Hacker News
- Claude Opus won't give details about unsafe C++ to underage people https://cloud.typingmind.com/share/2e2dec14-6438-43f1-bd00-b3a83768c283 11 comments
- Claude Bragdon: Drawings of the Fourth Dimension (2022) https://socks-studio.com/2022/10/23/claude-bragdon-drawings/ 21 comments
- Show HN: Papersnap – Claude 2-Powered Mind Maps from Research https://poe.com/universal_link_page?handle=PAPERSNAP 5 comments
- Jean-Claude Juncker : There is one european country that refuses to condemn Human Rights Abuses because Chinese investors are involved in one of their ports https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-04-01/xi-fails-to-calm-europe-as-juncker-takes-another-swipe-at-china 95 comments europe
- Arsenal have had an opening €7m bid for 20-year-old FC Lorient attacker Alexis Claude-Maurice rejected, but they will return with an improved offer & the player is mad about joining the Gunners. https://www.getfootballnewsfrance.com/2019/arsenal-have-e7m-bid-rejected-for-alexis-claude-maurice/ 49 comments soccer
- Jean-Claude Juncker: Europeans have lost 'libido' for each other https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/may/03/jean-claude-juncker-europeans-have-lost-libido-for-each-other?cmp=share_btn_fb&fbclid=iwar28zuzc6bjlqn9vilgh5d7eomalwqhj8umsxr5pvbimrgpn0x7tgkysnjm 50 comments europe
- Jean-Claude Juncker's Unexpected Deal: How the European Commission President Won Over Trump http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/how-the-jean-claude-juncker-won-over-donald-trump-a-1220466.html 7 comments politics
- Juncker: EU needs stronger defence arm - EU nations must step up their military co-operation as they cannot simply rely on theUS to defend them, EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker says. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-40217085 4 comments worldnews
- Brexit a 'failure' for divided European Union, admits Jean-Claude Juncker ahead of 60th anniversary http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/03/24/brexit-failure-divided-european-union-admits-jean-claude-juncker/ 25 comments europe
- Jean-Claude Juncker: Hands off EU, Trump; we don't back Ohio secession http://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-usa-trump-eu-juncker-idukkbn1522c1 146 comments europe
- Jean-Claude Juncker’s next big thing http://www.politico.eu/article/jean-claude-junckers-social-agenda-europe-commission-president/ 24 comments europe
- Eurosceptics should visit war graves, says Jean-Claude Juncker http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/eu/12184099/eurosceptics-should-visit-war-graves-says-jean-claude-juncker.html 29 comments europes
- UK 'threatens to quit EU over presidency' - Der Spiegel | German magazine Der Spiegel says British PM David Cameron warned that the UK could leave the EU if Luxembourg ex-PM Jean-Claude Juncker became president of the European Commission. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-27653359 216 comments worldnews
- [Johnston] Flyers retaining 50% of Claude Giroux's salary/cap hit in the deal with Florida. https://twitter.com/reporterchris/status/1505314324075761666?s=21 109 comments hockey
- [LeBrun] No Claude Giroux trade yet, sources say. He won’t play Friday or Sunday, the Flyers will hold him out until the situation is resolved through the deadline. Florida remains very interested. I think Colorado remains in the mix. We’ll see what Friday brings. https://twitter.com/PierreVLeBrun/status/1504665513032568848 71 comments hockey
- [Pierre LeBrun] Habs got their first round pick on Chiarot which some people didn’t think would happen. But Florida is all-in. The Panthers still aim to try and land Claude Giroux if they can swing it. https://twitter.com/pierrevlebrun/status/1504252712401227778?s=21 164 comments hockey
- [Frank Seravalli] Fletcher: “It will be Claude’s decision,” as to whether Claude Giroux is moved at the deadline. As far as the deadline itself: “We’re looking to aggressively retool here. Everything is on the table.” https://twitter.com/frank_seravalli/status/1486370461395177477?s=21 126 comments hockey
- A jihadist leader of al-Qaeda who was responsible for the 2013 abduction and murder of French journalists Ghislaine Dupont and Claude Verlon was killed in a French army strike. Parly said French forces in the Sahel region had killed "four terrorists" in an operation in northern Mali on June 5 https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20210611-main-suspect-in-murder-of-rfi-journalists-ghislaine-dupont-and-claude-verlon-killed-by-french-strike-in-northern-mali-france-24 8 comments worldnews
