Hacker News
- Open Source News Is the Future of Journalism https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/open-source-news-is-the-future-of-journalism 2 comments
- Membership is the future of journalism https://medium.com/de-correspondent/putting-membership-into-practice-2e980c025fc9 8 comments
- Pulitzer Prize Winners Moving to PR: What Does That Say About Future Journalism? http://www.insidesources.com/two-of-this-years-pulitzer-prize-winners-now-work-in-pr-what-does-that-say-about-the-future-of-journalism/ 63 comments
- The Financial Times and the Future of Journalism http://www.newyorker.com/news/john-cassidy/the-financial-times-and-the-future-of-journalism 7 comments
- Why the iPad is Destroying the Future of Journalism http://measuringmeasures.com/blog/2010/12/31/why-the-ipad-is-destroying-the-future-of-journalism.html 17 comments
- This nonprofit has newsrooms in all 50 state capitals. Is it the future of state journalism? https://www.cjr.org/the_media_today/states-newsroom-local-politics-policy-model.php 14 comments politics
- [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel] Milwaukee Bucks to address head coach Mike Budenholzer’s future after NBA Finals https://www.jsonline.com/story/sports/nba/bucks/2021/07/19/milwaukee-bucks-decide-mike-budenholzers-future-after-nba-finals/8007706002/ 89 comments nba
- A study from the Journal of Psychiatric Research found that childhood trauma was associated with elevated depressive symptoms, but only among those who showed a tendency to focus on the past over the present and future. https://www.psypost.org/2021/07/a-tendency-to-focus-on-the-past-plays-a-key-role-in-increasing-depressive-symptoms-among-individuals-with-childhood-trauma-61336 7 comments science
- [Wall Street Journal] We Have Seen the NBA’s Future and Its Name Is Luka Doncic https://www.wsj.com/articles/luka-doncic-mavericks-clippers-nba-playoffs-11622119514 621 comments nba
- The climate may be warming even faster than the UN's dire warning: A new article in the journal Nature finds that October's dire UN science report about the ongoing and future effects of climate change may have actually underestimated the pace of global warming. https://www.axios.com/climate-change-happening-faster-un-report-61569675-9834-4d2e-922e-f6095ae26caf.html 13 comments worldnews
- Policymakers are being misinformed by the results of economic models that underestimate the future risks of climate change impacts, according to a new journal paper by authors in the US and the UK. https://academic.oup.com/reep/advance-article/doi/10.1093/reep/rey005/5025082 3 comments science
- Trump Allows Current Transgender Troops But Bans Future Recruits - The Wall Street Journal. https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-allows-current-transgender-troops-but-bans-future-recruits-1521855712 9 comments politics
- Looking for your thoughts on Paywalls and the part they have to play in the future of the journalism industry https://www.reddit.com/r/business/comments/6vedvc/looking_for_your_thoughts_on_paywalls_and_the/ 4 comments business
- A WikiLeaks prosecution would endanger the future of US journalism https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/apr/21/wikileaks-prosecution-endanger-future-journalism 89 comments politics
- The future of fake news? — The Bureau of Investigative Journalism https://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/stories/2017-02-27/the-future-of-fake-news 7 comments europe
- Scientists restore lost memory in mice, shedding light on amnesia - The study, published in the US journal Science, indicated that memories do in fact remain, but are simply unable to be recollected - The findings "will stimulate future research on the biology of memory and its clinical restoration" http://news.yahoo.com/scientists-restore-lost-memory-mice-shedding-light-amnesia-033653018.html 39 comments worldnews
- Powerful People Are Looking Out For Their Future Selves: "Would you prefer $120 today or $154 in one year? Your answer may depend on how powerful you feel, according to new research in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science." http://www.psychologicalscience.org/index.php/news/releases/powerful-people-are-looking-out-for-their-future-selves.html 14 comments science
- Julian Assange - Under house arrest in England, the WikiLeaks founder opens up about his battle with the 'Times,' his stint in solitary & the future of journalism http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/julian-assange-the-rolling-stone-interview-20120118?2 145 comments worldnews
- One of psychology’s most respected journals has agreed to publish a paper presenting what its author describes as strong evidence for ESP, the ability to sense future events. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/06/science/06esp.html?hp 8 comments science
- Stephen Colbert - "Are you the future of journalism?" Julian Assange - "I hope were not the past of journalism because the past of journalism is mired and needs to change" http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/270712/april-12-2010/julian-assange 5 comments politics
- Video: Joey the junior Blackhawks reporter, the future of journalism http://sports.yahoo.com/nhl/blog/puck_daddy/post/video-joey-the-junior-blackhawks-reporter-the-?urn=nhl-288769 4 comments hockey
- David Simon (creator of the wire) speaking to Congress on the future of high end journalism. http://www.democracynow.org/2009/5/7/david_simon_creator_of_acclaimed_hbo 4 comments reddit.com
- Excellent article on Colt Lyerla by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Those interested in his past and future should give it a read. http://www.jsonline.com/sports/packers/packers-ready-to-roll-dice-on-colt-lyerla-b99279647z1-261042541.html 32 comments nfl
- Thinking positively about the future can reduce your motivation to work hard to achieve your goals. From the Journal of Consumer Psychology. http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/ulterior-motives/201302/positive-fantasies-can-reduce-future-effort 23 comments cogsci
