Hacker News
- Making Dokuwiki Useful https://blog.cathoderaydude.com/doku.php?id=blog%3Adokuhacking_1 4 comments
- Migrating from DokuWiki to Obsidian https://kaeruct.github.io/posts/2024/08/18/migrating-from-dokuwiki-to-obsidian/ 76 comments
- Argon – a clean, responsive, modern template for Dokuwiki https://github.com/IceWreck/Argon-Dokuwiki-Template#argon-dokuwiki-template 34 comments
- Created a minimal responsive template for Dokuwiki https://www.dokuwiki.org/template:minimal 3 comments selfhosted
- To anyone running Dokuwiki: A new version 2024-02-06 “Kaos” is out! https://www.dokuwiki.org/changes 4 comments selfhosted
- [Wiki] Created instructions on how to setup DokuWiki https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Dokuwiki 3 comments nixos
- Dokuwiki will be refactored to meet the PHP Standard Recommendations for a better and more modern codebase! https://www.patreon.com/posts/18685665 45 comments selfhosted
- Dokuwiki or Bookstack https://draw.io 11 comments selfhosted
- Hey /r/selfhosted I built a new modern theme for Dokuwiki based on Creative Tim's Argon. Check it out. https://github.com/IceWreck/Argon-Dokuwiki-Template 54 comments selfhosted
- Help with searchers in Dokuwiki https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/fskswf/help_with_searchers_in_dokuwiki/ 3 comments sysadmin
- Dokuwiki on Nodejs? http://www.mywebsite 3 comments node
- Switching Dokuwiki from shared hosting to self hosting https://www.dokuwiki.org/install:ubuntu 4 comments selfhosted
- DokuWiki with CKGEdit plugin and default-enabled spell check module sends all text to company in the Ukraine https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/9vkuzb/dokuwiki_with_ckgedit_plugin_and_defaultenabled/ 3 comments selfhosted
- DokuWiki with CKGEdit plugin and default-enabled spell check module sends all text to company in the Ukraine https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/9vkuzb/dokuwiki_with_ckgedit_plugin_and_defaultenabled/ 26 comments sysadmin
- Here is one way to setup a Raspberry Pi 3 to serve as your own Wiki site - with Dokuwiki, Raspbian Stretch Lite, nginx and PHP https://www.techcoil.com/blog/how-to-setup-your-own-wiki-site-on-a-raspberry-pi-3-with-dokuwiki-raspbian-stretch-lite-nginx-and-php/ 24 comments raspberry_pi
- Dokuwiki, Mediawiki, Confluence, Sharepoint... https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/6uvzjb/dokuwiki_mediawiki_confluence_sharepoint/ 39 comments sysadmin
- DokuWiki security concerns? https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/6l5vk4/dokuwiki_security_concerns/ 6 comments sysadmin
- Hosting dokuwiki behind nginx https://hub.docker.com/r/mprasil/dokuwiki/ 9 comments selfhosted
- DokuWiki is nice for documentation https://gitlab.com/Espionage724/Linux/blob/master/Distros/Fedora-Workstation.txt 14 comments sysadmin