- David Pastrnak (@NHLBruins), Blake Wheeler (@NHLJets) and Claude Giroux (@NHLFlyers) named the NHL’s “Three Stars” for the week ending Nov. 11. https://twitter.com/pr_nhl/status/1062027604469956609 51 comments hockey
- “I’m going to try and find the best candidate possible. It doesn’t have to be French, it can be whatever. If it is French, great. If not, it’s going to be the best candidate.” - Claude Julien on his final assistant coach position https://twitter.com/arponbasu/status/990009391196884998 24 comments hockey
- Claude Julien gets a standing ovation from Bruins fans during his return game to Boston https://streamable.com/meq51 61 comments hockey
- Claude Puel on Riyad Mahrez: “Perhaps in the summer he will cost even more than £100m.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/42697035 71 comments soccer
- Claude Puel: Pragmatic and successful, how Southampton's loss is Leicester's gain http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/42347378 7 comments soccer
- Claude Giroux looks himself again at new home on left wing http://www.courierpostonline.com/story/sports/nhl/flyers/flyer-files/2017/11/09/flyers-5-takeaways-claude-giroux-looks-himself-again-new-home-left-wing/851207001/ 9 comments hockey
- Frank de Boer and Mauricio Pellegrino are among the names on Southampton's shortlist to replace Claude Puel as manager https://twitter.com/simonpeach/status/875324547146317824 28 comments soccer
- Bruce Cassidy: "I hate the Canadiens, doesn't matter if Claude Julien or Joe Blow is coaching" also talks benching Spooner and Miller, and possible 2LW addition http://boston.cbslocal.com/audio/toucher-rich/ 152 comments hockey
- Last night was 550th career victory for Claude Julien https://twitter.com/amandacstein/status/846906818383114240 3 comments hockey
- Prime Minister Trudeau: "Nice to see Claude Julien behind the bench again for the @CanadiensMTL. Welcome back. #GoHabsGo" https://twitter.com/justintrudeau/status/833030229056696320?s=09 137 comments hockey
- Game Day Thread : Claude Julien Press Conference - Feb 1 5 2017-1 1:00 AM EST http://www.rds.ca/en-direct 53 comments hockey
- Claude Julien appointed head coach of the Canadiens https://www.nhl.com/canadiens/news/claude-julien-appointed-head-coach-of-the-montreal-canadiens/c-286754858 2252 comments hockey
- [Twitter] Claude Julien calls job security speculation "shock journalism." https://twitter.com/hackswithhaggs/status/822640499479683076 19 comments hockey
- It is Claude Shannon's 100th birthday who was famous for his work on 'Information theory.' A keen chess player, he is also important for his work on 'Programming A Computer For Playing Chess' in 1950. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/claude_shannon 7 comments chess
- Let the Philly media idiocy begin: Maybe Flyers should trade Claude Giroux while he's still valuable http://www.philly.com/philly/sports/flyers/20151113_maybe_flyers_should_trade_claude_giroux_while_he_s_still_valuable.html 45 comments hockey
- Chatter around the league favors the Bruins retaining Claude Julien. If things go sideways early next season, Julien will be out. Bruce Cassidy and Mike Milbury will be considered as replacements https://www.bostonglobe.com/sports/2015/05/30/nhl-notebook-former-bruin-steve-montador-gave-medical-community-big-assist/41o1llb7helmn1i1mvpbwj/story.html 133 comments hockey
- Claude Julien: Bruins Will Be ‘Tad’ More Aggressive This Season http://nesn.com/2014/09/claude-julien-bruins-will-try-to-be-a-tad-more-aggressive-this-season/ 22 comments hockey
- Claude Giroux's response to being left off team Canada http://video.flyers.nhl.com/videocenter/console?catid=771&id=531279&lang=en 37 comments hockey
- Solving the Mystery Of Claude Giroux http://www.flyersnation.net/2013/11/solving-the-mystery-of-claude-giroux.html 4 comments hockey
- The Hypocrisy of Claude Julien and the Boston Bruins http://lastwordonsports.com/2013/03/04/the-hypocrisy-of-claude-julien-and-the-boston-bruins/ 477 comments hockey
- The most influential dissertation ever written: Claude Shannon's "A Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits" https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0bz9o7r2iqi0ny2fmmwrmnzqtnwqwzc00njg2lwi0yjitn2jhnwiym2uwzja3&hl=en 11 comments compsci
- Jean Claude Van Damme vs Somluck Kamsing, K1, October 2010! http://www.headkicklegend.com/2010/1/1/1229556/jean-claude-van-dammes-2010 11 comments sports