Hacker News
- How Much Money Do The Top Grossing YouTube Partners Make? http://socialtimes.com/money-youtube-partners_b21335 28 comments
- YouTubers don't make much money from ads http://www.patreon.com/blog/are-youtubers-getting-rich-from-ad-revenue/ 8 comments technology
- Article on how much top youtubers make http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/social-media/7965381/youtube-rich-list-top-10-earners-among-independent-acts.html 9 comments technology
- American kids would much rather be YouTubers than astronauts : 'Asked what they would like to be when they grow up, about 3 in 10 American and British children replied that they wanted to be YouTubers or Vloggers—careers making videos on the Internet for fame and fortune' https://arstechnica.com/science/2019/07/american-kids-would-much-rather-be-youtubers-than-astronauts/ 13 comments technology
- How much would it cost if I asked a web developer to make something similar to Nerd's website for my YouTube videos? https://www.nerdcubed.co.uk/ 24 comments web_design
- Youtube removes tags from public view on site and via API. Doesn't make much sense to me. http://youtubecreator.blogspot.ca/2012/08/tags-removed-from-video-watch-pages.html 7 comments webdev
- "The post is not his own; someone else made it. This post, from what I saw, is on YouTube. He borrowed it from YouTube and posted it, he made a repost, that’s what it’s called. Everyone makes reposts, what does that mean? Stefanos is simply saying parents very much love, deeply love their children" https://greekcitytimes.com/2024/12/10/apostolos-tsitsipas-comment-on-stefanos-post-about-narcissistic-parents/ 36 comments tennis
- [Schneidman] Jaire Alexander said he doesn't watch TV, so he didn't know any game results from yesterday. "I’d rather go on YouTube or something. They always pick on me because they say I make too much money to have ads on my YouTube, but it is what it is. I’m OK with ads." https://twitter.com/mattschneidman/status/1607152919589142529?s=19&t=LC4Hxc4qsQ-UDvypd0jP1A 97 comments nfl
- Thanks for All The great Advice! I have found so much peace threw riding. I just finished making video of my ride to and around Boston. great time. any input on the video would be appreciated I'm still new to editing. I'm not looking to start a YouTube channel just doc the journey https://youtu.be/im_JI0t6OOI 3 comments bicycling
- Hi /r/chess, I made a new YouTube channel. The quality of play won’t be as good as John Bartholomew or the Chessbrahs, as I’m only 1400 USCF. I tried to make it as simple as possible to follow my analysis. Hope you all enjoy! Feedback and constructive criticism will be much appreciated. https://youtu.be/3996MBW5Vvw 36 comments chess
- I’ve been absolutely loving the creative process of making games and CG content. This is my super short recap of one year of game dev on YouTube. I started making tutorials almost exactly a year ago and I just hit 1500 subs on Christmas day. Thank you guys very much for being a part of it! https://youtu.be/w-Xv_K3HdFI 4 comments blender
- I’ve been absolutely loving the creative process of making games and CG content. This is my super short recap of one year of game dev on YouTube. I started making tutorials almost exactly a year ago and I just hit 1500 subs on Christmas day. Thank you guys very much for being a part of it! https://youtu.be/w-Xv_K3HdFI 11 comments gamedev