Hacker News
- Is gRPC Better for Microservices Than GraphQL? https://wundergraph.com/blog/is-grpc-really-better-for-microservices-than-graphql 7 comments
- I Reviewed 1,000s of Opinions on gRPC https://konfigthis.com/blog/grpc 26 comments
- Connect: A Better gRPC https://buf.build/blog/connect-a-better-grpc 91 comments
- DRPC: A battle-tested, drop-in replacement for gRPC in under 3kloc https://www.drpc.io 3 comments
- HAProxy 1.9.2 Adds GRPC Support https://www.haproxy.com/blog/haproxy-1-9-2-adds-grpc-support/ 3 comments
- gRPC languages+libraries benchmark results, including Scala with akka-grpc https://github.com/LesnyRumcajs/grpc_bench/wiki/2021-04-13-bench-results 23 comments scala
- gRPC-Web is going GA https://www.cncf.io/blog/2018/10/24/grpc-web-is-going-ga/ 10 comments programming
- Proxying HTTP and gRPC requests in a single server https://eddieowens.medium.com/proxying-http-and-grpc-requests-in-go-a3201219a37d 2 comments golang
- Building Event-Driven Distributed Systems in Go with gRPC, NATS JetStream and CockroachDB https://shijuvar.medium.com/building-event-driven-distributed-systems-in-go-with-grpc-nats-jetstream-and-cockroachdb-c4b899c8636d 28 comments golang
- It's always DNS . . . except when it's not: A deep dive through gRPC, Kubernetes, and AWS networking https://www.datadoghq.com/blog/engineering/grpc-dns-and-load-balancing-incident/ 3 comments kubernetes
- Why load balancing gRPC is tricky? https://majidfn.com/blog/grpc-load-balancing/ 4 comments programming
- What’s new for gRPC in .NET 6 https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/grpc-in-dotnet-6/ 24 comments dotnet
- Documenting a gRPC API - tools comparison https://blog.gendocu.com/posts/documenting-grpc/?amp%3Butm_campaign=node&%3Butm_id=article-comparision&%3Butm_medium=grpc 4 comments node
- Ent + gRPC is Ready for Usage https://entgo.io/blog/2021/06/28/gprc-ready-for-use 8 comments golang
- Building gRPC Microservices in Go - First 1 Hour of Free Content Live https://tutorialedge.net/courses/go-grpc-services-course/ 9 comments golang
- gRPC With Go Crash Course https://pmihaylov.com/grpc-with-go-crash-course/ 6 comments golang
- Open-source Autonomy Software in Rust-lang with gRPC for the Roomba series robot vacuum cleaners https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/lf8mub/opensource_autonomy_software_in_rustlang_with/ 3 comments rust
- gproxy v1.0.0: a tiny service/library for creating lets-encrypt/acme secured gRPC and http reverse proxies https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/kpwatg/gproxy_v100_a_tiny_servicelibrary_for_creating/ 4 comments golang
- Implement & test unary gRPC in Java, handle errors, deadline and status codes https://youtu.be/cweoyLhAbR0 14 comments java
- 🙋🏻♂️How to organize the structure of the grpc project? https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/dfe7ey/how_to_organize_the_structure_of_the_grpc_project/ 22 comments golang
- Tonic: gRPC has come to Rust & async/await! https://luciofran.co/tonic-grpc-has-come-to-async-await/ 4 comments programming
- ASP.NET Blog | gRPC for ASP.NET Core 3.0 https://mustak.im/grpc-for-asp-net-core-3-0/ 12 comments csharp
- BCHD gRPC API, address subscription demo. Let's just say, it's fast. #BitcoinCash #fast #cheap #reliable https://old.reddit.com/r/Bitcoincash/comments/cpcc5n/bchd_grpc_api_address_subscription_demo_lets_just/ 7 comments btc
- Microservices with gRPC and Go: a FREE course https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/clv6vf/microservices_with_grpc_and_go_a_free_course/ 5 comments golang
- Calling gRPC Services With Server-side Blazor https://chrissainty.com/calling-grpc-services-with-server-side-blazor/ 4 comments dotnet
- Grpc::MetadataKey from works but into does not. https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/ayl1x6/grpcmetadatakey_from_works_but_into_does_not/ 3 comments rust
- Use tower gRPC for TiKV https://medium.com/@siddontang/use-tower-grpc-for-tikv-6109cf8c61 2 comments rust
- Courier: Dropbox migration to gRPC https://blogs.dropbox.com/tech/2019/01/courier-dropbox-migration-to-grpc/ 20 comments programming
- Why Segment Chose Go, gRPC, and Envoy to Build Their New Config API https://stackshare.io/nzoschke/decisions/101229315381856666 9 comments golang
- How to handle gRPC client authentication https://jbrandhorst.com/post/grpc-auth/ 4 comments golang
- gRPC vs JSON for localhost client/server https://github.com/dontpanic92/wxGo 8 comments golang
- REST is not the Best for Micro-Services GRPC and Docker makes a compelling case https://medium.com/techlogs/rest-in-peace-grpc-for-micro-service-and-grpc-for-the-web-a-how-to-908cc05e1083 21 comments programming
- Building High Performance APIs In Go Using gRPC http://www.agiratech.com/building-high-performance-apis-go-grpc/ 3 comments golang
- Expose your gRPC services as HTTP services on the same port! https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/6tkk9p/expose_your_grpc_services_as_http_services_on_the/ 6 comments golang
- Using GRPC in Scala https://www.reddit.com/r/scala/comments/6t2bao/using_grpc_in_scala/ 9 comments scala
- github.com/NYTimes/gizmo/server/kit: simplifying JSON and gRPC with go-kit http://godoc.org/github.com/nytimes/gizmo/server/kit#service 4 comments golang
- Building High Performance APIs In Go Using gRPC And Protocol Buffers https://medium.com/@shijuvar/building-high-performance-apis-in-go-using-grpc-and-protocol-buffers-2eda5b80771b 8 comments golang
- Any experience using gRPC with golang here? https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/4w35th/any_experience_using_grpc_with_golang_here/ 15 comments golang
- grpc: http2 & protobuf based rpc from Google with client libs in 10 languages http://www.grpc.io/ 22 comments programming