killed-in-fiery-day-across-iraq/50159376/1 14 comments politics
- Side Effects Include Your doctor turning into a drug dealer, big corporations pumping pills down the throats of everyone in America including our children, companies getting rich while people die from taking unsafe pills that the FDA approved http://easygrowhouseplants.blogspot.com/2007/07/side-effects-include.html 2 comments reddit.com
- Bin Laden's Journal Confirms al-Qaeda Attack Was Blowback From America's Interventionist Foreign Policy - In one passage, Bin Laden wondered how many Americans would have to die in U.S. cities to force the U.S. govt to withdraw from the Arab world... http://articles.latimes.com/2011/may/12/world/la-fg-bin-laden-intel-20110512 8 comments politics
- 'America has not only the worst but the dumbest health care system in the developed world. The system doesn't work for anyone. It cheats patients and leaves them to die, denies insurance to 47 million Americans, forces hospitals to spend billions haggling over claims...' http://www.commondreams.org/view/2009/09/05-6 4 comments politics