- Fox News Is at War With Itself Over 2020 Election Results https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/11/fox-news-war-over-2020-trump-election-results 114 comments politics
- How Fox News Will Fight a $2.7 Billion Suit About the 2020 Election https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr-esq/how-fox-news-will-fight-a-2-7-billion-suit-about-the-2020-election 14 comments law
- Judge delays trial over Fox News and 2020 election lies (until Tuesday for now) https://apnews.com/article/fox-news-dominion-trial-defamation-trump-election-1fc2d90792f811a5f0fb4f703e83fa9a 9 comments law
- Trump Declines to Say Whether He'll Accept 2020 Election Results in Fox News Interview https://www.newsweek.com/trump-declines-say-whether-hell-accept-2020-election-results-fox-news-interview-1518915 4 comments politics
- Trump declines to say whether he'll accept 2020 election results in Fox News interview https://www.newsweek.com/trump-declines-say-whether-hell-accept-2020-election-results-fox-news-interview-1518915 41 comments politics
- Fox News required its settlement with the family of killed DNC staffer Seth Rich remain undisclosed until after the 2020 election https://www.businessinsider.com/fox-news-stipulated-seth-rich-settlement-remain-private-2021-1 17 comments politics
- Trump calls Fox 'fake news' for citing unfavourable 2020 election polls https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-fox-news-poll-fake-news-joe-biden-2020-election-us-a8963786.html 57 comments politics
- Fox News reaches settlement with Venezuelan businessman over ‘defamatory’ claims about him and 2020 election https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/fox-news-dominion-voting-lawsuit-majed-khalil-b2317117.html 2 comments politics
- Fox News CEO warned against 'crazies' after 2020 election, Dominion says https://www.npr.org/2022/10/06/1127149958/fox-news-ceo-warned-against-crazies-after-2020-election-dominion-says 737 comments nottheonion
- Fox News CEO warned against 'crazies' after 2020 election, Dominion says https://www.npr.org/2022/10/06/1127149958/fox-news-ceo-warned-against-crazies-after-2020-election-dominion-says 11 comments politics
- Column: Fox News has great power. A lawsuit will decide if it used it responsibly after the 2020 election https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2022-09-06/fox-news-dominion-voting-systems-defamation-lawsuit 22 comments politics
- FOX News Cuts Off Donald Trump's insane rant about Ukraine's Invasion & the "Rigged" 2020 Election. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-fox-news-interview-russia-ukraine-invasion-rigged-election-video-2022-2 152 comments politics
- Fox News Airs Disclaimer During Trump CPAC Speech About 2020 Election https://www.businessinsider.com/fox-news-airs-disclaimer-trump-cpac-speech-election-conspiracy-theories-2021-7 43 comments politics
- Dominion Voting Sues Fox News For $1.6 Billion Over 2020 Election Claims https://www.huffpost.com/entry/dominion-voting-sues-fox-news-election-claims_n_605dc199c5b65d1c28149ced 12 comments politics
- Dominion Voting sues Fox News for $1.6 billion over 2020 election claims https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/26/dominion-voting-sues-fox-news-for-1point6-billion-over-2020-election-claims.html 37 comments politics
- Georgia | Elections 2020 | Fox News | Biden now leading by 900 votes https://www.foxnews.com/elections/2020/general-results/state/georgia 47 comments politics
- Ex-Fox News reporter sues network, saying he was fired for challenging lies about 2020 election https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/fox-news-reporter-jason-donner-sues-saying-fired-lies-2020-election-rcna125016 59 comments politics
- Fox News: 2020 election ‘most secure in American history,’ federal election security officials say https://www.foxnews.com/politics/2020-election-secure-history-federal-security 60 comments politics
- Delaware judge delays trial over Fox News and 2020 election lies | abc13.com https://abc13.com/delaware-judge-fox-news-defamation-lawsuit-dominion-voting-systems/13141664/ 3 comments politics
- Fox News reportedly told on-air talent not to refer to Joe Biden as the 'president-elect' even if the network calls the 2020 race for him https://www.businessinsider.com/fox-news-told-talent-not-to-call-biden-president-elect-2020-11 107 comments politics
- Fox News and 2020 election lies set to face jury come Monday https://apnews.com/article/1fc2d90792f811a5f0fb4f703e83fa9a 12 comments law
- Fox News and 2020 election lies set to face jury come Monday https://apnews.com/article/fox-news-dominion-trial-defamation-trump-election-1fc2d90792f811a5f0fb4f703e83fa9a 12 comments politics
- Dominion lawyer alleges Fox News 'recklessly disregarded the truth' on 2020 election claims https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/28/media/dominion-voting-systems-fox-news-reliable-sources/index.html 38 comments politics
