- National Debt Matters, Here’s Why https://libertarianminarchist.medium.com/national-debt-matters-heres-why-bacc9c665c56 8 comments economy
- US National Debt Hits Terrifying $22 Trillion. This is Why Bitcoin Matters. https://www.ccn.com/us-national-debt-terrifying-22-trillion-why-bitcoin-matters 7 comments btc
- A serious question for Republicans: why does the national debt matter *now*, when none of you cared at all about its growth rate when a Republican was in office? http://rwer.wordpress.com/2012/08/19/usa-national-debt-graph-by-president-roosevelt-to-obama/ 303 comments politics
- A response to those believing the US national debt does not matter: The Great Reset vs. The Great Reset https://www.mauldineconomics.com/frontlinethoughts/the-great-reset-vs.-the-great-reset#excess 7 comments economy
- Why the $22 trillion national debt doesn't matter – here's what you should worry about instead https://theconversation.com/why-the-22-trillion-national-debt-doesnt-matter-heres-what-you-should-worry-about-instead-111805 4 comments economy
- Debt? What debt? At $22 trillion, here's the argument the national debt doesn't matter https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/13/politics/debt-spending-mmt/index.html 22 comments economy
- Debt? What debt? At $22 trillion, here's the argument the national debt doesn't matter https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/13/politics/debt-spending-mmt/index.html 94 comments politics
- Access to Health Care, Basic Necessities a Matter of Life or Debt - Medical debt & bankruptcy are uniquely American experiences among wealthy nations. http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/15191-access-to-health-care-basic-necessities-a-matter-of-life-or-debt 6 comments politics
- Why, in the midst of a stalled recovery, a fragile economy & job creation slowing to a trickle, might the nation’s leaders decide that the thing to do—in order to raise the debt limit, normally a routine matter—is to spend less money, making job creation even more difficult? http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/2011/aug/18/what-were-they-thinking/ 15 comments politics