- Donald Trump thinks you're dumb https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/464407-donald-trump-thinks-youre-dumb 135 comments politics
- Why Both Parties Think California’s Jungle Primary Is Dumb https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/06/california-top-two-jungle-primary-democrats-republicans/561689/ 7 comments politics
- Trump Foolishly Thinks He Can Solve the Opioid Crisis With Zero Cash and a Dumb Ad Campaign https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-foolishly-thinks-he-can-solve-the-opioid-crisis-with-zero-cash-and-a-dumb-ad-campaign 267 comments politics
- CUBAN: 'I was dumb enough to think I would be able to talk people out of voting for Donald Trump' http://finance.yahoo.com/news/cuban-dumb-enough-think-able-172209145.html 12 comments politics
- Ann Romney thinks lady voters are pretty dumb most of the time http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/08/31/1126323/-ann-romney-thinks-lady-voters-are-pretty-dumb-most-of-the-time 3 comments politics
- "50 percent more mass, which is like weight" - How dumb does ABC think we are? http://abcnews.go.com/technology/space/wirestory?id=6583189 4 comments reddit.com
- Why Xbox Series S's Dumb 8+2GB Memory Configuration Isn't As Dumb As You Think https://www.reddit.com/r/hardware/comments/iqyrfv/why_xbox_series_ss_dumb_82gb_memory_configuration/ 27 comments hardware
- Putin must think people in Florida are dumb http://www.tampabay.com/florida-politics/buzz/2018/07/16/putin-must-think-people-in-florida-are-dumb/ 44 comments politics
- Bill O'Reilly thinks the Internet is turning Americans into dumb liberals http://www.dailydot.com/politics/bill-oreilly-americans-liberal-gallup-polling-internet-ignorant-immoral/?fb=dd 13 comments politics
- Ancelotti responds to Guardiola comment: "We're not dumb enough to think we're already in the final" http://www.marca.com/2014/04/28/futbol/champions_league/1398703402.html 10 comments soccer
- Dumb Idiots Think Stephen Hawking Isn't Smart http://www.collegehumor.com/article/6584566/the-worst-people-on-facebook-and-possibly-the-planet 76 comments reddit.com
- Russian embassy: UK ‘dumb’ to think Kremlin would stage nerve attack during World Cup http://thehill.com/policy/international/395558-russian-embassy-uk-dumb-to-think-kremlin-would-stage-nerve-attack-during 31 comments worldnews
- Make a cat feeder out of your VCR. I think our dumb cat would get itself tangled in the gears... http://www.minnpost.com/minnclips/2009/01/26/6062/what_to_do_with_those_old_vcrs_answer_eat_that_food_kitty 2 comments technology
- So dumb it hurts: Palin thinks the first ammendment protects her from being criticized by the press. http://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/2008/10/31/palin/index.html 9 comments reddit.com
- How Dumb Does Kyrsten Sinema Think We Are? -The Arizona senator has offered the most illegible defense of the filibuster yet. https://newrepublic.com/article/162813/kyrsten-sinema-filibuster-for-the-people-act 98 comments politics
- If you think Arnab Goswami is playing dumb, this is just a reminder that he did an MSc in Social Anthropology at Oxford https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/iz3ixm/if_you_think_arnab_goswami_is_playing_dumb_this/ 79 comments india
- I think array's sort method is dumb, so I rewrote my library to make sorting more sane. https://philbarresi.com/rewriting-fluent-sort/ 19 comments javascript
- Bradley Beal said he thinks televising the All-Star draft is “dumb” and then totally expanded: “You guys wanna make a big deal about who’s last.” https://streamable.com/xsyqt 337 comments nba
- I made a dumb game for a high school coding class, but I think it's fun for a first try. https://www.dropbox.com/s/p1yuja2bcq41okl/octospace.exe?dl=0 6 comments visualbasic
- Paul Ryan is no Ronald Reagan -- "Ryan thinks we’re too dumb to see what he’s up to." http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/matt-miller-paul-ryan-is-no-ronald-reagan/2013/03/14/bf1bddfc-8ca2-11e2-9f54-f3fdd70acad2_story.html 11 comments politics
- [alexspeier] Triston Casas: “If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, you’re going to think it’s dumb, but if you talk to me about hitting you might think I’m the smartest person in the world.” On hitting and patience in pursuit of the big leagues https://twitter.com/alexspeier/status/1558072928113229825 16 comments baseball
- [Larsen ESPN] Listen. I think Kyrie is a contrarian without much cause. On this subject and others, he’s often misinformed and silly. But the policies in place that are allowing him to sit court side but not actually play? Yeah, that’s about as dumb as thinking the earth is flat. https://twitter.com/Larsen_ESPN/status/1503080240054120449?amp%3Bt=lDeqdlcxN5mWciNUnnBjxw&s=20 14 comments nba
- [Bill Shaikin] Ross Stripling: "They were trying to sneak things through us, it was like they think we’re dumb baseball players and we get sleepy after midnight or something." https://twitter.com/BillShaikin/status/1498878904718618627 77 comments baseball
