- About 20 DeFi projects, including Yearn, Aave, and MakerDAO, are poised to begin sharing each other’s tweets Monday as part of a 24-hour campaign to promote the permissionless nature of decentralized finance. https://thedefiant.io/defi-giants-join-forces-on-twitter-to-promote-decentralization 12 comments cryptocurrency
- Bank of England policy committee member says DeFi isn’t decentralized https://www.theblock.co/post/178357/bank-of-england-policy-committee-member-says-defi-isnt-decentralized 16 comments cryptocurrency
- ‘Biggest Risk in DeFi’ Seen Coming From Backdoor Software Threat. The automated software programs that power much of the DeFi, or decentralized finance, activity on the Ethereum blockchain appear to be less tamper resistant than advertised. https://news.bloomberglaw.com/tech-and-telecom-law/biggest-risk-in-defi-seen-coming-from-backdoor-software-threat 14 comments cryptocurrency
- DeFi 101: All the basics you need to know to get into Decentralized Finance in Crypto https://www.zoak.net/post/defi-101-all-the-basics-for-decentralized-finance 2 comments ethereum
- Can decentralized interest rate swaps actually tame DeFi? https://blockworks.co/interest-rate-swaps-will-be-catalyst-for-new-era-of-defi-says-voltz-ceo/ 7 comments cryptocurrency
- DeFi 101: All the basics you need to know to get into Decentralized Finance in Crypto https://www.zoak.net/post/defi-101-all-the-basics-for-decentralized-finance 9 comments ethereum
- The SEC's New Proposal to Redefine 'Dealer' Could Spell Bad News for DeFi - [SEC is attacking every USER of a Decentralized exchange & DeFi] https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2022/03/28/the-secs-new-proposal-to-redefine-dealer-could-spell-bad-news-for-defi/ 4 comments bitcoin
- DEFI + Decentralized Betting/Authoring https://fuzz.fi/FuzzBet 43 comments cryptocurrency
- DeFi 101: All the basics you need to know to get into Decentralized Finance in Crypto https://www.zoak.net/post/defi-101-all-the-basics-for-decentralized-finance 13 comments cryptocurrency
- Decentralized Finance Space Heats up With Launch of World’s First DeFi ETF https://dailycoin.com/decentralized-finance-space-heats-up-with-launch-of-worlds-first-defi-etf/ 7 comments cryptocurrency
- One of the most interesting challenges for decentralized finance is bringing new capabilities to Bitcoin. Sovryn is one of the first projects trying to bring DeFi to Bitcoin’s $700 billion network. I've made a summery of its tech in my new blog post. I hope you find it interesting https://medium.com/efficient-frontier/sovryn-bitcoins-side-chain-defi-environment-43bcb7e892bd 60 comments bitcoin
- How should DeFi be regulated? A European approach to decentralization The question for DeFi regulation: Is there an "owner" of the platform who can be held accountable for complying with the regulations? https://ct.com/a9s3 12 comments cryptocurrency
- DeFi is unlikely to realize its full potential if the same decentralization that makes it so dynamic also allows for widespread scamming and theft https://www.np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/s2cg99/want_to_invest_in_a_new_coin_check_for_these_red/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 17 comments cryptocurrency
- Hashbon Rocket has just launched. Decentralized exchange for Ethereum and BSC blockchain tokens to quickly & easily exchange DeFi crypto tokens https://blockonomi.com/hashbon-rocket/ 52 comments ethereum
- Terra’s LUNA Token Hits New All-Time High Amid Booming DeFi Activity: Decentralized financial payments network Terra has overtaken Binance Smart Chain as the second-largest DeFi protocol in terms of TVL. https://decrypt.co/88944/terras-luna-token-hits-new-all-time-high-amid-booming-defi-activity?&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=feed&utm_source=coinbase 13 comments cryptocurrency
- Mark Lamb on SmartBCH and Scaling and Decentralizing DeFi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgL9F2WWHx8 33 comments btc
- Concordium will launch a DeFi Lab focused on creating Regulated Decentralized Financial Products https://finance.yahoo.com/news/concordium-launch-defi-lab-focused-081100307.html 5 comments cryptocurrency
- BIS: DeFi poses risks, says ‘decentralization is an illusion’ https://forkast.news/bis-defi-few-economy-uses-decentralization-illusion/ 10 comments cryptocurrency
- Collateralization is important for ETH and DeFi, but how do you prevent excessive over-collateralization in the world of decentralized finance? https://www.investingcube.com/3-unique-ways-to-prevent-excessive-overcollateralization/ 29 comments ethereum
