- Indian Cultists Abduct, Decapitate 9-Year-Old Boy as Part of Human Sacrifice to 'Get Rich' https://www.ibtimes.sg/indian-cultists-abduct-decapitate-9-year-old-boy-part-human-sacrifice-get-rich-68604 6 comments india
- AI journalism is getting harder to tell from the old-fashioned, human-generated kind | Ian Tucker https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/apr/30/ai-journalism-is-getting-harder-to-tell-from-the-old-fashioned-human-generated-kind 69 comments futurology
- ‘Faith in Humanity Restored’: 17-Yr-Old Living, Studying on Footpath Gets a Home https://www.thequint.com/neon/social-buzz/faith-in-humanity-restored-asma-shaikh-gets-a-home 2 comments india
- 2500 Year old tomb in China offers earliest evidence of humans using cannabis to get high https://edition.cnn.com/2019/06/12/health/cannabis-china-tombs-scn-intl/index.html 3 comments worldnews
- Woman kills her 28 day old baby by cooking her in a microwave. It takes 3 trials to get her convicted. Fucking disgrace of the human race. http://www.deccanchronicle.com/channels/world/north-america/jury-convicts-ohio-mom-babys-microwave-death-538 7 comments reddit.com
- How would we “remain on the old chain” if the attacked one had more cumulative PoW? Do the individuals who run nodes have autonomy to get their node to do what they, as humans, want? https://youtu.be/ncPyMUfNyVM 11 comments bitcoin
- One of the worst modern day dictators Robert Mugabe, former strongman of Zimbabwe, dies of old age effectively getting away with the crimes against humanity he did during his lifetime. https://news.yahoo.com/robert-mugabe-former-strongman-zimbabwe-051005021.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=ahr0chm6ly9kdwnrzhvja2dvlmnvbs8&guce_referrer_sig=aqaaah0wgetdn-ua9mkiwb6anuumgt5m8gd5ixl0tcbzilu7bnmouei84meir-vwpgehvnmpe5f5gujqc6wyhls-lv3p7uoejjcvku1-e7qbasv4wdibhg0vlkngkk-5v5ysqnef1vcirrvmiyqv5w6p1yugmdq6liqmjry53eoscup1 13 comments politics
- 17-year-old human rights activist gets thrown in jail for 6 months for protesting peacefully - But he is not Scooter Libby http://pressesc.com/01170120374_us_jails_human_rights_activists? 114 comments reddit.com
- Speaking multiple (human) languages improves cognitive skills not related to language and even shields against dementia in old age. I wonder if you get same effect from programming languages. (xpost from r/science) http://india.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/03/20/if-bilingual-is-good-is-trilingual-better/ 23 comments programming
- Diego Maradona filmed himself in bed with a 16-year-old who has accused the footballing legend of plying her with drugs, keeping her locked in a hotel and forcing her to get her breasts enlarged. The intimate videos surfaced amid a human trafficking case against the late Maradona's associates. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2021/10/11/new-video-bolsters-claims-maradona-flew16-year-old-girl-cuba/ 1566 comments soccer
- Understanding the evolution of a 400 million-year-old anti-viral protein that first emerged in marine life, is helping researchers get the upper-hand on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). https://mediarelations.uwo.ca/2018/05/24/400-million-year-old-evolutionary-arms-race-helps-researchers-understand-hiv/ 3 comments science