- Google Play will force many apps to use Android’s Photo Picker for better privacy https://www.androidauthority.com/google-force-android-photo-picker-3491650/ 7 comments technology
- [Cairns] Among the many photos I took at the game tonight, this might be my favorite. 🫘 https://twitter.com/atomicphoto/status/1768483222361448695?s=19&t=0R55qrCKW23oBxuU20x8aw 7 comments hockey
- [Guido] former presidental candidate Massa, asked via Chiqui Tapia for a photo with the players which would help in the elections, but they refused to do so. The pressure from Chiqui Tapia reached Scaloni and many say that this is the reason for his statements yesterday.” https://twitter.com/DeAcaEnMasOk/status/1727265171603648653 7 comments soccer
- 2006 Chicago O’Hare UFO Sighting: 22ft Long Alien Craft Witnessed by Many At Gate C17. Is there an alleged Photo of the UFO? https://twitter.com/Unexplained2020/status/1621593664425439240 39 comments aliens
- Prague photos, one week apart (a bit of text in Czech, many photos in jpeg) https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/clanek/drive-a-dnes-snimky-prahy-ktere-deli-jen-jeden-tyden-93463 3 comments europe
- The iPhone 11 Pro vs. The Competition: Many comparison photos https://www.zeipad.com/iphone11_iphone_11_pro_max_camera_comparison_huawei_samsung_sonya7 35 comments apple
- Photographer Lu Guang goes missing in China after publishing 22 photos showing the horrors of life for many under the authoritarian regime. https://www.demilked.com/missing-photographer-lu-guang/ 3 comments worldnews
- Photographer Lu Guang goes missing in China after publishing 22 photos showing the horrors of life for many under the authoritarian regime. https://www.demilked.com/missing-photographer-lu-guang/ 144 comments worldnews
- Why so many untrue-colored/photoshopped photo (allowed) in this sub? Shouldn’t those goes to r/spaceporn, etc? I thought this sub is seriously science oriented since it is the BIGGEST sub relates to space on Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/space/comments/94pz8z/why_so_many_untruecoloredphotoshopped_photo/ 3 comments space
- Many iCloud users receiving spam Calendar & Photo Sharing invitations, here’s how to fix https://9to5mac.com/2016/11/09/icloud-photo-sharing-and-calendar-spam/ 4 comments apple
- Verge article with many photos from inside the hangar! http://www.theverge.com/2016/5/15/11676080/spacex-falcon-9-at-cape-canaveral-photos-39a-hangar 29 comments spacex
- Hajj death toll reportedly climbs to over 1,000 — Photos provided by Saudi Arabia suggest many more deaths than official figures indicate http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2015/9/28/india-pakistan-say-some-1100-killed-in-saudi-hajj-disaster.html 10 comments worldnews
- Mega gallery of 7000+ F1 images, from the 1950's to 1990's. Many hi-res photos! http://f1-history.deviantart.com/ 13 comments formula1
- PHOTO: Atal Bihari Vajpayee Was Seen In Public Today After Many Months http://www.huffingtonpost.in/2015/03/27/atal-bihari-vajpayee-old-_n_6955718.html 6 comments india
- 1983-84 Playboy All American Team. Can you name all the players in the photo? How many went on to have a successful professional career? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151733719459395&set=a.10150692821144395.412700.327287419394&type=1&theater 11 comments nba
- The Grenata Street Army 1915: (coloured) photo series of kids in Paris playing war, with lots of commentary from the photographer. I find this chilling in many ways. http://www.howtobearetronaut.com/2011/08/the-grenata-street-army-1915/ 31 comments history
- It's a shame that a amish skakeboarder, a cardboard box and many other useless photos and links are getting more exposure than this http://news.yahoo.com/teams-gauge-exxon-oil-spill-damage-mont-river-152649789.html 6 comments reddit.com
- Bilderberg 2008 photos (Kissinger, Condi Rice, Bernanke and many others are there) http://cryptome.info/bilderberg08/bilderberg08.htm 15 comments politics
- Amazing tribe lives high in giant treehouses - many photos http://www.georgesteinmetz.com/index.php?section=11&page=view_photos 19 comments reddit.com
- I found back my SD card from my nikkon camera that I had lost for 11 years. I saw that I also have a collection of many old cars in the photos. https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipN0mnciylffwtChCDlQDIlRUXiOF4rU2Jqp_ULKDgjtyv7qnIHYMdEIwNZsxCCgQA?key=OGVxU0VrcmFxSzFkUDFFZUM1X01DZTdZX2ZEV19R 6 comments formula1
- Stunning photos show how many people joined the March for Our Lives protests in cities across the US http://www.businessinsider.com/photos-march-for-our-lives-crowds-2018-3 72 comments politics
- Part 4 of Houston Chronicle series "Adrift", featuring New Space, including SpaceX (long, but excellent, with many unique photos) http://www.houstonchronicle.com/nasa/adrift/4/ 6 comments spacex
- CIA Project Oxcart - How they moved the top secret A-12 Archangel Aircraft (aka the Blackbird) to Area 51 for flight testing (with many photos) http://www.roadrunnersinternationale.com/transporting_the_a-12.html 10 comments history
