Hacker News
- Accidental Nuclear War: A Timeline of Close Calls https://futureoflife.org/background/nuclear-close-calls-a-timeline/ 29 comments
- DOE looking 'very closely' at Cold War-era law to boost coal, nuclear production http://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/386891-doe-looking-very-closely-at-using-cold-war-era-law-to-boost-coal?amp 3 comments politics
- DOE looking 'very closely' at Cold War-era law to boost coal, nuclear production http://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/386891-doe-looking-very-closely-at-using-cold-war-era-law-to-boost-coal 5 comments politics
- Ukraine Russia War: Russia Blocks Ukraine Harbour, Close In On 2nd Nuclear Plant https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/ukraine-russia-war-russia-blocks-ukraine-harbour-close-in-on-2nd-nuclear-plant-target-cities-5-latest-updates-2804815 17 comments worldnews
- How the War in Ukraine Could Go Nuclear—by Accident: Russian Atomic Weapons Are Dangerously Close to the Frontlines https://www.foreignaffairs.com/ukraine/how-war-ukraine-could-go-nuclear-accident 14 comments geopolitics
- Probably a good thing the market is closed tomorrow, nuclear war is typically bearish https://twitter.com/cnbci/status/852659037783064576 7 comments wallstreetbets
- Declassified document shows how close the US and Soviet Union came to nuclear war in 1983 http://www.globalpost.com/article/6694144/2015/11/25/declassified-document-shows-how-close-us-and-soviet-union-came-nuclear 37 comments worldnews
- The U.S. and North Korea were so close to nuclear war, Mattis frequently prayed in church, Woodward says https://theweek.com/speedreads/936838/north-korea-close-nuclear-war-mattis-frequently-prayed-church-woodward-says 453 comments worldnews
- The U.S. and North Korea were so close to nuclear war, Mattis frequently prayed in church, Woodward says https://theweek.com/speedreads/936838/north-korea-close-nuclear-war-mattis-frequently-prayed-church-woodward-says 348 comments politics
- How a war game brought the world to the brink of nuclear disaster: Former classified documents show how close the Soviet Union came to launching an attack in 1983 http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/nov/02/nato-war-game-nuclear-disaster 15 comments history
- Kurzgesagt stated in their previous video that the most likely nuclear war to happen would be between India and Pakistan, how close do you think it is.. https://youtu.be/LrIRuqr_Ozg?si=3xbQylfNQi8UxR5u 18 comments india
- Even "small" nuclear war would kill over 1 billion people, most from starvation. More likely would be destruction of 4/5 or more of all living things on Earth. Close calls have already happened. http://edge.liveleak.com/80281e/s/s/20/media20/2013/apr/4/liveleak-dot-com-e3279609d092-the_medical_environmental_and_humanitarian_consequ.mp4.h264_270p.mp4 7 comments politics
- Close Vladimir Putin adviser and former president Dmitry Medvedev warns of 'full-fledged nuclear war' if West keeps arming Ukraine https://metro.co.uk/2022/05/12/putin-adviser-warns-of-full-fledged-nuclear-war-if-west-keeps-arming-ukraine-16629929/ 222 comments worldnews
- The Little Nukes That Got Away - From a portable tripod launcher, it could be fired at the enemy as close as 1,000 feet or up to 13,000 feet away. The Davy Crockett was a weapon for nuclear war at close range. http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2010/04/01/the_little_nukes_that_got_away 40 comments worldnews
- Russia ‘practising with nuclear weapons’ in chilling war games. Moscow has confirmed Russian troops have been practising nuclear missile strikes close to NATO nations’ borders https://www.news.com.au/world/europe/russia-practising-with-nuclear-weapons-in-chilling-war-games/news-story/a88249be38255513932fcda4d32bc8ba 494 comments worldnews
- Russia is moving back to hair-trigger alert testing for its strategic nuclear bombers and cruise missiles for the first time since the closing years of the Cold War http://www.spacewar.com/reports/russia_defense_watch_biggest_bomber_test_999.html 2 comments worldnews
- If the United States terminates the Iran nuclear deal or reimposes sanctions on Tehran it could result in Iran developing nuclear weapons and raise the danger of war close to Europe, Germany’s foreign minister said http://www.reuters.com/article/us-iran-nuclear-germany/danger-of-war-germany-warns-after-trumps-move-on-iran-nuclear-deal-iduskbn1cj0a9 676 comments worldnews