Hacker News
- 'Horizon IT system was 100% reliable' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-68103946 13 comments
- How the Post Office's Horizon system failed: a technical breakdown https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/jan/09/how-the-post-offices-horizon-system-failed-a-technical-breakdown 4 comments
- The justice system's role in non disclosure of Horizon material https://www.thejusticegap.com/the-justice-systems-role-in-non-disclosure-of-horizon-material/ 7 comments
- JPL Horizons on-line solar system data and ephemeris computation service https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/ 25 comments
- Developers explain how the lighting and foliage systems of Horizon Zero Dawn work https://80.lv/articles/horizon-zero-dawn-interview-with-the-team/ 17 comments gamedev
- Update on New Horizons at the Pluto system and beyond http://www.planetary.org/blogs/emily-lakdawalla/2016/10251718-dpsepsc-new-horizons-pluto.html 5 comments space
- Navy Tests its Over the Horizon Cruise Missile Defense System http://defensetech.org/2014/04/26/navy-tests-its-over-the-horizon-cruise-missile-defense-system/ 3 comments navy
- The Horizon IT system - how buggy software written in an ancient programming language caused disaster https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Post_Office_scandal#Horizon_IT_system 96 comments programming
- An update on New Horizons location in the solar system. http://pluto.jhuapl.edu/mission/where-is-new-horizons/index.php 14 comments space
- The ‘horizon goal’ isn’t Mars, it is the entire solar system. http://waynehale.wordpress.com/2014/09/18/manifest-destiny-or-pipe-dream/ 6 comments space
- The supermassive black hole Abell 1201 BCG was 32.7 billion times heavier than the Sun, and the event horizon accommodates six solar systems https://gagadget.com/en/230292-the-supermassive-black-hole-abell-1201-bcg-was-327-billion-times-heavier-than-the-sun-and-the-event-horizon-accommodates-/ 496 comments space
- NASA’s New Horizons mission begins again at the edge of the solar system https://www.popsci.com/science/new-horizons-mission-kuiper-belt/ 15 comments space
- We're about to see the first high-resolution photograph of a black hole and it's event horizon captured by a system of radio telescopes in 2018 http://www.news.com.au/technology/science/space/radio-telescopes-combine-data-to-capture-firstever-image-of-a-supermassive-black-hole/news-story/d9c2cb732eea80fb381f0cfb055bf106 19 comments space
- The Pluto system: Initial results from its exploration by New Horizons http://www.sciencemag.org/content/350/6258/aad1815.full 4 comments science
- Chief Electronics Technician on Sunk Oil Rig: Deepwater Horizon DISABLED Alarm Systems which Warn of Dangerous Gas Build Up Which Killed 11 and Blew Up the Rig http://www.nola.com/news/gulf-oil-spill/index.ssf/2010/07/oil_spill_hearings_bypassed_ge.html 12 comments politics
- New Horizons may have spotted a hydrogen wall at the edge of the solar system https://www.sciencenews.org/article/new-horizons-may-have-seen-glow-solar-systems-edge 9 comments science
- New Horizons may have spotted a hydrogen wall at the edge of the solar system https://www.sciencenews.org/article/new-horizons-may-have-seen-glow-solar-systems-edge 22 comments space
- A wave of Autonomous Teaching Assistants is on the Horizon. Personalized education systems that work with teachers to learn from each student and maximize their individual learning outcomes. https://medium.com/geekculture/your-next-teacher-will-be-a-machine-why-the-future-of-education-is-automation-8d9f3108cac4 6 comments futurology
- New Horizons spacecraft scheduled to reach edge of solar system by New Year’s eve according to NASA https://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/new-horizons-ultima-thule-1.4949381?cmp=rss 4 comments space
- Speed of the New Horizons Probe Scaled to the Sweden Solar System Model https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Horizons 4 comments space
- If you haven't downloaded NASA's Eyes on the Solar System app yet there's still time before the Pluto encounter. Ride along with New Horizons! http://eyes.nasa.gov/eyes-on-pluto.html 6 comments space
- 5 NASA spacecraft are leaving our solar system for good: Pioneer 10, Pioneer 11, Voyager 1, Voyager 2, and New Horizons. However, New Horizons is the only one without a special plaque designed to be deciphered by aliens, as PI Alan Stern felt it would be a distraction. https://astronomy.com/news/2020/09/5-nasa-spacecraft-that-are-leaving-our-solar-system-for-good 6 comments space
- Pluto has maintained a liquid ocean beneath its frozen crust for billions of years, suggests new study led by New Horizons' PI Alan Stern. The research hints that subsurface oceans are commonplace throughout the outer solar system, even on dwarf planets. https://astronomy.com/news/2020/06/pluto-has-likely-maintained-an-underground-liquid-ocean-for-billions-of-years 7 comments science
- For the first time ever, a spacecraft has sent back pictures of the sky from so far away that some stars appear to be in different positions than we'd see from Earth. NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft observed interstellar parallax from the outer reaches of the solar system, 7 B kilometers from home. https://www.nasa.gov/feature/nasa-s-new-horizons-conducts-the-first-interstellar-parallax-experiment 341 comments space
