Hacker News
- Control as Liability https://vitalik.ca/general/2019/05/09/control_as_liability.html 48 comments
- Control as Liability https://vitalik.ca/general/2019/05/09/control_as_liability.html 6 comments
- Trump’s children become bigger liabilities for the White House, complicate damage-control efforts https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/paloma/daily-202/2017/07/14/daily-202-trump-s-children-become-bigger-liabilities-for-the-white-house-complicate-damage-control-efforts/5967dc63e9b69b7071abcb2e/ 7 comments politics
- Control as Liability -- Vitalik Buterin [vitalik.ca] https://vitalik.ca/general/2019/05/09/control_as_liability.html 3 comments ethereum
- Anyone can confer legal personhood on an autonomous computer algorithm merely by putting it in control of a limited liability company https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2954173 4 comments technology
- With Georgia Rally, Trump Tests Role As Asset Or Liability For Senate GOP Control https://www.npr.org/sections/biden-transition-updates/2020/12/05/943293584/with-georgia-rally-trump-tests-role-as-asset-or-liability-for-senate-gop-control 25 comments politics
- Trump said Biden was a medically fragile liability whose VP might seize control. Now he has Covid-19. https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/trump-covid-postive-pence-biden-kamala-2020-election-b748600.html 505 comments politics
- Gun-control frenzy returns to D.C. with mandatory $250K liability insurance. Insurance doesn't exist yet nor would insurance companies make payment if act was criminal. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/may/15/miller-dc-restarts-gun-control-frenzy-mandatory-li/ 45 comments politics
- Massachusetts gun control bill would require gun liability insurance http://www.masslive.com/news/index.ssf/2013/01/massachusetts_bill_would_requi.html#incart_river_default%23incart_m-rpt-2 55 comments politics
- City of San Jose Approves Gun Control Plan Imposing Gun Owner Fee, Liability Insurance https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/city-of-san-jose-approves-gun-control-plan-imposing-gun-owner-fee-liability-insurance/2582605/ 80 comments nottheonion
- Former CEO of MtGox: "The 1Feex address contains ~80k BTC stolen from MtGox in March 2011. Craig Wright is claiming to have been in control of this address until recently, admitting legal liability for damages and interest?" https://twitter.com/MagicalTux/status/1271473195921465344 57 comments btc
- China trade agency to offer companies force majeure certificates that can absolve parties of liability for contracts that cannot be fulfilled due to extraordinary circumstances beyond their control, amid coronavirus outbreak https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-health-trade-iduskbn1zu075 9 comments worldnews
- Stu Grayson: Next Wednesday on AEW Dynamite, I have my very first singles Match on TV ever. I wasn't allowed before because I tend to lose control when Uno isn't around me, something about me being a liability to the company due to my anger issue and violence tendency. Now the leash is off. https://twitter.com/stu_dos/status/1637481931167223813?s=19&t=co1rbHyfhgyQo2GM8v3Xfw 85 comments squaredcircle
- Hillary Clinton wants gun firms liable for shootings. She unveiled new gun control laws on Monday in the wake of the deadly Oregon school shooting, that would strengthen background checks and hold gun manufacturers accountable in liability suits after shootings. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-34447239 4 comments worldnews
- Hillary Clinton wants gun firms liable for shootings. She unveiled new gun control laws on Monday in the wake of the deadly Oregon school shooting, that would strengthen background checks and hold gun manufacturers accountable in liability suits after shootings. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-34447239 51 comments politics
- He's totaled up our government's income, liabilities, and future obligations and concluded that our current standard of living is unsustainable unless some drastic action is taken. Meet David Walker, U.S. Controller General http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/03/01/60minutes/main2528226.shtml 94 comments reddit.com
- It isn't hard to see how private armies deployed on American soil w/secret government contracts controlled by right-wing Christian GOP donors that immunize these firms from liability are bad idea. http://www.openleft.com/showdiary.do?diaryid=2984 31 comments politics