- Why the ethical use of data and user privacy concerns matter https://venturebeat.com/2022/02/26/why-the-ethical-use-of-data-and-user-privacy-concerns-matter/ 7 comments technology
- Concerned about your data use? Here is the carbon footprint of an average day of emails, WhatsApps and more | Environment https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/oct/31/concerned-about-your-data-use-here-is-the-carbon-footprint-of-an-average-day-of-emails-whatsapps-and-more 8 comments climate
- Concerned about data leaks? Samsung prohibits its employees from using ChatGPT https://afronomist.com/concerned-about-data-leaks-samsung-prohibits-its-employees-from-using-chatgpt/ 3 comments futurology
- Majority of Facebook users ‘very concerned’ about sale, use of personal data http://thehill.com/policy/technology/382799-majority-of-facebook-users-very-concerned-about-sale-use-of-personal-data 5 comments privacy
- Facebook suspends analytics firm Crimson Hexagon over data use concerns https://techcrunch.com/2018/07/20/facebook-suspends-analytics-firm-crimson-hexagon-over-data-use-concerns/ 4 comments privacy
- Chrome use subject to restrictions in Dutch schools over data security concerns https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/chrome-use-subject-to-restrictions-in-dutch-schools-over-data-security-concerns/ 51 comments privacy
- The mysterious vanishing open letter that expressed concerns about BP's use of GIS data http://www.scientificblogging.com/chatter_box/bp_gis_and_mysterious_vanishing_open_letter 25 comments science
- Europe’s privacy watchdog probes Google over data used for AI training | Meta and X have already paused some AI training over same set of concerns https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/09/europes-privacy-watchdog-probes-google-over-data-used-for-ai-training/ 2 comments technology
- Using AI to combat human trafficking raises ethical concerns including bias endemic in datasets, privacy risks stemming from data collection and reporting, and issues concerning potential misuse https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3555186 12 comments science
- [Motorsport.com Turkey] According to the news of La Gazzetta dello Sport, Red Bull also objected to Ferrari's testing with the SF21 car, as well as Aston Martin. Rival teams were concerned that Ferrari could gather useful data for the 2022 power unit by testing with the SF21. https://twitter.com/motorsportcomtr/status/1488092921488420870?amp%3Bt=oa3ALvWsKGP0JX3Z7LHhtw&s=20 23 comments formula1
- "We face a growing array of problems that involve technology: nuclear weapons, data privacy concerns, using bots/fake news to influence elections. However, these are, in a sense, not several problems. They are facets of a single problem: the growing gap between our power and our wisdom." https://www.pairagraph.com/dialogue/354c72095d2f42dab92bf42726d785ff?5d 2 comments economy
- "We face a growing array of problems that involve technology: nuclear weapons, data privacy concerns, using bots/fake news to influence elections. However, these are, in a sense, not several problems. They are facets of a single problem: the growing gap between our power and our wisdom." https://www.pairagraph.com/dialogue/354c72095d2f42dab92bf42726d785ff?5b 2 comments privacy
- Earth is 'dimming' because of climate change. Decades of earthshine data show the planet is less bright than it used to be. The light reflected on to the moon, due to changes in cloud patterns. It is actually quite concerning. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/earth-dimming-climate-change-163136112.html 30 comments worldnews
- Stop using Zoom, Hamburg’s DPA warns state government - Hamburg’s state government has been formally warned against using Zoom over data protection concerns https://techcrunch.com/2021/08/17/stop-using-zoom-hamburgs-dpa-warns-state-government/ 3 comments germany
- People are concerned about economic inequality. But they care even more about society’s poorest. Japanese researchers used mouse-tracking data from people distributing money virtually to others, and showed that people care less about equalizing resources and more about helping the neediest. https://academictimes.com/people-are-concerned-about-economic-inequality-but-they-care-even-more-about-societys-poorest/ 111 comments science
- We face a growing array of problems involving technology: nuclear weapons, climate change, data privacy concerns, using bots/fake news to influence elections. However, these are, in a sense, not several problems. They are facets of a single problem: the growing gap between our power and our wisdom. https://www.pairagraph.com/dialogue/354c72095d2f42dab92bf42726d785ff 8 comments technology
- We are facing several problems involving technology: nuclear weapons, climate change, data privacy concerns, using bots/fake news to influence elections. However, these are, in a sense, not several problems. They are facets of a single problem: the growing gap between our power and our wisdom. https://www.pairagraph.com/dialogue/354c72095d2f42dab92bf42726d785ff/3 81 comments philosophy
- Protesters Marching Across The Country Had No Idea That A Tech Company Was Spying On Them | | Data company Mobilewalla used cellphone information to estimate the demographics of protesters. Sen. Elizabeth Warren says it’s “shady” and concerning. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/carolinehaskins1/protests-tech-company-spying 38 comments technology
- U.S. Army cadets were this week instructed not to use China-owned social media app TikTok while representing the military, an Army spokeswoman said on Friday, amid concerns over the app’s handling of user data https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/22/us-army-cadets-told-not-to-use-tiktok-in-uniform.html 131 comments worldnews
