Hacker News
- Electrons from Earth may be forming water on the moon https://phys.org/news/2023-09-electrons-earth-moon.html 15 comments
- In a first, astronomers spot a moon-forming disk around a distant exoplanet. The researchers estimate the so-called circumplanetary disk has enough material to form 3 Moon-sized satellites. https://astronomy.com/magazine/news/2021/11/snapshot-alma-spots-moon-forming-disk-around-distant-exoplanet 333 comments science
- Astronomers make first clear detection of a moon-forming disc around an exoplanet https://www.eso.org/public/news/eso2111/ 3 comments science
- The remnants of an ancient planet might be buried inside Earth. New research suggests the Moon-forming Theia impactor (a Mars-size body that struck Earth 4.5 billion years ago) might have merged with our planet, forming two dense clumps in Earth's mantel that still exist to this day. https://astronomy.com/news/2021/04/there-might-be-remnants-of-an-ancient-planet-buried-inside-earth-yup 77 comments space
- Collision that formed the moon also created alien blobs inside Earth, study says https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/03/world/earth-moon-theia-collision-llvps-scn/index.html 63 comments space
- A New Theory of How the Moon Formed - Contrary to what we now think, it could be that it came from a violent impact that temporarily turned Earth into a "synestia" https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/a-new-theory-of-how-the-moon-formed/ 8 comments space
- Spectral analysis reveals Moon might have had water when it was formed http://phys.org/news/2013-08-spectral-analysis-reveals-moon.html 9 comments space
- The Moon's Mystery: Scientists Debate How it Formed http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2013/13/130710-moon-birth-impact-science-space-cover/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_content=link_tw20130714news-moonbir2&utm_campaign=content 18 comments space
- Earth and Moon formed later than previously thought, new research suggests http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/06/100607111310.htm 6 comments space
- The Moon may have formed in a nuclear explosion http://www.physorg.com/news183884450.html 3 comments space
- What would happen if we were able to pump water from other planets and store it in space as a giant "bubble" and then send it in a collision course with Earth. Rain? Would it all burn up on entry? Turn to clouds? Form a new water moon? https://www.reddit.com/r/space/comments/6lsld2/what_would_happen_if_we_were_able_to_pump_water/ 18 comments space
- A new analysis of lunar rocks brought to Earth by Apollo astronauts suggests that the moon formed 4.51 billion years ago — just 60 million years after the solar system itself took shape. http://www.space.com/35291-moon-age-pinned-down.html? 6 comments science
- NASA: Collision May Have Formed the Moon in Mere Hours, Simulations Reveal https://www.nasa.gov/feature/ames/lunar-origins-simulations 14 comments space
- New info on Moons: Reddit’s Crypto Engineer says that projects like Moons will be permissionless, open-source and decentralised. He’s excited about how DAOs will be formed and what DeFi, NFT applications might emerge from Reddit’s crypto ecosystem. https://nitter.net/iamRahul20x/status/1455950517197287433#m 67 comments cryptocurrency
- Impact that formed the Moon might have splashed into Earth’s magma ocean https://arstechnica.com/science/2019/04/impact-that-formed-the-moon-might-have-splashed-into-earths-magma-ocean/ 3 comments science
- The water in Saturn’s rings and moons is just like the water on Earth — an unexpected result, given their disparate locations. Even stranger, the water on Saturn’s moon Phoebe (and only Phoebe) is unlike any water in the solar system. The find suggests Phoebe formed far out in the solar nebula. http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/d-brief/2018/12/06/phoebe-water-saturn-isotope/#.xamyrjnkhty 25 comments science
- Chemical study confirms our Moon was formed by a Mars-sized object striking Earth http://www.redorbit.com/news/space/1113415785/moon-origin-study-091216/ 242 comments science
- ESA's Herschel space observatory has shown that water expelled from the moon Enceladus forms a giant torus of water vapour around Saturn. The discovery solves a 14-year mystery by identifying the source of the water in Saturns upper atmosphere. http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-07-enceladus-saturn.html 9 comments science
- Leading Astronomer Says “Higher Forms” of Alien Life on Jupiter’s Moon Europa https://most-interestingthings.com/leading-astronomer-says-higher-forms-of-alien-life-on-jupiters-moon-europa/ 56 comments aliens
- A new study has re-imagined the impact with Theia slamming into an Earth and shows that if our world was covered with an enormous magma ocean at the time, it could solve the longstanding questions about how the Moon formed. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/01/science/moon-earth-collision.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share 11 comments science
- The moon is covered with a massive network of tunnels and caves formed by lava tubes. Some of them are miles wide and could easily fit an entire advanced alien civilization. The Chandrayaan satellite, was the first to photograph many of these extensive cave systems. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25yEnOcudNc 12 comments aliens
- Earth's head-on collision with a Mars sized planet formed the Moon http://www.dnaindia.com/scitech/report-earth-s-head-on-collision-with-mars-sized-planet-formed-the-moon-2172106 3 comments worldnews
- Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin & Michael Collins go through customs and sign immigration form after the first Moon landing (1969) http://www.openculture.com/2013/12/sign-immigration-form-after-the-first-moon-landing.html 5 comments history