- Glamour Magazine got so many positive reactions to a small photo on page 194 of the September issue, that they're making a choice to using a lot more photos of models who aren't scarily-skinny. http://www.glamour.com/health-fitness/blogs/vitamin-g/2009/09/on-the-cl-are-you-ready-to-sta.html 22 comments reddit.com
- After many good feedback when I post a photo on Reddit, I decided to write my first article about : Therapy through photography. I discovered that many people use it to develop their personal happiness. https://grafixartphoto.com/2019/07/22/smell-of-silence-series/ 5 comments science
- Web users debunk Russian TV's MH17 claim. Russian state TV has broadcast what it claimed to be a photo of the moment Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was shot down by a Ukrainian fighter jet. But many commentators dismissed the image as a "crude fake". http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-30064374 219 comments russia
- Web users debunk Russian TV's MH17 claim. Russian state TV has broadcast what it claimed to be a photo of the moment Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was shot down by a Ukrainian fighter jet. But many commentators dismissed the image as a "crude fake". http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-30064374 107 comments worldnews
- Punjab principal’s ‘sex assault’ on minors: 'Open secret, many complaints', arrest after 12 yrs. | Photos & videos of Amritpal Dhiman sexually assaulting students in 2010 went viral in Feb. Villagers say most people knew about it, police suspect more incidents over the years. https://theprint.in/india/punjab-principals-sex-assault-on-minors-open-secret-many-complaints-arrest-after-12-yrs/851453/ 3 comments india
- [Johnny Bench] johnnybench_5 How many Gold Gloves are in this photo? #keithhernandez #mets #stevegarvey #dodgers #jimkaat #twins #joepiscopo #comedy #brooksrobinson #orioles #ozziesmith #cardinals https://www.instagram.com/p/bp--qoldid2/ 28 comments baseball
- The macOS High Sierra preview page includes many features not mentioned in WWDC keynote, including Always On Safari Reader, Share any file in iCloud Drive, Live Photos from FaceTime, and Pinned Notes https://www.apple.com/macos/high-sierra-preview/ 3 comments apple
- All these offices are nice, but how many of you can say your Prime Minister keeps a framed photo with Hulk Hogan in theirs? Enda Kenny, Ireland. https://i.redd.it/p06xp8llyf0z.jpg 55 comments europe
- Many outraged as University of North Dakota declines to punish white students who posted offensive, racist photos on Snapchat http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/und-declines-punish-students-posted-racist-snapchat-pics-article-1.2821378 26 comments politics
- Beautiful new NASA photo captures the diversity of Saturn's many moons http://io9.com/5853004/beautiful-new-nasa-photo-captures-the-diversity-of-saturns-many-moons 14 comments space
- Time Magazine is getting down right cheeky in their latest Photo Essay " Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston, So Many Memories. It was the love affair we thought would never die. A look back at a fairy tale romance gone sour" http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,1884882,00.html 15 comments politics
- IMGUR EXPLOIT:When imgur hosts a photo,it is given a unique ID. These IDs can be picked up w/ random generators. With these generators, you get hundreds of photos that were meant to be private, many of which have 1or2 views.These photos were never meant for us to see. Here is one of these generators http://www.spacejamthemovie.com/imgur.html 7 comments technology
- Study: ID Laws Could Trip Up Young Minority Voters: As many as 700,000 minority voters under age 30 may be unable to cast a ballot in November because of photo ID laws in certain states. http://bigstory.ap.org/article/study-id-laws-could-trip-young-minority-voters 3 comments politics
- NASA unveiled dramatic new photos taken by the Hubble Space Telescope four months after astronauts upgraded the earth-orbiting astronomy platform. I don't know how many different ways you can say 'wow' or 'amazing' or 'cool' http://www.flixxy.com/hubble-telescope-pictures.htm 13 comments science
- Randy Orton: "I’m very happy you posted this pic. I’ll save it. Anniversary is coming up where we lost the Samoan Bulldozer. I wish I was one of those dudes that took photos of everything. RIP to the OG head of the table, Matty Anoa’i too. So many memories. Too many brothers lost." https://twitter.com/spookyvibess/status/1593626615636008960 83 comments squaredcircle
- In 1965, 4 years before the Moon landing, the Mariner 4 Mars flyby crushed fantasies but began Mars exploration. Many hoped for pictures of life on Mars. Mariner 4 revealed a desert covered with craters much like the Moon. The photos captured a curious world’s attention, and showed we are alone. https://www.caltech.edu/about/news/alone-darkness-mariner-4-mars-50-years-later-47324 350 comments space
- This weekend, comedian & podcaster Marc Maron was randomly seated next to Ken Mehlman, the former GOP chariman who recently came out as gay after spending many years spearheading things like the Defense of Marriage Act. Vengeance involved a nipple, photo & Twitter. http://gawker.com/5642206/comedian-live+tweets-sitting-next-to-ken-mehlman-on-a-plane-exposes-nipple 3 comments reddit.com