Hacker News
- Masks Don’t Work: A Review of Science Relevant to Covid-19 Social Policy https://www.rcreader.com/commentary/masks-dont-work-covid-a-review-of-science-relevant-to-covide-19-social-policy 22 comments
- Is it better to "!= 0” or ”== mask” when working with enums (C#, RyuJIT) https://www.tabsoverspaces.com/233785-is-it-better-to-not-equals-0-or-equals-mask-when-working-with-enums-csharp-ryujit 2 comments dotnet
- Gilbert Arenas trains in Bane-like mask to inhibit breathing as he works on a comeback http://instagram.com/p/n8wYosPP1-/ 42 comments nba
- Analysis | Rand Paul’s false claim that masks don’t work https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/12/02/rand-pauls-false-claim-that-masks-dont-work/ 32 comments politics
- Analysis | Rand Paul’s false claim that masks don’t work https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/12/02/rand-pauls-false-claim-that-masks-dont-work/ 22 comments politics
- Missouri health department found mask mandates work, but didn’t make findings public https://missouriindependent.com/2021/12/01/missouri-health-department-found-mask-mandates-work-but-didnt-make-findings-public/ 11 comments nottheonion
- Kansas governor orders masks to be worn in public, at work https://abcnews.go.com/health/wirestory/kansas-governor-orders-masks-worn-public-work-71576176 46 comments politics
- Coronavirus: Hong Kong prisoners work around the clock to boost mask production https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/health-environment/article/3048249/china-coronavirus-hong-kong-prisoners-work 6 comments worldnews
- Coronavirus: Boris Johnson tells Britons to go back to work and hints at stricter face mask rules https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-boris-johnson-tells-britons-to-go-back-to-work-and-hints-at-stricter-face-mask-rules-12025902 8 comments europe
- NFL studying helmet face guard that works like surgical mask https://apnews.com/13f273f63ccc2071c431c1d8e03a63fc 11 comments nfl
- Apple’s Face ID with a Mask works so well, it might end password purgatory https://www.theverge.com/2022/2/2/22912677/apple-face-id-mask-update-ios-15-4-beta-hands-on-impressions 308 comments apple
- If masks work, Rep. Chaplik asks, why didn't we wear them to stop AIDS? (Should we tell him?) https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/laurieroberts/2021/03/04/if-masks-work-arizona-lawmaker-asks-why-not-stop-aids/6921665002/ 290 comments politics
- They Call Me a Hero Because I Work at Kroger, So Why Do I Feel Disposable? A Kroger employee in Ohio says his "hero pay" didn't mask the fact that he was risking his life for a few bucks an hour. And now, even that's going away. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/g5ppny/they-call-me-a-hero-because-i-work-at-kroger-so-why-do-i-feel-disposable 75 comments politics
- Reopened restaurant told workers: Don't wear face masks — or don't work https://www.cbsnews.com/news/face-masks-dallas-restaurant-workers/ 11 comments nottheonion
- Reopened restaurant told workers: Don't wear face masks — or don't work https://www.cbsnews.com/news/dallas-restaurant-workers-face-masks-work/#app 206 comments nottheonion
- AMA: Jason Abaluck, an economics professor at Yale best known for work in health economics, Covid policy (masks and vaccines), choice and inattention, and yelling at an old man on Twitter about causal identification None 12 comments economics
- SAGE scientists tell UK to begin Covid Plan B - including masks and home working https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/breaking-scientists-urge-boris-johnson-25276359 44 comments worldnews
- Twitter Removes Tweet By Trump Adviser Saying Masks Don’t Work https://www.huffpost.com/entry/twitter-removes-scott-atlas-mask-tweet_n_5f8c9887c5b6dc2d17f80837 29 comments politics
- ‘Flood’ of GOP Congressional Staffers Say They’re Being Forced to Work on Capitol Hill Without Masks: Report https://lawandcrime.com/covid-19-pandemic/flood-of-gop-congressional-staffers-say-theyre-being-forced-to-work-on-capitol-hill-without-masks-report/?utm_source=mostpopular 40 comments politics
- ‘Flood’ of GOP Congressional Staffers Say They’re Being Forced to Work on Capitol Hill Without Masks: Report https://lawandcrime.com/covid-19-pandemic/flood-of-gop-congressional-staffers-say-theyre-being-forced-to-work-on-capitol-hill-without-masks-report/ 3 comments politics
- ‘Flood’ of GOP Congressional Staffers Say They’re Being Forced to Work on Capitol Hill Without Masks: Report https://lawandcrime.com/covid-19-pandemic/flood-of-gop-congressional-staffers-say-theyre-being-forced-to-work-on-capitol-hill-without-masks-report/ 1853 comments politics
- As Florida coronavirus cases spike, Gov. Ron DeSantis says mask requirement won’t work https://www.tampabay.com/news/health/2020/06/26/as-florida-coronavirus-cases-spike-ron-desantis-says-mask-requirement-wont-work/ 25 comments politics
- Former Trump Official Won Contract To Give Masks To Navajo Hospitals. Some May Not Work. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/zach-fuentes-navajo-nation-masks_n_5ec842c6c5b6913dba3cf8a2 16 comments politics
- Working in Dubai, one man's story of the ugliness and treachery behind the P.R. mask http://www.b3ta.com/questions/theboss/post460435 8 comments worldnews