- The UK NHS has been urged to stop handing confidential data over to immigration officials, with claims sensitive records have been treated “like the Yellow Pages”. The HSCC said it had serious concerns about the way information held by the health service has been used to trace immigrants. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/04/15/stop-sharing-nhs-data-home-office-officials-told/ 95 comments worldnews
- Moscow-based Kaspersky Lab plans to open data center in Switzerland to address Western government concerns Russia exploits its anti-virus software to spy on customers...is setting up center in response to actions in US, Britain and Lithuania last year to stop using company's products. https://themoscowtimes.com/news/accused-of-spying-kaspersky-lab-plans-move-to-switzerland-60888 59 comments worldnews
- About 1 in 3 of Australia’s biggest businesses paid no tax in 2015-16 financial year, recent data from the Australian Taxation Office has revealed. Small businesses are being targeted too as there have been concerns that some use cash to avoid their fair share of tax and superannuation obligations. http://www.ibtimes.com.au/about-one-three-australias-biggest-businesses-paid-no-tax-ato-1562556 2 comments worldnews
- About 1 in 3 of Australia’s biggest businesses paid no tax in 2015-16 financial year, recent data from Australian Taxation Office has revealed. Small businesses are being targeted too as there have been concerns that some use cash to avoid their fair share of tax and superannuation obligations. http://www.ibtimes.com.au/about-one-three-australias-biggest-businesses-paid-no-tax-ato-1562556 4 comments worldnews
- Pirelli has expressed concerns with the FIA that the test programme for Formula 1's wider 2017 tyres is not delivering useful enough data, with the mule cars falling well short of required downforce levels. http://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/pirelli-expresses-2017-test-concerns-as-downforce-falls-20-short-827429/ 34 comments formula1
- Using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, we estimate an equilibrium matching model of high school relationships...The estimates show that some women would ideally not have sex, but do so out of matching concerns; the reverse is true for men. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.3982/qe429/abstract 10 comments science
- Oculus Responds to Privacy Concerns - "Facebook is not using Oculus data for advertising," won't rule it out for the future though http://uploadvr.com/oculus-responds-to-facebook-privacy-concerns/ 59 comments technology
- How Microsoft's data case could unravel the US tech industry | Wherever you are in the world, if you're using Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and Apple, it's open season on your data as far as the US government is concerned. http://www.zdnet.com/article/why-microsoft-data-case-could-unravel-the-us-tech-industry/ 144 comments technology
- How Microsoft's data case could unravel the US tech industry | Wherever you are in the world, if you're using Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and Apple, it's open season on your data as far as the US government is concerned. http://www.zdnet.com/article/why-microsoft-data-case-could-unravel-the-us-tech-industry/ 29 comments privacy
- Are Recorded Surgeries the Future of Medical Malpractice Investigation and Medical Error Prevention? Medical Societies and Hospital Associations have indicated that they would be opposed out of concern that the recordings and data could later be used against them in a legal matter. http://www.natlawreview.com/article/are-recorded-surgeries-future-medical-malpractice-investigation-and-medical-error-pr 28 comments law
- Hospital records used to 'target ads on Twitter and Facebook' say privacy campaigners, in latest NHS data concerns http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/hospital-records-used-to-target-ads-on-twitter-and-facebook-say-privacy-campaigners-in-latest-nhs-data-concerns-9166633.html 20 comments technology
- Event Data Recorders track how you use your car, raises privacy concerns. Possibly installed in 95% of new cars from next year. http://rt.com/usa/edr-black-box-police-037/ 3 comments politics
- Black boxes in cars raise privacy concerns.. a bill in Congress that will make mandatory the use of "black boxes"— more formally, Event Data Recorders (EDR) — will become law soon http://www.mercurynews.com/breaking-news/ci_22144425/black-boxes-cars-raise-privacy-concerns 33 comments technology
- Chinese-made cranes used at Canadian ports flagged as security concern by U.S. - U.S. investigators fear technology on the cranes could send data back to China or be used to disable them https://financialpost.com/cybersecurity/chinese-made-cranes-canadian-ports-flagged-security-concern 19 comments worldnews
- Japan testing for coronavirus at fraction of capacity - Japan is only using a sixth of its capacity to test for the coronavirus even as it is increasing its ability to do so, government data shows, adding to concern it is understating its outbreak and not doing enough to contain it. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/03/18/national/japan-testing-covid-19-sixth-of-capacity/ 10 comments worldnews
- Concerning the U.S. military base on Okinawa: contrary to common belief, it has been shown (using data from the Okinawa government itself) that the crime rate for American military personnel on the island is LOWER than the overall crime rate for the island. http://nihon.awardspace.com/okinawa_sofa_crime.html 4 comments politics
- Singapore admitted data collected for contact-tracing can be accessed by police despite earlier assurances it would only be used to fight coronavirus, sparking privacy concerns about scheme. City-state has programme called "TraceTogether" for tracking close contacts of Covid-19 patients. https://www.ibtimes.com/singapore-admits-police-can-access-contact-tracing-data-3114785 3 comments worldnews