Hacker News
- Predicting the Future of Distributed Systems https://blog.colinbreck.com/predicting-the-future-of-distributed-systems/ 47 comments
- Predicting the future of distributed systems https://blog.colinbreck.com/predicting-the-future-of-distributed-systems/ 16 comments
- Why the RDBMS is the future of distributed databases https://www.citusdata.com/blog/2018/11/30/why-rdbms-is-the-future-of-distributed-databases/ 2 comments
- Futures of distributions http://joeyh.name/blog/entry/futures_of_distributions/ 32 comments
- Programming with distributed functional futures http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/~rs46/posts/2015-09-07-distributed-functional-futures.html 6 comments
- futures of distributions http://joeyh.name/blog/entry/futures_of_distributions/ 14 comments linux , unix
- This is Why Distributed Ledger Technology is a Must for Future Success https://beincrypto.com/distributed-ledger-blockchain-technology-future-success/ 3 comments cryptocurrency
- Immutable Linux Distributions for Those Looking to Embrace the Future https://itsfoss.com/immutable-linux-distros/ 55 comments linux_gaming
- Rolling Rhino Remix 2022.04.19 Releases + The future of the distribution https://rollingrhinoremix.github.io/download 26 comments linux
- [Young] Adam Silver just now at SBJ conference: The bundle is “broken” …and with that… fair to say NBA really rethinking how it’s TV/strеaming distribution future will look as RSNs aren’t in great shape. https://twitter.com/JabariJYoung/status/1447937452623204363 323 comments nba
- The future of distributed shell commands. https://github.com/rykugur/omnissh 14 comments linux
- Why the RDBMS is the future of distributed databases https://www.citusdata.com/blog/2018/11/30/why-rdbms-is-the-future-of-distributed-databases/ 7 comments programming
- Is this the future of the listicle? Real users getting paid real money (in ETH) distributed via a bounty smart contract for sourcing, sharing and curating the best content from the internet. Yes, please and thanks🤙 https://medium.com/cent-official/cents-boti-roundup-1ea8e7f4dd0 3 comments ethereum
- The Premier League will distribute future increases in broadcast revenue based on league position https://twitter.com/henrywinter/status/1004667352695427072 35 comments soccer
- Futures of distributions http://joeyh.name/blog/entry/futures_of_distributions/ 12 comments linux
- BINANCE Exchange to Support All Future SNGLS AIRDROPS and announcement of the OMG airdrop distribution to SNGLS token holders https://medium.com/@SingularDTV/binance-to-support-all-future-sngls-airdrops-no-need-to-move-your-sngls-ccfe036c8a0 3 comments ethereum
- System76 Announces Pop!_OS Linux Distribution, To Be Shipped On Their Future PCs http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=System76-Pop-OS-Announce 145 comments linux_gaming
- The Future Keeps Getting Less Evenly Distributed https://shift.newco.co/the-future-keeps-getting-less-evenly-distributed-335fb9472bd2 3 comments politics
- There is more top talent currently playing PG than any other position, so why does it seem to be lacking in young talent? What does the distribution of top talent under 25 mean for the future of the league? https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/69u171/there_is_more_top_talent_currently_playing_pg/ 41 comments nba
- Flatpak - the future of application distribution http://flatpak.org/ 23 comments opensource
- Cardinals president says digital distribution of NFL games is the future http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2016/06/29/cardinals-president-says-digital-distribution-of-nfl-games-is-the-future/ 560 comments nfl
- PSA: Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks are illegal in many jurisdictions. If you have been a victim of recent attacks, be sure to gather as much information as possible to aid authorities in catching the perpetrators, as well help the community prevent future attacks. https://www.icann.org/news/blog/how-to-report-a-ddos-attack 5 comments btc
- The elite don't distribute resources like the rest of us. Study indicates future policy makers unlikely to address income inequality http://arstechnica.com/science/2015/09/the-elite-dont-hand-out-resources-like-the-rest-of-us/ 14 comments politics
- Distributed dataflow programming with futures in Haskell and Erlang http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/~rs46/posts/2015-09-07-distributed-functional-futures.html 13 comments haskell
- Five Linux desktop distributions with a great future http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/five-apps/five-linux-desktop-distributions-with-a-great-future/ 21 comments linux