- DeFi explained - What is decentralized finance? https://discord.com/invite/midas 10 comments economy
- The slippery slope of "DeFi" regulation: Binance is finally getting a headquarter as regulators slam 'decentralized' workspaces https://cryptoslate.com/binance-is-finally-getting-a-headquarter-as-regulators-slam-decentralized-workspaces/ 15 comments cryptocurrency
- Decentralized finance (defi) has attracted billions of dollars and the total value locked across a myriad of blockchains is around $185.32 billion. That’s approximately 5.113% higher than the TVL was nine days ago https://news.bitcoin.com/as-crypto-economy-slumps-total-value-locked-in-defi-continues-to-rise/ 11 comments cryptocurrency
- Insiders and experts are driving a massive spike in crypto transactions, new data shows — DeFi, or decentralized finance, was meant to democratize crypto, but it is big speculators who are cashing in. https://restofworld.org/2021/insiders-and-experts-are-driving-a-massive-spike-in-crypto-transactions-new-data-shows/ 9 comments cryptocurrency
- DeFi literacy: Universities embrace decentralized finance education https://www.cryptosnewss.com/defi-literacy-universities-embrace-decentralized-finance-education/ 18 comments cryptocurrency
- DeFi regulation must not kill the values behind decentralization https://todayuknews.com/crypto-currency/defi-regulation-must-not-kill-the-values-behind-decentralization/ 10 comments cryptocurrency
- Victims of Major Decentralized Finance DeFi Cyber Attacks Provide Jobs to Hackers https://cryptonewsbtc.org/2021/08/22/victims-of-major-decentralized-finance-defi-cyber-%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8Battacks-provide-jobs-to-hackers/ 2 comments cryptocurrency
- Ethereum Founder States Token-Based Decentralized Governance Stops DeFi Sector From Growing https://coinmarketcap.com/headlines/news/ethereum-founder-states-token-based-decentralized-governance-stops-defi-sector-from-growing/ 35 comments cryptocurrency
- SEC Charges Decentralized Finance Lender and Top Executives for Raising $30 Million Through Fraudulent Offerings. Case Is Agency’s First Involving Securities Using DeFi Technology https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2021-145 3 comments btc
- Decentralized Finance DEFI https://arzualvan.com/decentralized-finance-defi/ 3 comments economy
- Decentralized privacy protocol launches yield farming to shift liquidity to DeFi https://cointelegraph.com/news/decentralized-privacy-protocol-launches-yield-farming-to-shift-liquidity-to-defi 2 comments cryptocurrency
- Decentralized Finance (DeFI) Is Coming To Stellar Lumens (XLM) https://heraldsheets.com/decentralized-finance-defi-is-coming-to-stellar-lumens-xlm/ 11 comments cryptocurrency
- Traditional finance & crypto are often viewed as competing ecosystems, which shouldn't be the case. Crypto is an advanced version of today’s markets, with the main difference being a decentralized architecture. Innovators are working to integrate CeFi & DeFi to build a co-dependent ecosystem. https://www.financemagnates.com/thought-leadership/top-5-emerging-cedefi-exchanges-to-watch-in-2021/ 16 comments economy
- Multinational ING Bank is learning lessons from the unregulated and experimental decentralized finance (DeFi) space https://www.coindesk.com/what-ing-bank-might-steal-from-defi 5 comments cryptocurrency
- Chainlink Founder: DeFi, Oracles Can Fight Climate Change. Decentralized crop insurance could be possible with Chainlink's Oracle chains. https://www.coindesk.com/chainlink-sergey-narazov-defi-oracles-climate-change 7 comments cryptocurrency
- CNBC: Here's what decentralized finance, or 'DeFi,' means for crypto https://www.cnbc.com/video/2021/04/15/heres-what-decentralized-finance-or-defi-means-for-crypto.html 14 comments cryptocurrency
- RSK-based DeFi protocol launches innovative decentralized exchange concept https://cointelegraph.com/news/rsk-based-defi-protocol-launches-innovative-decentralized-exchange-concept 20 comments btc
- DeFi is a decentralization theater but there is still merit to it https://medium.com/@qertoip/defi-is-a-decentralization-theater-but-there-is-still-merit-to-it-24642e0a705b 4 comments ethereum
- Coinbase: A Beginner’s Guide to Decentralized Finance (DeFi) https://blog.coinbase.com/a-beginners-guide-to-decentralized-finance-defi-574c68ff43c4 5 comments btc
- Wrote an essay about decentralized liquidity and DeFi that got published in Coindesk. Hope you enjoy https://www.coindesk.com/decentralized-liquidity-is-the-backbone-of-defi 3 comments ethereum
- Best Decentralized Finance(DeFi) Products | DeFiprime.com https://defiprime.com 4 comments ethereum