- Half of boomers and late Gen Xers who took early retirement during the first Covid wave have fallen into poverty https://fortune.com/2023/07/07/covid-retirement-poverty-boomers-gen-x/ 38 comments economy
- Made a Video on 401k vs IRA - Never too Early or Too Late To Learn about Retirement Accounts! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCOljra6Z7E 5 comments retirement
- "Sad to report the passing, due to cancer, of that very fast and very under-rated racing driver, Alan Rollinson [British F1 driver in the late 60s and early 70s]. Sensing the end, Alan a couple of weeks ago thrashed an MX5 around Silverstone before retiring to bed and closing his eyes, job done." https://twitter.com/peterdwindsor/status/1135592502340268033 66 comments formula1
- Jonathan McDowell on Twitter: The first group of V2Mini Starlinks launched on Feb 27 ran into trouble right away, but 3 of them had raised their orbits to 480 km by late April. However, those 3 are now lowering their orbits again - likely for early retirement. [graph included] https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1678600679659585537 42 comments spacex
- [Ross Tucker] We REALLY need to stop saying guys in their late 20s that played 7-9 years of pro football retired "early". Especially when they had a myriad of orthopedic issues (Gronk), a significant concussion history (Kuechly), or a rare nerve disorder (Travis Frederick). https://twitter.com/RossTuckerNFL/status/1242245518740373504 398 comments nfl