- Is there any compatible future for elementaryOS' Pantheon Shell on other distributions? https://answers.launchpad.net/wingpanel/+question/246866 13 comments linux
- “The future is already here. It’s just unevenly distributed.” Neuromancer— William Gibson -Timeless observations from history’s greatest dystopian novels http://inktank.fi/15-timeless-observations-from-historys-greatest-dystopian-novels/ 234 comments books
- The Future of Cloud Computing Now Runs on All Versions of Linux | 'up til now, Docker has only been supported on the Debian distribution of Linux' http://www.wired.com/wiredenterprise/2013/11/docker-linux/ 5 comments linux
- If Amazon is the future of work, then be afraid: Behind the website is a network of distribution centers where temp workers, like rats in a maze, pull boxes off shelves, directed by devices that show where the goods are stored & the most efficient path to walk. http://pro.gigaom.com/blog/if-amazon-is-the-future-of-work/ 121 comments technology
- Bestselling author Tim Ferriss reaches deal with BitTorrent for distribution after being banned from all Barnes & Nobles. "BitTorrent is a technology that is part of this sustainable future for content. There’s no turning back" http://techcrunch.com/2012/11/16/with-amazon-publishing-stonewalled-by-retailers-tim-ferris-taps-bittorrent-to-market-his-new-book/ 5 comments technology
- BitTorrent Speaks on the Future of Marketing and Monetizing Content Distribution http://www.forbes.com/sites/ryanholiday/2012/06/21/bittorrent-speaks-the-future-of-marketing-and-monetizing-content-distribution/ 9 comments technology
- Study shows that plants make ultrasonic sounds that can be heard under stress. In the future, farmers could monitor these sounds to provide information about crop hydration status, allowing irrigation systems to distribute water supplies more efficiently. https://www.snippetscience.com/plants-make-ultrasonic-sounds-that-can-be-heard-under-stress 28 comments futurology
- Paul Heyman on MJF: "He's in an upstart promotion that has tremendous financing and excellent distribution. Let's see what the future holds for him. I'm sure at some point in this life we're going to bump into each other." https://wrestlingnews.co/wwe-news/paul-heyman-on-mjf-im-sure-at-some-point-in-this-life-were-going-to-bump-into-each-other/ 3 comments squaredcircle
- The Tiny Edit That Changed NASA's Future: Congress just added “the search for life’s origins, evolution, distribution, and future in the universe” to the agency’s marching orders. https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2017/06/how-a-few-words-could-transform-the-universe/530001/ 24 comments politics
- If you were born after 1960, a comfortable retirement will rely on inheritance: "the prevalence and value of expected future inheritances are distributed unequally, with households that are already relatively wealthy far more likely to benefit" http://qz.com/159066/if-you-were-born-after-1960-a-comfortable-retirement-will-rely-on-inheritance/ 5 comments politics
- Futures, distributed code, laziness, stdlib with Gtk, Sqlite, XML & Regex, Visual Editor/REPL, everything from SML, other awesome stuff ... AliceML! http://www.ps.uni-saarland.de/alice/ 6 comments programming
- New IEA data shows the oil industry knows its days are numbered. Instead of investing in future production, it's distributing record profits to shareholders. Renewables are now the world's largest energy source as measured by future investment - almost double the size of fossil fuels https://www.iea.org/reports/world-energy-investment-2023 7 comments energy
- New IEA data shows the oil industry knows its days are numbered. Instead of investing in future production, it's distributing record profits to shareholders. Renewables are now the world's largest energy source as measured by future investment - almost double the size of fossil fuels https://www.iea.org/reports/world-energy-investment-2023 462 comments futurology
- FUTURE is a standalone, fully-open source search engine that runs as a distributed and uncoordinated network https://wearebuildingthefuture.com 16 comments opensource
- NHL Draft prospect Logan Mailloux faces uncertain future after criminal charge in Sweden. Multiple teams plan to steer clear from Mailloux after he was charged in Sweden with taking and distributing a photo from a consensual sexual encounter. Other teams see him as a first-round talent. https://www.dailyfaceoff.com/nhl-draft-prospect-logan-mailloux-faces-uncertain-future-after-criminal-charge-in-sweden/ 236 comments hockey