- U.S. orders foreign firms to further cut down on oil trades with Venezuela https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-venezuela-sanctions-exclusive/exclusive-u-s-orders-foreign-firms-to-further-cut-down-on-oil-trades-with-venezuela-iduskcn1r92et 8 comments politics
- U.S. orders foreign firms to further cut down on oil trades with Venezuela https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-venezuela-sanctions-exclusive/exclusive-u-s-orders-foreign-firms-to-further-cut-down-on-oil-trades-with-venezuela-iduskcn1r92et 18 comments worldnews
- Wells Fargo ordered by U.S. CFTC to pay $14 million over unfair foreign exchange trade https://www.reuters.com/article/us-wells-fargo-bank-cftc/u-s-cftc-orders-wells-fargo-to-pay-14-million-over-unfair-foreign-exchange-trade-iduskbn1xi227 5 comments worldnews
- America's trade wars are heating up as U.S. firms sue for relief from foreign competitors http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-trade-wars-20171226-story.html 3 comments business
- How Jared Kushner and the Trump admin traded U.S. foreign policy for $2 billion https://www.msnbc.com/all-in/watch/how-jared-kushner-and-the-trump-admin-traded-u-s-foreign-policy-for-2-billion-137524293846 120 comments politics
- Secret Trade Pact would Allow Foreign Corporations to Sue U.S. for Damaging Investment “Expectations” http://www.allgov.com/news/top-stories/secret-trade-pact-would-allow-foreign-corporations-to-sue-us-for-damaging-investment-expectations-150327?news=856078 12 comments politics
- U.S. tells foreign firms to stop jet fuel trading with Venezuela: sources https://www.reuters.com/article/us-venezuela-usa-oil/us-tells-large-traders-to-stop-jet-fuel-trade-with-venezuela-sources-iduskcn1st1un 12 comments worldnews
- China pushes through changes to foreign investment law as U.S. trade talks start https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/china-pushes-through-changes-to-foreign-investment-law-as-us-trade-talks-start/2019/01/30/70cd4c4c-23c0-11e9-b5b4-1d18dfb7b084_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.3df521f85847 3 comments worldnews
- China's foreign office - If war is what the U.S. wants, be it a tariff war, a trade war or any other type of war, we’re ready to fight till the end https://www.reuters.com/world/trade-wars-erupt-trump-hits-canada-mexico-china-with-steep-tariffs-2025-03-04/ 633 comments worldnews
- Irish foreign minister says UK guilty of 'perverse nationalism' over U.S. trade https://www.reuters.com/article/us-britain-eu-ireland/irish-foreign-minister-says-uk-guilty-of-perverse-nationalism-over-u-s-trade-iduskbn2b507c 44 comments worldnews
- Canada’s strong-willed foreign minister leads trade talks with U.S. https://www.seattletimes.com/business/canadas-strong-willed-foreign-minister-leads-trade-talks-with-u-s/ 55 comments politics
- In 2021, China's trade surplus with the rest of the world grew 29 percent year-on-year to $676.4 billion — the highest ever. China is forced to invest in foreign assets because of its large trade surplus, and it has few options other than U.S. bonds. https://vietnambiz.vn/trung-quoc-lo-mat-sach-du-tru-ngoai-hoi-hang-nghin-ty-usd-neu-my-trung-phat-20224715267847.htm 21 comments china
- 'It's Not a Border Crisis,' Says Ocasio-Cortez. 'It's an Imperialism Crisis... a Climate Crisis... a Trade Crisis.' | The New York Democrat also explained how the U.S. carceral system and foreign policy relate to the nation's immigration system. https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/03/31/its-not-border-crisis-says-ocasio-cortez-its-imperialism-crisis-climate-crisis-trade 51 comments politics
- Canada should re-examine U.S. relations, ‘pursue its own future’ in face of Trump’s pandemic response, say foreign policy and trade experts https://www.hilltimes.com/2020/06/01/canada-should-re-examine-u-s-relations-pursue-its-own-future-in-face-of-trumps-pandemic-response-say-some-foreign-policy-and-trade-experts/250120 1932 comments worldnews
- Berned Beyond Recognition: How Sanders’s Rise Changes U.S. Foreign Policy - After Iowa, Bernie Sanders’s progressive views will shape America’s approach to the world for a long time, especially on trade. https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/02/03/berned-beyond-recognition-how-sanders-rise-changes-u-s-foreign-policy/?utm_source=postup&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=19523&utm_term=morning%20brief%20oc&?tpcc=19523 20 comments politics
- U.S shuts down World Trade Organization appeals court - Seven cases against Trump's import taxes on foreign steel and aluminum will be left in limbo https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/u-s-shuts-down-world-trade-organization-appeals-court-1.5390530 68 comments politics