- The future according to 1900 Ladies Home Journal - No more coal, hot/cold air from spigots, NY to England in 2 days, no more letters C, X or Q in the alphabet, and more! http://www.buzzfeed.com/jwherrman/what-the-future-was-supposed-to-be-like 35 comments technology
- National Geographic Magazine, to me, is the apex science journalism, because it draws you in with its mesmerizing images, but as a future conservation biologist, I have to thank Ranger Rick Magazine for fueling my passion in life at an early age. http://www.nwf.org/kids.aspx 19 comments science
- The future of journalism: What newspapers can learn from ex-Dresden Doll Amanda Palmer. (She grossed $19,000 in 10 hours online) http://open.salon.com/blog/future_of_journalism/2009/06/29/amanda_palmers_twitter_riches_--_and_journalism 3 comments business
- A new study finds that countries with well-funded public media have healthier democracies, and explains why investment in U.S. public media is an investment in the future of journalism and democracy alike. https://penntoday.upenn.edu/news/asc-public-media-can-improve-our-flawed-democracy 493 comments science
- While other democracies have recognized the value of public media systems, America is a major outlier. New study finds countries with well-funded public media have healthier democracies. Researchers show investment in US public media is an investment in the future of journalism and democracy alike. https://www.asc.upenn.edu/news-events/news/public-media-can-improve-our-flawed-democracy 548 comments science
- Droughts will hurt food production, rising temperatures will encourage the spread of dangerous pathogens such as malaria and cholera and current climate trends indicate a "code red" for future health, the new report in The Lancet medical journal predicts. https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/20/health/climate-change-health-covid-19/index.html 78 comments worldnews
- Regular, but not recreational, cannabis use linked to greater impaired capacity to envision one’s future - New research suggests that regular cannabis use is associated with impairments in episodic foresight, or the capacity to envision the future, as reported in the Journal of Psychopharmacology. https://www.psypost.org/2018/07/study-regular-cannabis-use-linked-to-impaired-capacity-to-envision-ones-future-51833 79 comments science
- According to a new study published in the International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations, motion-controlled video games as well as future virtual reality devices, such as Oculus Rift, may improve fine motor coordination and other skills. http://www.psypost.org/2016/02/motion-controlled-video-games-may-improve-real-world-skills-41035 10 comments science
- One of the Baltimore Ravens Just Published an Insanely Complex Study in a Math Journal: John Urschel worries that his hitting position could interfere with his future as a math scholar http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-03-20/an-nfl-offensive-lineman-just-published-an-insanely-complex-study-in-a-math-journal 6 comments science
- Just Published an Insanely Complex Study in a Math Journal: John Urschel worries that his hitting position could interfere with his future as a math scholar http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-03-20/an-nfl-offensive-lineman-just-published-an-insanely-complex-study-in-a-math-journal 9 comments sports
- Lawrence Krauss has a piece in the Wall Street Journal on Voyager's imminent interstellar journey: "I find it oddly satisfying to think of the Voyagers on their lonely mission. Serendipity will determine their future, and their future could easily far outlast the future of humanity here on Earth." http://online.wsj.com/article_email/sb10001424052970203413304577088160527526778-lmyqjaxmtaxmdewmdexndaywj.html?mod=wsj_share_email 9 comments science
- An international team of researchers has discovered a new material which, when rolled into a nanotube, generates an electric current if exposed to light. If magnified and scaled up, say the scientists in the journal Nature, the technology could be used in future high-efficiency solar devices. https://www.pv-magazine-australia.com/2019/08/30/scientists-discover-photovoltaic-nanotubes/ 653 comments science
- Methane-consuming bacteria could be the future of fuel, with new discovery in journal Science illuminating how they turn methane gas into liquid methanol, removing a harmful greenhouse gas while also generating a sustainable fuel at room temperature, compared to current processes at 1,300 Celsius https://news.northwestern.edu/stories/2019/05/methane-consuming-bacteria-could-be-the-future-of-fuel/ 20 comments worldnews
- Methane-consuming bacteria could be the future of fuel, with new discovery in journal Science illuminating how they turn methane gas into liquid methanol, removing a harmful greenhouse gas while also generating a sustainable fuel at room temperature, compared to current processes at 1,300 Celsius. https://news.northwestern.edu/stories/2019/05/methane-consuming-bacteria-could-be-the-future-of-fuel/ 823 comments science
- Anti-inflammatory drugs may lower heart attack risk, a randomized, double-blind, controlled study finds. US scientists find heart attack survivors given canakinumab injections have fewer future heart attacks and lower cancer risk, based on 10,000 patients reported in New England Journal of Medicine. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2017/aug/27/anti-inflammatory-drugs-may-lower-heart-attack-risk-study-finds 2 comments science
- Blockbuster films ignore the real harbinger of the apocalypse: ignorance of science - A new UCLA study that analyzed disaster films between 1956 and 2016, published in the journal Futures, finds that the public would rather blame global disaster on human greed or ego than on simple ignorance. https://www.theverge.com/tldr/2018/1/23/16924510/apocalypse-blockbuster-movies-tech-greed-villains-science-climate-change 1443 comments science