- 15 times Trump bragged about his economic genius that are especially awkward now https://thinkprogress.org/awkward-trump-brags-economy-1d1906d06be5/ 7 comments politics
- Financial Times: Why Sepp Blatter is a genius http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/a866d0da-ff37-11e4-84b2-00144feabdc0.html 4 comments soccer
- Who are the greatest marketing geniuses of our time? https://www.reddit.com/r/marketing/comments/ae61zr/who_are_the_greatest_marketing_geniuses_of_our/ 62 comments marketing
- The Houston Astros made the Time’s 2018 top 50 “Genius Companies” http://time.com/collection/genius-companies-2018/5412100/houston-astros/ 11 comments baseball
- Mueller vs. Trump: Time for the White House to 'Unleash the Genius' http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/huppke/ct-met-trump-genius-mueller-russia-huppke-20180108-story.html 28 comments politics
- Mueller vs. Trump: Time for the White House to 'Unleash the Genius' http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/huppke/ct-met-trump-genius-mueller-russia-huppke-20180108-story.html 13 comments politics
- Mueller vs. Trump: Time for the White House to 'Unleash the Genius' http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/huppke/ct-met-trump-genius-mueller-russia-huppke-20180108-story,amp.html?__twitter_impression=true 89 comments politics
- Apple to update Genius Bar appointment times to be flexible based on the issue and number of devices. http://www.macrumors.com/2014/07/26/apple-store-genius-bar-changes-new-training/ 38 comments apple
- Ivanchuk's Genius Vs. Time + Nerves: The Blitz Effect http://www.onlinechesslessons.net/2011/12/16/chess-ingenuity-vs-nerves-time-starring-vassily-ivanchuk/ 4 comments chess
- The genius behind the Google 20% time; It isn’t the time http://almaer.com/blog/the-genius-behind-the-google-20-time-it-isnt-the-time 29 comments programming
- All the Times Jared Kushner Hid His Genius from Us https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2018/10/jared-kushner-hidden-genius 11 comments politics
- One of my favorite Bobby Fischer games of all time. Moves 14 through 18 are pure genius. http://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1044412 4 comments chess
- Jim Harbaugh is a genius! This whole time, the problem was the facemask! http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6125/6032848747_aeda60ef2a_o.png 38 comments nfl
- Mike Trout's baseball genius has a gaping void: October. He knows. 'You know what, it’s time' https://theathletic.com/2487459/2021/04/01/mike-trouts-baseball-genius-has-a-gaping-void-october-he-knows-you-know-what-its-time/ 23 comments baseball
- Throwback to that one time when Federer played like a genius https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpwiNzqyB5U 11 comments tennis
- [Anderson | NY Times Magazine] The Misunderstood Genius of Russell Westbrook https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/01/magazine/the-misunderstood-genius-of-russell-westbrook.html?_r=0 19 comments nba
- And so, with Germany crowned Champions of the World, it is time to revisit the "I told you so" megathread to discover the predictive geniuses among us! http://np.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/27vnb4/the_official_world_cup_2014_i_told_you_so_thread/ 52 comments soccer
- Looking At The Numbers, Nate Silver Ditching The Times For ESPN Is Genius http://www.businessinsider.com/looking-at-the-numbers-nate-silver-ditching-the-times-for-espn-is-genius-2013-7 23 comments sports
- Circuit face bending - awesome awesome, guys!! take a look, I was amased than I saw it first time... this guy is genius!! http://whaza.net/circuit-face-bending 6 comments technology
- [These Football Times]GIGI MERONI: THE ART-LOVING WING GENIUS WHO HIT THE PINNACLE OF CALCIO BEFORE HIS TRAGIC DEATH AT 24 https://thesefootballtimes.co/2018/09/06/gigi-meroni-the-art-loving-wing-genius-who-hit-pinnacle-of-calcio-before-his-tragic-death-at-24/ 8 comments soccer
- Leading data scientists from Airbnb, The New York Times, Etsy, Columbia University, Genius, and Doctors Without Borders demo awesome use cases for R (from the 2016 New York R Conference) http://www.rstats.nyc/2016 3 comments datascience
- Three times media went over the moon about 'Indian NASA geniuses' and had a rough landing http://www.thenewsminute.com/article/three-times-media-went-over-moon-about-indian-nasa-geniuses-and-had-rough-landing-61860 2 comments india
- One of the reasons I will remember Ronaldinho as one of the all-time soccer genius. Free Kick from 2006 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xr86u_ronaldinho-sneak-free-kick_sport 43 comments soccer
- Pele in Brazil - ..."the game’s evolution, not necessarily his genius, makes his position as The Greatest of All Time impossible to usurp." http://www.runofplay.com/2010/08/23/pele-in-brazil/ 3 comments soccer
- Hey genius, next time just hack your own records and commute your sentence :P http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2009/09/27/conputer-meltdown-115875-21703149/ 3 comments technology
