- hey dashing World Most Beautiful Woman Ever http://bit.ly/aqvmer 7 comments reddit.com
- Hey Fox News. It is not cold everywhere in the world. http://mediamatters.org/research/201001100009 19 comments reddit.com
- Hey FIBA here, we got free live basketball from our World Championship U17 https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/4qsnau/hey_fiba_here_we_got_free_live_basketball_from/ 32 comments nba
- Hey Reddit if the 2018 World Cup came to your home country what cities should it be held in? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beaver_Stadium 69 comments soccer
- How “The Hey Song” Took Over the Sports World https://youtu.be/2gdi7B7NKr4 24 comments hockey
- Hey guys! Entering the world of Arduino, what projects or sources are a good start? https://www.reddit.com/r/arduino/comments/8odfam/hey_guys_entering_the_world_of_arduino_what/ 13 comments arduino
- hey, I'm looking for a friend to start a new world https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/73tlm6/hey_im_looking_for_a_friend_to_start_a_new_world/ 8 comments factorio
- Hey Albert you just won the World Series, what are you going to do next? http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/35g84b/ 30 comments baseball
- Hey U.S., welcome to the Third World! http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-oe-brooks18-2008sep18,0,6908905.column 3 comments reddit.com
- "World Markets Collapse... But Hey, Hindu Muslim," Tweets Chetan Bhagat https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/chetan-bhagat-tweet-on-india-economy-coronavirus-outbreak-world-markets-collapse-but-hey-hindu-musli-2187218 70 comments india
- Hey Reddit, i'm making a 3D world editor, tell me what you think http://runtimelegend.com/tools/world/ 42 comments gamedev
- Hey /r/sports - Check out my World Cup Calculator - An easy way to figure out who will advance to the next round! http://www.cupcalculator.com/? 3 comments sports
- Hey Look, It's The World's Douchiest Social Networking Site http://www.heymister.net/blog/2009/7/7/hey-look-its-the-worlds-douchiest-social-networking-site.html 3 comments reddit.com
- Hey America, just a reminder that you're electing the leader of the free world, not the next American Idol... http://news.aol.com/newsbloggers/2008/09/02/jamie-lynn-palin-a-gift-for-mccain/ 18 comments politics
- Hey all! In the spirit of the upcoming World Cup, I have made a subreddit for the Belgium NT. https://www.reddit.com/r/belgiumnt/ 23 comments soccer
- Hey Reddit, we're traveling around the world as programmers. Any tips on where to go and who to meet? http://createsend.com/t/j-218afadbe845bf15 15 comments programming
- Hey reddit! Yuri's Night is having over 180 parties around the world this weekend celebrating space exploration. http://www.yurisnight.net 4 comments space
- "Hey [Demint], you know who else was unionized and practiced collective bargaining? The first responders to the World Trade Center on 9/11" http://gripernews.blogspot.com/2010/01/mccaskill-calls-demint.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=feed%3A+gripernews+%28griper+news%29&utm_content=feedburner 3 comments politics
- Hey /r/math, what are some interesting instances of mathematics in the music world, be they people or albums or concepts? http://www.tractor-beam.com/blog/2012/08/27/the-apples-in-stereos-robert-schneider-pursues-graduate-study-in-mathematics/ 21 comments math
- Hey r/soccer, the U-20 world cup is in my country this summer! Do PM me if any of you'll be in this neck of the woods to go to the stadium, catch a game, etc. http://www.fifa.com/u20worldcup/index.html 3 comments soccer
- Hey Reddit. My city has the world's largest ice skating rink. 7.8km's of Canadian pride. http://www.executive.org/directions/ottawatourism_ott-rideaucanal-skating_sm.jpg 6 comments reddit.com
- Hey Reddit, anyone have information on a man who left a Welsh village more than 50 years ago to hitchhike around the world? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-mid-wales-11476501 6 comments worldnews
- Hey Reddit, just thought you might like this: 'Everybody Wants to Rule the World' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foa4ixv-3ju 7 comments reddit.com
- Hey Reddit, I have a 1947 world altas. I wonder if it can teach us anything about peace in the Middle East? [pic] http://pix.halfwit.com/e/n/i/palestine.jpg 666 comments worldnews
- [MLB the Show] Hey, @Phillies fans, World Series Champion, and 6x All-Star, Chase Utley is the newest Legend to join #MLBTheShow 22! https://twitter.com/MLBTheShow/status/1499384103228956672?s=20&t=7yQXrM48hwB0Gk6obN17Ng 26 comments baseball
