Hacker News
- I've never used cohost but I miss it https://plume.pink/blog-cohost/ 28 comments
- Cohost to shut down at end of 2024 https://cohost.org/staff/post/7611443-cohost-to-shut-down 118 comments
- Cohost is a new social media platform built from the ground up https://cohost.org/rc/welcome 5 comments
- cohost to shut down at end of 2024 https://cohost.org/staff/post/7611443-cohost-to-shut-down 3 comments culture
- Mark Zuckerberg will cohost a Trump inauguration reception along with Republican billionaires https://fortune.com/2025/01/15/mark-zuckerberg-cohost-trump-inauguration-reception-republican-billionaires/ 128 comments politics
- Rene Dupree Announces The End of Cafe De Rene after Fallout with his Cohost. Rene Invites Him On To Hash It Out For Their Final Stream. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_b0LRL6hOk 17 comments squaredcircle
- Former Raptors head coach Sam Mitchell threatens to expose his cohost on live TV and to leak his address https://streamable.com/4y2yew?src=player-page-share 10 comments nba
- Cohost to shut down at end of 2024 https://cohost.org/staff/post/7611443-cohost-to-shut-down?ref=upstract.com#:~:text=December%2031%2C%202024%3A%20cohost%20will,1%20to%20prevent%20link%20rot. 12 comments technology
- I'm going to be cohosting a free workshop for GitLens in VSCode tomorrow. In it, I go through the process of learning about a codebase using GitLens features so that onboarding to a new project isn't as difficult. https://event.sessions.us/gitkraken/fast-easy-onboarding-with-gitlens-in-vs-code 7 comments vscode
- Ryan Clark announces he's leaving DC & RC; DC says he's returning with a TBA new cohost in 2 weeks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7L-8pUhzQtc 319 comments mma
- Charles Barkley Discuss Why He Doesn't Like Skip Bayless. He does a rather good job of explaining by Skip Bayless is an unlikeable douchebag because of how disrespectful he is to players and even his cohosts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6EdaHzUhkY 317 comments nba
- Cohosts laugh at Jaime Dimon as he tries to spread bitcoin fud. Bitcoin is winning. https://twitter.com/squawkcnbc/status/1616039056961323008?s=46&t=fu00ZcTyQiLFk1WngK2enQ 63 comments bitcoin
- Sinica cohost Kaiser Kuo revealed to have accused the US National Endowment of Democracy of organizing and funding protests in Hong Kong https://twitter.com/BethanyAllenEbr/status/1586865805857198080 12 comments china
- What’s It Like to Cohost a Podcast With AI? One Creator Is Finding Out... https://code.likeagirl.io/whats-it-like-to-cohost-a-podcast-with-ai-one-creator-is-finding-out-631973812e1b 17 comments futurology
- [Indonesia] have qualified for the 2023 AFC Asian Cup! This is their first time back at the competition since 2007 when they cohosted. https://twitter.com/PSSI/status/1536817289529393153?cxt=HHwWgoCgsdbL79MqAAAA 37 comments soccer
- [Garafolo] The #Steelers will have a second round of interviews for their vacant GM job. Among those who have been scheduled are the Titans’ Ryan Cowden and the Buccaneers’ John Spytek, sources tell me, RapSheet and today’s gmfb cohost TomPelissero. Others will interview, too. https://twitter.com/MikeGarafolo/status/1522186526079307776 42 comments nfl
- Meghan Markle’s Message to Young Voters: If You Don’t Vote, You’re Complicit — The California-born Duchess of Sussex didn't hold back during a United State of Women event, which Glamour cohosted. https://www.glamour.com/story/meghan-markles-message-to-young-voters-if-you-dont-vote-youre-complicit 256 comments politics