- David Letterman repeats the same Sarah Palin jokes that offended her the first time, in his lengthy "apology" to her. Comic genius. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/06/11/letterman-responds-to-pal_n_214128.html 75 comments politics
- Genius: RunPee shows you the best time to go pee during a movie without missing anything too important. http://runpee.com/ 8 comments reddit.com
- Why Are These People So Proud to Be Dumb on Television? The genius crew at Fox & Friends echoes the president to say climate change isn't real because it's cold outside. We live in the dumbest time in history. https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a26111552/fox-and-friends-polar-vortex-climate-change-global-warming/ 69 comments energy
- Joey Janela: When I was 4 years old a man walked up to me on the street, he said "Joey you were put on this earth to be the greatest wrestler of all time, an ambassador, a leader, and a creative genius people will shame you because they know your power, you are a GOD" That man was Lou Thesz. https://twitter.com/janelababy/status/1504265952854171651?s=21 18 comments squaredcircle
- [Shelburne] Daryl Morey says “he tries not to get too high or low,” but good starts matter. Of James Harden’s debut, Morey says, “James is a basketball genius and he's been wanting to play with Joel for a long time." https://twitter.com/ramonashelburne/status/1497460041552564224?s=21 491 comments nba
- [Koreen] VanVleet on Ibaka’s speech to the Raptors when they were down 0-2 to Bucks: “It didn't mean anything at the time because Serge is always talking… He doesn't know how to finish his speeches. Once we won, you look back & say, 'Damn, he was a genius the whole time & nobody was listening.'” https://twitter.com/ekoreen/status/1476618435308183557 174 comments nba
- [Fernando Campos] A source has just told me that Lionel Messi is already negotiating directly with PSG and both are trying to make a financial settlement. Neymar was crucial in the approach and the Argentine genius may travel to Paris soon to finalize the deal. Now it's time to wait. https://twitter.com/FCamposoficial/status/1423355727234617344 974 comments soccer
- Lionel Messi is a shotgun quarterback now. Time after time Messi will drop all the way to the center circle in open space, survey his choice of runners, and pick one out with a pinpoint 40-yd ball. Whatever this version of Messi lacks physically he makes up for with veteran savvy & playmaking genius https://spacespacespaceletter.com/lionel-messi-is-a-shotgun-quarterback/ 308 comments soccer
- Diego Maradona was a genius and a cheater, gregarious and despairing, a liar and an open book. Argentinians loved him as we loved ourselves: so much, not at all. And we hated him as you can only hate someone you truly love, someone who’s brought you so much joy, so many times, then ripped it away. https://www.jacobinmag.com/2020/11/diego-maradona-obituary 69 comments soccer
- The cheap pen that changed writing forever: Fountain pens were a stylish statement but messy and impractical. Their replacement (the ballpoint) was a stroke of design genius perfectly in time for the era of mass production. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20201028-history-of-the-ballpoint-pen 8 comments technology
- Ronald Koeman:"It will be an immense honour for me that the best player of all time, Leo Messi,to beat my record,I have never seen anyone like him. And believe me, I've coincided with some great footballers. Messi is a genius, one of those players that appears every 50 or 100 years." http://www.espn.in/football/barcelona/story/3037782/lionel-messis-talent-comes-only-every-100-years-ronald-koeman 67 comments soccer
- Giuliani and Christie call Trump a 'genius' for avoiding paying taxes for almost two DECADES - while campaign says tax returns published in the New York Times were 'illegally obtained' http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3817902/donald-trump-avoided-paying-taxes-two-decades-declared-loss-1-billion-1995.html 47 comments politics
- 15 y.o. Genius Saves Lives With New Cancer Screening Technology (VIDEO) It's 168 times faster, over 26,000 times less expensive, and over 400 times more sensitive than previous tests. http://www.addictinginfo.org/2012/12/27/kid-genius-saves-lives-with-new-cancer-screening-technology-video/ 16 comments science
- Texas math genius wins millions on scratch tickets four separate times. Odds? 1 in 18 septillion. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/lifestyle/the-other-side/lucky-or-genius-woman-wins-lottery-four-times/story-e6frfhk6-1226113888291 45 comments worldnews
- There's no magic here. No morality. Assholes win, good people lose. Idiots win and geniuses lose. And other times the reverse. And the system we have isn't wonderful, it stinks. It's just the best we've come up with so far. http://sidewaysmencken.blogspot.com/2009/02/survivor-guilt.html 46 comments business