- Saturn's moon Titan may host exotic form of life in its lakes. http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2013/01/ice-on-titan-lakes-may-host-an-exotic-form-of-life-nasajpl.html 8 comments science
- A magnetic shield at Mars could help retain atmosphere for terraforming. To enable this, researchers are proposing to create an artificial charged particle ring (similar in form to a ‘radiation belt’), around the planet possibly formed by ejecting matter from one of the moons of Mars. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0094576521005099?via%3Dihub 25 comments science
- Planetary collision that formed the moon made life possible on Earth. Earth most likely received the bulk of its carbon, nitrogen and other life-essential volatile elements from the planetary collision that created the moon more than 4.4 billion years ago https://phys.org/news/2019-01-planetary-collision-moon-life-earth.html 29 comments space
- Asgardia, the world’s first space nation, has 246,000 citizens and physically exists for now only in the form of satellite floating in low-Earth orbit, but plans to have a “space ark” orbiting our home world, a colony on the Moon, and perhaps even further in the future on other “celestial bodies”. http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20180803-asgardia-the-problems-in-building-a-space-society 24 comments space
- Waves on Saturn's Largest Moon Indicate Methane Seas - A Potential Home To Alternative Forms Of Life http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/saturns-largest-moon-has-waves-waves-on-titan-indicate-methane-seas-that-may-be-home-to-life/ 5 comments science
- Traces of water have been found in moon rocks obtained during the Apollo missions. The discovery of these rocks, which were part of the original lunar crust, may contradict the prevailing theory about how the moon formed—that it resulted from a huge collision between Earth and another planet. http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/ngeo1735.html 4 comments science
- Russia is sending microbes to Mars,or at least to its moon Phobos. They plan to test the endurance of extremophiles from the Bacteria, Eukaryota and Archaea domains to establish if meteorites could naturally transfer life forms from one planet to another. http://media.www.jhunewsletter.com/media/storage/paper932/news/2009/10/22/sciencetech/life-mission.tests.the.resilience.of.microbes.in.deep.space-3810863.shtml 16 comments science
- On Friday evening, Feb. 27th, the 10% crescent Moon will glide by Venus, forming a gorgeous and mesmerizing pair of lights in the sunset sky. http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2009/26feb_prettysky.htm 14 comments space
- A magma ocean enveloped Earth before a catastrophic collision with a Mars-sized world formed the Moon. According to new research, if the Earth were covered in molten rock at the time of the crash, it could explain why the Moon doesn't have the chemical fingerprints of the impactor, named Theia. http://www.astronomy.com/news/2019/04/magma-ocean-blanketed-earth-before-moon-forming-impact 9 comments worldnews
- A giant impact has been proposed as being responsible for forming the Moon, but scenarios that match existing constraints are improbable. Numerical modelling now suggests that instead a series of smaller and more common impacts can explain the Earth–Moon system. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2017/01/10/study-suggests-earth-once-had-many-moonlets-until-they-merged-to-form-the-moon/ 3 comments science
- A layer of iron and other elements deep underground is the evidence scientists have long been seeking to support the hypothesis that the moon was formed by a planetary object hitting the infant Earth some 4.5 billion years ago http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/ngeo2808.html 3 comments science
- 'Closer to the Moon' is a unique and unbelievable yet totally true footnote to history set in 1959 Bucharest about five intellectual Communist Jews who form a gang during a New Year’s Eve party in a whorehouse to rob the National Bank of enough money to send thousands of Jews to Israel http://observer.com/2015/04/romanian-director-nae-caranfil-shoots-for-the-stars-with-closer-to-the-moon/ 3 comments europe
- The moon may be made from a magma ocean that once covered Earth - The moon may have been formed when the Earth was hit by a large object known as Theia. A new paper in Nature Geoscience suggests that the Earth at the time of impact was covered in hot magma rather than a hard outer crust. https://www.technologyreview.com/f/613448/the-moon-may-be-made-from-a-magma-ocean-that-once-covered-earth/ 9 comments space
- The Moon was hospitable to life for about 500 million years after its formation. During this time, it had enough water vapor to maintain an atmosphere and form pools of water on the ground. Volcanic activity was also high, which replenished the atmosphere with water vapor from the lunar interior. http://www.astronomy.com/news/2018/07/life-on-the-moon 1962 comments space
- Japanese scientists discover a mineral known as moganite in a lunar meteorite found in a hot desert in northwest Africa. This is significant because moganite is a mineral that requires water to form, reinforcing the belief that water exists on the Moon. https://phys.org/news/2018-06-theory-moon.html 8 comments space
- Titan’s windswept dunes may sprawl millions of more kilometers than previously thought and were likely formed by geological processes similar to those on Earth, according to a new study. The new findings could help scientists look for life or its molecular precursors on Saturn’s largest moon. https://blogs.agu.org/geospace/2018/05/22/new-study-details-geological-process-behind-titans-dunes/ 4 comments science
- If the moon formed from Earth due to a huge impact shaving off a large piece of rock and then coalescing, how did moons form around gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ganymede_(moon) 135 comments askscience