- NASA’s New Horizons explorer successfully “phoned home” on Tuesday after a journey to the most distant world ever explored by humankind, a frozen rock at the edge of the solar system that scientists hope will uncover secrets to its creation http://www.ejinsight.com/20190102-nasa-explorer-phones-home-in-mission-to-solar-system-s-edge/ 9 comments science
- New images from New Horizons' departure from Ultima Thule in January show that it's actually "pancake-shaped," which suggests that angular momentum played a greater role in the planetesimal formation environment of the early solar system. https://www.inverse.com/article/53178-is-ultima-thule-shaped-like-a-snowman-or-a-pancake 5 comments space
- New Horizons successfully "phoned home," letting NASA scientists know all of its systems survived the flyby of Ultima Thule. The first real images will now slowly trickle in over the coming hours and days. http://astronomy.com/news/new-horizons-at-ultima-thule/2019/01/ultima-thule-press-conference 872 comments space
- History will be made today when Nasa's New Horizons probe sweeps past the icy world known as Ultima Thule. The flyby will set a new record for the most distant ever exploration of a Solar System object by a spacecraft. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-46699737 195 comments worldnews
- Nasa's New Horizons probe on course for historic flyby of Ultima Thule. When the mission sweeps past the 30km wide object on New Year's Day, it will be making the most distant ever visit to a Solar System body - at some 6.5 billion km from Earth. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-46610812 13 comments space
- A New Year message from the edge of the solar system - On 1 January 2019 the New Horizons probe will begin transmitting data from Ultima Thule, 4bn miles from Earth in the Kuiper belt. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2018/dec/15/new-horizons-probe-edge-of-solar-system-ultima-thule-kuiper-belt 4 comments space
- The morning sky is without the Moon until September 23, meaning now is the best time to view the elusive glow of Zodiacal Light. The cone-shaped apparition is caused by sunlight reflecting of cosmic dust in the solar system. Look for it pointing straight up from the eastern horizon at around 5 a.m. http://www.astronomy.com/observing/news/2018/09/catch-of-glimpse-of-the-elusive-zodiacal-light 9 comments space
- The New Horizons spacecraft has spotted an ultraviolet glow that seems to emanate from near the edge of the solar system. It may come from a long-sought wall of hydrogen. https://www.sciencenews.org/article/new-horizons-may-have-seen-glow-solar-systems-edge 175 comments worldnews
- New Horizons may have spotted a hydrogen wall at the edge of the solar system. It's the first new spacecraft to get a look at the ultraviolet glow in decades https://www.sciencenews.org/article/new-horizons-may-have-seen-glow-solar-systems-edge?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=r_space 3 comments space
- Newer Horizons: Scientist Pitch Pluto Probe as a Unique Deep-Space Telescope - “before its fuel is spent... New Horizons should be repurposed as a space telescope that can take advantage of the near-lightless conditions in the outer solar system to study stars, galaxies and more.” https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/newer-horizons-scientist-pitch-pluto-probe-as-a-unique-deep-space-telescope/ 47 comments space
- To infinity and beyond? What comes after Pluto: New Horizon's mission could extend beyond Pluto to explore the Kuiper Belt region. Eventually, the spacecraft will head on a never-ending trip out of the solar system http://www.csmonitor.com/science/2015/0716/to-infinity-and-beyond-what-comes-after-pluto 35 comments space
- With Flyby, Pluto Portrait Is Last New Face in Solar System | New Horizons makes its closest approach to the dwarf planet, focusing on data collection at the expense of phoning home until Tuesday night. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2015/150714-pluto-flyby-new-horizons-space/ 3 comments space
- This page shows the current positions and other interesting data of the five spacecraft which are leaving the Solar System on escape trajectories. Also the 4 3rd stage boosters for Pioneer 10,Voyager 1 and 2. The New Horizons third stage will pass Pluto at several million miles later this year. http://www.heavens-above.com/solarescape.aspx 4 comments space
- First Pluto-Charon Color Image from New Horizons: "It is the first color image ever made of the Pluto system by a spacecraft on approach." http://pluto.jhuapl.edu/multimedia/science-photos/image.php?page=1&gallery_id=2&image_id=175 81 comments space
- The Rings of Pluto? - Like other bodies in the outer Solar System, Pluto may have have rings orbiting it. Finding these rings could be important for the safety of NASA's New Horizons mission - currently en route to the tiny world. http://www.physorg.com/news/2012-01-pluto.html 4 comments science
- Based on the results of a year-long supercomputer simulation, the Global Extinction Awareness System has reset the "survival horizon" for Homo sapiens from "indefinite" to 23 years. http://radar.oreilly.com/2008/09/supertruct-crowdsource-the-fut.html 6 comments reddit.com