- Cohost of podcast with Ben Rothenberg and Senior WTA writer Courtney Nguyen apologises for calling Williams sisters, Schiavone & Azarenka ‘Trannies’ https://twitter.com/FortyDeuceTwits/status/1269718325044502529?s=20 12 comments tennis
- [Ryan Leaf] How’s this for a story...2nd Pick in the 1998 NFL Draft. Crash & Burn so bad many consider the biggest draft bust ever, goes to prison, chooses to get back up and carry on. 6 years later, employed by @espn living the dream and cohosting #nfllive for the 1st time today! #soberlife https://twitter.com/ryandleaf/status/1235708851414016001?s=21 637 comments nfl
- TV anchor apologizes after comparing black cohost to a gorilla https://edition.cnn.com/2019/08/27/us/oklahoma-tv-anchor-apologizes-racist-comments-soh/index.html 6 comments worldnews
- TV anchor apologizes after comparing black cohost to a gorilla https://edition.cnn.com/2019/08/27/us/oklahoma-tv-anchor-apologizes-racist-comments-soh/index.html 35 comments nottheonion
- TV anchor apologizes after comparing black cohost to a gorilla https://www-m.cnn.com/2019/08/27/us/oklahoma-tv-anchor-apologizes-racist-comments-soh/index.html 77 comments nottheonion
- TV anchor apologizes after comparing black cohost to a gorilla https://www-m.cnn.com/2019/08/27/us/oklahoma-tv-anchor-apologizes-racist-comments-soh/ 3 comments worldnews
- [Schefter] The man behind this quote, with his consent to release it, he former Stanford and NFL LB Dave Wyman, now a Seahawks analyst and 710 ESPN Seattle cohost. https://twitter.com/adamschefter/status/979040705967517697?s=21 11 comments nfl
- 'Not mentally equipped to continue watching our show': 'Morning Joe' cohosts respond to Trump's attack on Mika Brzezinski http://www.businessinsider.com/mika-brzezinski-responds-to-trump-face-lift-tweet-2017-6 5 comments politics
- South Korean President suggests 2030 World Cup bid cohosted with North Korea https://www.theguardian.com/football/2017/jun/12/south-korea-president-suggests-cohosting-2030-world-cup-north-korea 22 comments worldnews
- New "Business of Blockchain" Conference Cohosted by MIT Technology Review and the MIT Media Lab Explains the Impact of Blockchain Across Industries https://www.yahoo.com/news/business-blockchain-conference-cohosted-mit-technology-review-mit-144900401.html 3 comments ethereum
- Reminder: Dwyane Wade is cohosting "Live!" with Kelly Ripa tomorrow morning https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/4rm1m7/reminder_dwyane_wade_is_cohosting_live_with_kelly/ 12 comments nba
- Mexican cohost fired after being sexually harassed on live TV http://remezcla.com/culture/enrique-tovar-sexually-harrasses-his-female-co-host-on-live-tv-in-mexico/ 58 comments worldnews
- Phillip Rivers interviewed on a Bay Area radio show cohosted by former teammate Lorenzo Neal. Possibly the greatest 10 minutes of radio of all time. http://d24edc7kaf4agn.cloudfront.net/1639665/100238895/philip-rivers-on-a-mobile-for-post-100238895.mp3?rhihttphost=media.957thegame.com 39 comments nfl
- Webber to cohost Ten Formula 1 and some V8 Supercar coverage in 2015. https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/t1.0-9/10568995_10152642754149824_7441416547559731277_n.jpg 60 comments formula1
- CNN's Kyra Phillips Jokes About Making "Reverse Oreo" With Black Cohost Don Lemon http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/01/30/cnns-kyra-phillips-jokes_n_84113.html 2 comments reddit.com
- Grodin to Hannity: Didn't You Cohost With Goebbels? ... I Didn't Say You're a Nazi- I Said Your Cohost Was a Nazi [VIDEO] http://www.mediabistro.com/tvnewser/fnc/grodin_to_hannity_i_didnt_say_you_were_a_nazi_i_said_your_cohost_was_a_nazi_73250.asp?c=rss 9 comments politics