- GitHub is undergoing a full-blown overhaul as execs and employees depart — and we have the full inside story http://www.businessinsider.com/github-the-full-inside-story-2016-2?r=us&ir=t&uuid=censorship 345 comments webdev
- GitHub is undergoing a full-blown overhaul as execs and employees depart — and we have the full inside story http://www.businessinsider.com/github-the-full-inside-story-2016-2 3 comments business
- GitHub is undergoing a full-blown overhaul as execs and employees depart — and we have the full inside story http://www.businessinsider.com/github-the-full-inside-story-2016-2?r=us&ir=t 727 comments linux
- GitHub is undergoing a full-blown overhaul as execs and employees depart — and we have the full inside story http://www.businessinsider.com/github-the-full-inside-story-2016-2?r=us&ir=t 874 comments programming