- Hey, I'm fairly new to the React world, I recently created one my first paid freelance projects for a local Chiropractor clinic - let me know what you think https://hanhamclinic.co.uk 14 comments reactjs
- Bernie Sanders: Here on Earth, in the richest country on the planet, half our people live paycheck to paycheck, people are struggling to feed themselves, struggling to see a doctor — but hey, the richest guys in the world are off in outer space! Yes. It's time to tax the billionaires. https://twitter.com/BernieSanders/status/1414253955480227843https:/twitter.com/BernieSanders/status/1414253955480227843 26 comments space
- [Mike Commodore on Twitter ] "Hey Mike Babcock....simply put your players quit on you. They quit on you because you are a terrible human being. You are an average coach with an extremely oversized ego. You finally got exactly what you deserve you selfish prick. The hockey world is ecstatic." https://twitter.com/commie22/status/1197290389172051969?s=19 131 comments hockey
- Harden on his signature move: "You know how Mike has his fadeaway and Dirk has his one-leg and [Kareem] had the sky hook, I want my stepback to be one of those moves that last forever. So when I travel around the world and I see little kids saying, 'Hey James, I got a stepback!'—I love to see that." https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/27455800/harden-working-unleash-one-legged-3-nba 551 comments nba
- Hey everybody, I’m Sports Illustrated senior writer Grant Wahl. Ready to field questions about my new podcast ‘Throwback,' the upcoming Women’s World Cup, UCL final or anything else you guys want to throw my way—AMA! https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/bs34aj/hey_everybody_im_sports_illustrated_senior_writer/ 170 comments soccer
- Donald Trump Hate Speech Generator: "Hey Idiot, Just fill-in the following simple questions with details about your nuanced hatred and shortly you'll have the greatest personalized hate speech that the civilized world has ever known." http://www.trumpspeech.com/ 4 comments politics
- Hey /r/ soccer, we're three documentary filmmakers traveling to the World Cup and shooting Latin American-based fútbol stories along the way. Which stories would you explore? http://soccer.si.com/2013/09/18/chivas-usa-jorge-vergara-discrimination-mls/ 177 comments soccer
- Hey Reddit, in two hours I will lock my friend inside a giant paper lunch bag to set a world record for “Longest Time Inside a Paper Bag” to raise money for a local charity that provides fresh food for the hungry/homeless. He will be dressed like a banana. http://secondharvest.ca/ 16 comments reddit.com
- Welcome to Qatar 2022: World Cup held in one city, entirely indoors, uncomfortable for women, Jews, gays, by a country that didn't make it out of regional Group play. But hey, maybe it'll seem great after Russia 2018. http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/sport/duncanwhite/100014090/qatars-world-cup-victory-shows-full-extent-of-fifas-greed/ 5 comments sports
- Hey France remember when you put Ireland out of the world cup by cheating? And now your football team is in turmoil! From the Irish people in the words of Nelson Muntz.. http://pinstripebindi.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/haha.jpg 12 comments reddit.com
- Hey Israel. Remember when the world supported you for the Holocaust? Well that support is no longer. The Jewish State is now alone. http://www.cnn.com/2010/world/meast/05/31/gaza.protest/?hpt=t1 121 comments politics
- Goldman Sachs' "God's Work" strikes again: Made billions helping to hide Greece's debt and is now using that knowledge to make billions betting against the very same debt it helped to hide. Well hey, at least we still export something to the world: coercive market manipulation! http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/25/business/global/25swaps.html?hp 5 comments politics
- World's first X-Ray taken by Wilhelm Roentgen shows his wife's skeletal hand wearing an enormous wedding ring. I can just hear how that conversation went: "Hey dear, I'd like you to try something for me." http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/8479609.stm 4 comments science
- Hey Reddit, check out what I've been working on for 6 months (World's Largest On-line Petstore). Perhaps you could upload some funny dog vids/pics for me (pic/vid section)? http://www.nextdaypets.com 4 comments reddit.com
- Hey Redditors around the world: Take a picture of whatever's out your window right now. Then post it here. [pics] http://www.reddit.com/r/windowshots/top/ 2 comments reddit.com