- Gary Johnson isn't doing himself any favors http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/gary-johnson-isnt-doing-himself-any-favors 7 comments politics
- Gary Johnson says he is in favor of online poker legalization in reddit AMA https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/51ijlj/hi_reddit_we_are_a_mountain_climber_a_fiction/d7caax6 95 comments poker
- Who Favors Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Candidate for President? http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/05/us/politics/gary-johnson-libertarian-third-party.html?_r=0 19 comments politics
- 16% Have Favorable Opinion of Libertarian Candidate Gary Johnson http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/elections/election_2012/election_2012_presidential_election/august_2012/16_have_favorable_opinion_of_libertarian_candidate_gary_johnson 16 comments politics
- Gary Johnson - "I will be the only national candidate for President on the ballot in all 50 states who favors the legalization of marijuana and the end of the expensive failed “war on drugs”." http://www.garyjohnson2012.com/help-me-debate-the-war-on-drugs-with-obama-and-romney 23 comments politics
- Moment of Zen -- Gary Johnson is Favorably Viewed -- The Daily Show 8/17/11 http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/wed-august-17-2011/moment-of-zen---gary-johnson-is-favorably-viewed?xrs=share_copy 4 comments politics
- CNN Does Democracy No Favors in Excluding Gary Johnson http://newstudentunion.wordpress.com/2011/06/10/cnn-does-democracy-no-favors/ 3 comments politics
- Shock Poll: Gary Johnson at 21% in Senate Race, Nearly Twice as Much as GOP Nominee; More New Mexico Republicans favor the Libertarian than their own candidate for U.S. Senate. http://reason.com/blog/2018/08/20/shock-poll-gary-johnson-at-21-in-senate 28 comments moderatepolitics
- Gary Johnson, the only Pres. candidate in favor of Online Poker, is hosting an amA https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/51ijlj/hi_reddit_we_are_a_mountain_climber_a_fiction/ 10 comments poker
- Gary Johnson Comes Out in Favor of Gay Marriage http://reason.com/blog/2011/12/02/gary-johnson-comes-out-in-favor-of-gay-m 17 comments politics
- Former Gov. Gary Johnson joins effort to repeal Colorado gun law. Colorado voters favor repeal 52 percent to 44 percent. http://blogs.denverpost.com/thespot/2013/05/30/gary-johnsongary-johnson-joins-group-attempting-to-repeal-colorados-ammunition-magazines-law/96861/ 31 comments politics
- Probable Republican presidential candidate Gary Johnson, former NM governor, favors legalizing pot, supports abortion rights, opposes the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and doesn't go to church. "I don't think you'll ever hear me invoking God in anything I do." http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2010/05/05/gary_johnson_most_interesting_republican 435 comments politics