Hacker News
- Europe now has 70 startup unicorns https://sifted.eu/articles/europe-unicorns-2021/ 6 comments europe
- Europe now has 60 startup unicorns worth more than €1bn https://sifted.eu/rankings/european-unicorn-startups 13 comments europe
- Estonia leads Europe in startups, unicorns and investments per capita. https://investinestonia.com/estonia-leads-europe-in-startups-unicorns-and-investments-per-capita/ 8 comments worldnews
- The UK has been crowned the tech unicorn capital of Europe, home to over a third of the continent’s billion dollar startups http://www.cityam.com/287295/uk-has-been-crowned-tech-unicorn-capital-europe-home-over 32 comments europe