- Twitter removes tweet from top Trump Covid-19 adviser saying masks don't work https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/twitter-removes-tweet-top-trump-covid-adviser-saying-masks-don-n1243841 3 comments politics
- Kudlow refuses to say whether Trump wore a mask in his return to work https://www.cnbc.com/2020/10/07/kudlow-refuses-to-say-whether-trump-wore-a-mask-in-return-to-oval-office.html 20 comments politics
- Kudlow refuses to say whether Trump wore a mask in his return to work https://www.cnbc.com/2020/10/07/kudlow-refuses-to-say-whether-trump-wore-a-mask-in-return-to-oval-office.html 11 comments worldnews
- Biggest european face mask factory starts working in Poland. Production up to 100 millions face masks per month. https://tulodz.pl/biznes,inwestycje,ptak-uruchamia-najwieksza-w-europie-fabryke-maseczek-2-mln-sztuk-na-dobe-jaka-cena-zdjecia,new,mg,2,18.html,5781 31 comments europe
- The Country Could Use a First Lady. But Melania Trump Has Gone AWOL — Melania could be out there sewing masks, visiting caregivers, working at a food bank—whatever. That’s what First Ladies do during crises. So where is she? https://www.thedailybeast.com/melania-trump-has-gone-awol-just-when-america-really-needs-a-first-lady 845 comments politics
- Chinese Alibaba billionaire Jack Ma working together with his personal charity foundation to donate 500,000 coronavirus tests and 1 million face masks to the US as shortages mount https://www.businessinsider.com/jack-ma-pledges-to-ship-coronavirus-tests-masks-to-us-2020-3 7 comments worldnews
- Ontario restaurant workers will not get COVID-19 vaccine in Phase 2 | "We prepare and serve meals to people who are not wearing masks while they eat or drink. We cannot stay six feet apart from our guests, we cannot work from behind plexi-glass and we certainly cannot work from home." https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/it-s-the-answer-we-feared-ontario-restaurant-workers-will-not-get-covid-19-vaccine-in-phase-2-1.5351146 5 comments worldnews
- Melania Trump made her staff work from home and wear face masks, and was shocked seeing her husband's aides often go without them, report says https://news.yahoo.com/melania-trump-made-her-staff-145742024.html 49 comments politics
- [Haynes] Yahoo Sources: League sent email to teams this morning urging players, coaches to wear masks during Zoom calls now that media in attendance. “We want to make sure we are staying within rules of campus and since we’re indoors and they aren’t working out, wearing masks apply here.” https://twitter.com/ChrisBHaynes/status/1285609897443364864?s=19 29 comments nba
- A new study makes it clear: after universal masking was implemented at Mass General Brigham, the rate of COVID-19 infection among health care workers dropped significantly. "For those who have been waiting for data before adopting the practice, this paper makes it clear: Masks work." https://www.brighamandwomens.org/about-bwh/newsroom/press-releases-detail?id=3608 1826 comments science
- Taiwan to spend $35 billion fighting virus, to donate 10 million masks. President Tsai: "We need to step up cooperation and that means sharing experiences and materials, and working together to develop treatments and vaccines". Taiwan will donate PPE to "allies and countries hit hardest by COVID-19" https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-taiwan-economy-iduskbn21j41c 9 comments worldnews
- Harrowing photos have emerged of an incredibly thin 70-year-old elephant who works in a parade in Sri Lanka. Tikiiri is one of 60 elephants who joins the Perahera Festival, working every night for ten days wearing a costume, including a mask with bright lights. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/shocking-pictures-show-emaciated-elephant-forced-to-work-in-sri-lankan-parade-a4213261.html 265 comments worldnews
- [former mlb player Michael Young] Not pointing fingers at anybody individually, but certain big league umpires are grossly sensitive. If you miss a call, players will have a say. Too much on the line. Keep your mask on, get back to work. Don’t give the good umpires a bad name. https://twitter.com/mikeyy626/status/1113603802136023040?s=20 98 comments baseball
- [Long]New Server at work is nothing but the old one, but virtualized on new hardware via VMWare by an IT company my boss hired. Our network was configured 15 years ago and uses as subnet mask. The IT guys didn't check for that, and now I have trouble accessing the server via vSphere. https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/4hb4u4/longnew_server_at_work_is_nothing_but_the_old_one/ 3 comments techsupport
- Crimea Tatars Say Assembly Raided by Masked Men and Russian FSB: "I came to work shortly after 9.30 a.m. but the building was blocked by armed people in balaclavas and uniforms" http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article/crimea-tatars-say-assembly-raided-by-masked-men-and-russian-fsb/507269.html 58 comments worldnews
- Cut Social Security to "Save" It From Cuts? The agenda behind cuts is the money does not have to be found to repay the trust fund. The trust fund masked the harm done by tax cuts, and undoing tax cuts will be needed to pay back the money that working people have set aside for retirement. http://www.truth-out.org/cut-social-security-to-save-it-from-cuts67247 18 comments politics