Hacker News
- Message from InfluxData Founder and CTO Paul Dix https://www.influxdata.com/blog/update-from-influxdata-paul-dix-july-10/ 5 comments
- Solo founder dilemma; CEO or CTO? https://nvnt.substack.com/p/solo-founder-dilemma-ceo-or-cto 96 comments
- Evolution of my role as a founder CTO https://miguelcarranza.es/cto 16 comments
- Tesla co-founder and CTO JB Straubel stepping down https://techcrunch.com/2019/07/24/tesla-co-founder-and-cto-jb-straubel-stepping-down/ 155 comments
- Interview with CTO and Co-founder of Zapier on Working with Remote Engineers https://youteam.io/blog/interview-with-bryan-cto-and-co-founder-of-zapier-on-working-with-remote-engineers/ 91 comments
- Change at Buffer: The Next Phase, and Why Our Co-Founder and CTO Are Moving On https://open.buffer.com/change-at-buffer/ 150 comments
- “A tale of lies and deceit” – GrabGas CTO let go by founders http://julianee.com/a-tale-of-lies-and-deceit-my-experience-on-how-grabgas-screwed-me-over/ 87 comments
- Interview with Jesse Vincent, Co-Founder and CTO of Keyboardio http://blog.hwtrek.com/?p=4948 15 comments
- Yandex CTO and co-founder has died http://translate.google.com/translate?prev=_dd&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fclubs.ya.ru%2Fcompany%2F69367 71 comments
- Cardano Founder, Ripple CTO Reveal Details For A Possible Partnership https://bitcoinist.com/cardano-founder-ripple-cto-details-partnership/ 115 comments cryptocurrency
- Hursh here! CTO and Co-founder at The Browser Company. AMA! None 7 comments macapps
- OriginTrail co-founder and CTO, Branimir Rakic, invited to speak alongside IBM, R3, Everledger, UN, and COINBASE at Champions of Blockchain conference. https://hopin.com/events/champions-of-blockchain-global-disruption 19 comments cryptocurrency
- Looking to bring on a CTO/ co-founder for a travel startup. https://www.reddit.com/r/startups/comments/9klv9h/looking_to_bring_on_a_cto_cofounder_for_a_travel/ 5 comments startups
- MyCrypto CTO lands Thiel Fellowship along with Vest and Polkadot co-founders https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20180622005131/en/Thiel-Foundation-Announces-2018-Thiel-Fellows 8 comments ethereum
- A presentation on SaltStack by its Founder and CTO Thomas Hatch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yphLKSjnSU8 4 comments sysadmin
- Reddit co-founder Aaron Swartz wants Obama's CTO to put public government data online for all to see. http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2009-01-06/how-obamas-new-tech-tsar-can-save-america/ 75 comments technology
- Trouble at Facebook? CTO/ Co-Founder Leaving http://www.inquisitr.com/trouble-at-facebook-cto-co-founder-leaving 2 comments reddit.com
- Episode 31: Erez Voitiz, CTO & Co-Founder of Sprkl by 10KMedia Podcast https://anchor.fm/10kmedia/episodes/Episode-31-Erez-Voitiz--CTO--Co-Founder-of-Sprkl-e1t4a5s/a-a94shap 3 comments vscode
- I interviewed David Heinemeier Hansson (DHH): Founder and CTO, Ruby on Rails, Basecamp & HEY https://flagsmith.com/podcast/david-heinemeier-hansson-ruby-on-rails/ 5 comments rails
- I interviewed David Heinemeier Hansson (DHH): Founder and CTO, Ruby on Rails, Basecamp & HEY https://flagsmith.com/podcast/david-heinemeier-hansson-ruby-on-rails/ 4 comments ruby
- Massimo Banzi: Co-founder, CTO, and Chairman of Arduino announces a monumental change. Hear the how and why of the jump from the hobbyist bench to the factory floor-- Register on AAC today! None 3 comments arduino
- [1000 bits per constructive question] I'm Whit Jack, Co-Founder and CTO of Etherparty. AMA about Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Cryptocurrency in General - ZapChain https://www.zapchain.com/a/nmRP0vjbB4 4 comments ethereum
- Ripple co-founder and former CTO, Jed McCaleb, is running out of XRP to dump in the market. Currently has only 114 Million XRP Left. https://jed.tequ.dev/ 375 comments cryptocurrency
- "Today, I’m thrilled to announce that Coinbase has acquired Earn.com, and as part of the acquisition, Earn’s co-founder and CEO, Balaji Srinivasan, will join Coinbase as the company’s first Chief Technology Officer (CTO)."~Brian Armstrong https://blog.coinbase.com/welcome-balaji-srinivasan-coinbases-new-chief-technology-officer-e746503d7ab6 32 comments btc
- Join Melonport at a "Two day Hands-on Blockchain Developer Workshop" in Zug, Switzerland - 30th/31st May. Our CTO and Co-Founder Reto Trinkler will be leading a 90 minute session on Risk Management Modules as part of the event! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/two-day-hands-on-blockchain-developer-workshop-sponsored-by-melonport-tickets-34105321936 3 comments ethereum
- AMA: I'm Yunkai Zhou, ex-Google Senior engineering leader and CTO & Co-Founder of Leap.ai, which is the first completely automated hiring platform in the tech space. Ask Me Anything on Monday the 23rd of April at 12 PM ET / 4 PM UTC! https://leap.ai/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=ama&utm_campaign=artificial&utm_content=apr-21 20 comments artificial