- Trump Calls Fox News 'Fake News' For Covering 'Bad' Polls Showing Him Losing 2020 Election. https://www.newsweek.com/trump-polls-fake-news-fox-brett-baier-1444562 29 comments politics
- Mo Brooks gets into fiery exchange with Fox News host over 2020 election https://thehill.com/news/3505267-mo-brooks-gets-into-fiery-exchange-with-fox-news-host-over-2020-election/ 53 comments politics
- A new Fox News poll shows Donald Trump losing to every Democratic frontrunner in the 2020 election https://www.newsweek.com/fox-poll-shows-trump-losing-democratic-frontrunners-2020-1460173 4051 comments politics
- Judge won't declare early winner in Dominion defamation case against Fox News, paving way for trial over 2020 election lies https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/31/media/fox-news-dominion-lawsuit/index.html 5 comments politics
- Trump is ‘in big trouble’ on election day, Fox News GOP strategist warns | Conservative columnist warns that 2016 conditions do not exist for president in 2020 https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/trump-election-odds-predictions-biden-b1539457.html 107 comments politics
- Fox News hosts didn't believe 2020 election fraud claims, $1.6 billion Dominion defamation suit asserts https://www.cbsnews.com/news/fox-news-hosts-2020-election-fraud-claims-dominion-defamation-suit/ 271 comments politics
- The Times Asks Judge to Unseal Documents in Fox News Defamation Case: Dominion Voting Systems, brought the suit after it was targeted with conspiracy theories about rigged machines and stolen votes in the 2020 election https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/25/business/media/times-fox-news-dominion.html 3 comments law
- Fake News Is Out! Fox News faces ratings slump after 2020 election, Capitol Riots and Biden's Inauguration. Viewers tune to CNN for Pandemic info. https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/16/media/fox-news-cnn-tv-ratings/index.html 5 comments politics
- Venezuelan man files $250 million lawsuit against Fox News and Sidney Powell following baseless accusations that he rigged 2020 election results https://www.businessinsider.com/venezuelan-man-sues-fox-news-sidney-powell-for-conspiracy-theories-2021-12 46 comments politics
- Fox News hosts called 2020 election fraud 'total BS' in private, new Dominion court filing says https://abcnews.go.com/US/fox-news-hosts-called-2020-election-fraud-total/story?id=97261751 121 comments politics
- Fox News interrupts Trump speech to fact-check his "many untruths" "The 2020 election was not rigged. It was not stolen,” said anchor Arthel Neville https://www.salon.com/2023/12/04/fox-news-interrupts-speech-to-fact-his-many-untruths/?in_brief=true 809 comments politics
- Study: Republicans lost faith in 2020 election results; Fox News played pivotal role. Regardless of political party, the more an individual consumed and trusted Fox News, the less faith he or she had in the electoral process. We now exist in a media landscape that is sharply polarized. https://www.colorado.edu/today/2021/12/01/republicans-lost-faith-2020-election-results-fox-news-played-pivotal-role 3059 comments science
- Trump and Hannity's friendship 'began to break down' when the Fox News host grew 'disgusted' with the 2020 election lies, according to book https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-hannity-friendship-falling-out-2020-election-fox-news-book-2021-6 63 comments politics
- Rupert Murdoch suggested Fox News hosts Carlson, Hannity and Ingraham go on air and say Joe Biden had won 2020 election, court filing says https://www.businessinsider.com/murdoch-main-fox-news-hosts-declare-biden-winner-2023-2 601 comments politics
- FOX News settled out of court regarding its lies about the death of a DNC worker, but specified that the settlement could only be made public after the 2020 election so it could continue spreading misinformation without further undermining of what little is left of their credibility https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/17/business/media/fox-news-seth-rich-settlement.html?action=click&module=spotlight&pgtype=homepage 21 comments politics
- Fox News Loses Bid To Shut Down Voting Tech Company's Multibillion-Dollar Lawsuit | Smartmatic accuses the conservative network of spreading lies that it helped “steal” the 2020 election from Donald Trump. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/fox-news-lawsuit-voting-tech-company_n_63ec97a6e4b02c2573799946 140 comments politics
- Fox News Host Cuts Into Donald Trump Speech To Correct ‘Many Untruths’ Arthel Neville fact-checked the former president's claim. | "The 2020 election was not stolen." - someone at FOX doesn't want to get sued again. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/fox-news-host-donald-trump-speech_n_656d9112e4b0f3e5f449f0a1 28 comments law