Hacker News
- Drought encouraged Attila's Huns to attack the Roman Empire, tree rings suggest https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/drought-encouraged-attilas-huns-to-attack-the-roman-empire-tree-rings-suggest 9 comments
- Drought encouraged Attila's Huns to attack the Roman empire, tree rings suggest https://phys.org/news/2022-12-drought-attila-huns-roman-empire.html 139 comments history
- Drought encouraged Attila’s Huns to attack the Roman empire, tree rings suggest. Hunnic peoples migrated westward across Eurasia, switched between farming and herding, and became violent raiders in response to severe drought in the Danube frontier provinces of the Roman empire, a new study argues. https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/drought-encouraged-attilas-huns-to-attack-the-roman-empire-tree-rings-suggest 13 comments science