- John Thune's Childhood $6 Wage—$24 Adjusted for Inflation—Sure Helps Make the Case for At Least $15 | "The worst thing is that these people aren't dumb. They know about inflation... They just don't think people who make their food and clean their bathrooms deserve the same things they got." https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/02/25/john-thunes-childhood-6-wage-24-adjusted-inflation-sure-helps-make-case-least-15 4 comments politics
- John Thune's Childhood $6 Wage—$24 Adjusted for Inflation—Sure Helps Make the Case for At Least $15. "The worst thing is that these people aren't dumb. They know about inflation... They just don't think people who make their food and clean their bathrooms deserve the same things they got." https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/02/25/john-thunes-childhood-6-wage-24-adjusted-inflation-sure-helps-make-case-least-15 1641 comments politics
- [Spector] There are only 32 NFL head coaching jobs and just about every single person who’s qualified for one has a god complex big enough to think they could fix the Jets. The problem is the Jets are run by people dumb enough to hire Adam Gase. https://twitter.com/jessespector/status/1192968269327671298?s=21 123 comments nfl
- [Katz] Bradley Beal said he thinks televising the All-Star draft is “dumb” and then totally expanded: “You guys wanna make a big deal about who’s last.” https://streamable.com/a5ads 20 comments nba
- Trump’s Top Scientist Pick: “Scientists Are Just Dumb Regular People That Think Dinosaurs Existed And The Earth Is Getting Warmer” http://uspoln.com/2017/05/20/trumps-top-scientist-pick-scientists-just-dumb-regular-people-think-dinosaurs-existed-earth-getting-warmer/ 45 comments politics
- RE: Hi Graham / Politico: "Are we coordinating with HFA on these as well? I think it would be helpful to know what they are going to say. Also, let's reach out to Amalgamated and make sure they don't say something dumb." https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/7343 128 comments politics
- Stuff Happens to the Environment, Like Climate Change - There was a time when we could tolerate this kind of dumb-as-we-wanna-be thinking. But it’s over. The next eight years will be critical for the world’s climate and ecosystems http://nytimes.com/2015/10/07/opinion/thomas-friedman-stuff-happens-to-the-environment-like-climate-change.html?_r=0&referer= 25 comments politics
- Canada Border Wall Idea Smacked by Rand Paul, Patrick Leahy - "Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker may think that a wall along the U.S.-Canada border is a “legitimate” idea to look into, but two U.S. senators think it’s “dumb” and “terrible.”" http://blogs.rollcall.com/wgdb/canada-border-wall-idea-smacked-by-rand-paul-patrick-leahy/ 4 comments politics
- America dumbs down: The U.S. is being overrun by a wave of anti-science, anti-intellectual thinking. Has the most powerful nation on Earth lost its mind? http://www.macleans.ca/politics/america-dumbs-down/ 2042 comments politics
- My girlfriend thinks this site I made is dumb. I think it's a good time if you're into making websites. It's a webapp where you can make pixel art/logos/whatever using divs or using box shadow. Thoughts? http://www.snobot.com 34 comments webdev
- What do you guys think of job interviews these days? My favorite dumb question is 'Why do you want to work for this company?'. Worst part is they have a job, I don't and I have to get interviewed by these nuts. that'll go well... http://theoatmeal.com/comics/interview_questions 5 comments reddit.com
- Does anyone really think this is just a too dumbed down way to teach science? "Students learn science from hip-hop dancers" http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/2010/04/22/20100422hip-hop-science-cr-0423.html 3 comments science
- I Used To Think That Victoria Jackson Only Played At Being A Dumb Blonde, After Watching Her Talk About The Tea Parties On Fox News I Realize It Wasn't An Act http://belowthebeltway.com/2010/03/27/victoria-jackson-joins-the-tea-party-and-hillarity-ensues/ 16 comments politics
- Is CNN just plain dumb? As part of the Coast Guard drill, one of the participants audibly said, “bang, bang, bang.” CNN thought the person saying "bang, bang, bang" was actual gunfire. Do these same cable news producers hear “arf, arf, arf” and think that a real dog is barking? http://pubrecord.org/commentary/5146/breaking-sometimes-broken-news/ 6 comments reddit.com
- "McCain says Democrats smearing Joe the Plumber." Vote up if you think that Joe the Plumber is a dumb guy who listens to propaganda and shouldn't even be on TV. http://www.reuters.com/article/politicsnews/idustre4998x420081017 246 comments reddit.com
- Sarah Palin Is So Dumb She Makes George Bush Look Smart: In An Interview, She Doesn't Know The Word 'mocking' And Think The Canadian Border Equals Foreign Policy Experience http://www.prosebeforehos.com/video-of-the-day/09/25/sarah-palin-is-dumb-as-a-fucking-rock/ 9 comments politics
- Just how dumb do they think we are? March’s raw data showed consumer prices up 10%... When the Labor Department’s goons finished with it, they reported an increase of only 3.6% http://www.contrarianprofits.com/articles/the-bond-market-speaks-inflation-still-rampant/2399 123 comments business