- U.S shuts down World Trade Organization appeals court - Seven cases against Trump's import taxes on foreign steel and aluminum will be left in limbo https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/u-s-shuts-down-world-trade-organization-appeals-court-1.5390530 9 comments worldnews
- Gillibrand Joins Senators In Calling On USDA To Ensure Trade Aid Will Benefit American Farmers Instead Of Foreign Corporations – Senators’ Call Comes After USDA Says They Will Not Stop Foreign Companies From Profiting Off of U.S. Taxpayer Dollars https://www.gillibrand.senate.gov//news/press/release/gillibrand-joins-senators-in-calling-on-usda-to-ensure-trade-aid-will-benefit-american-farmers-instead-of-foreign-corporations 4 comments politics
- Seven countries — including Mexico, Canada and the European Union — disputed U.S. tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum at a meeting of the World Trade Organization in Geneva on Monday https://www.cnbc.com/2018/10/29/americas-global-trade-war-arrives-at-wto-as-members-dispute-us-tariffs.html 10 comments worldnews
- Iran’s Foreign Minister says seven European central banks have agreed to create a special payment system between EU and his country to guarantee business and trade between the two sides sides in the face of U.S. sanctions. https://en.radiofarda.com/a/zrif-says-european-central-banks-will-set-up-special-mechanism/29516034.html 4 comments worldnews
- Brexiters have teamed up with prominent right-wing American think tanks to launch a blueprint for a free trade deal between the U.S. and the U.K., which would include gutting environmental regulations and opening up Britain’s National Health Service to foreign competition. https://thinkprogress.org/right-wing-u-s-think-tanks-co-author-radical-us-uk-free-trade-deal-f236237f9409/ 369 comments worldnews
- Russia hands note of protest to U.S. over plans to search trade mission: Russia’s foreign ministry has summoned a U.S. diplomat in Moscow to hand him a note of protest over plans to conduct searches in Russia’s trade mission complex in Washington. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-russia-usa-diplomacy-note/russia-hands-note-of-protest-to-u-s-over-plans-to-search-trade-mission-iduskcn1bd0gk 3 comments worldnews
- Nine high-ranking U.S. Navy officers, including one former admiral, have been charged with trading classified information in exchange for travel, dinner and prostitution services from a foreign defense contractor http://abcnews.go.com/politics/top-navy-officials-charged-staggering-bribery-scheme-involving/story?id=46131200 653 comments worldnews
- Iran no longer uses the U.S. dollar in foreign trade transactions, replacing it with other currencies, the deputy governor at Iranian Central Bank was quoted as saying http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/iran-ditches-us-dollar-in-foreign-trade-for-turkish-lira-yuan-kwon.aspx?pageid=238&nid=77383&newscatid=352 20 comments worldnews
- A Fine Line Is Seen in U.S. Spying on Companies: United States officials say the National Security Agency is free to spy on foreign trade negotiators to help American officials, and by extension, the American industries and workers they seek to bolster. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/21/business/us-snooping-on-companies-cited-by-china.html 3 comments worldnews
- U.S. law forcing foreign financial firms to reveal details of American clients could force banks to stop trading across the Atlantic. Passed by the US Senate, it could have "disastrous effects", according to the Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce. http://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/specials/rebuilding_the_financial_sector/spotlight_on_banking_secrecy/new_us_tax_law_could_have_disastrous_effects.html?cid=8520476 5 comments business
- Actually, Justice Alito, Obama's comments were true: If all "speakers" are equal under the First Amendment, and "corruption" only includes direct vote-trading for money, then foreign companies can spend endless amounts of money to influence U.S. elections. http://theusconstitution.org/blog.history/?p=1523 31 comments politics
- Trump visits a big foreign market — for the U.S. and for Trump Org | For three years, Trump has worked with India on trade. And for three years, Trump’s company has worked to promote its developments there. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/02/22/trump-india-business-116322 4 comments politics
- A federal appeals court on Tuesday ruled a government trade body can’t prohibit foreign digital transmissions into the U.S., a victory for open-Internet advocates and a blow for copyright holders seeking to battle online piracy http://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-court-rules-trade-body-cant-halt-foreign-internet-transmissions-1447171663 3 comments technology