- 3 Ways 3D Chip Tech is Upending Computing https://spectrum.ieee.org/amd-3d-stacking-intel-graphcore 3 comments futurology
- Wife an I are in debt and would like advice on smart ways to chip away. https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/a2k2c1/wife_an_i_are_in_debt_and_would_like_advice_on/ 6 comments personalfinance
- IBM Has Devised a Way to "Grow" Computer Chips http://futurism.com/ibm-has-devised-a-way-to-grow-computer-chips/ 4 comments technology
- Chip Kelly Won't Change His Ways in New Job Coaching 49ers http://www.nytimes.com/glogin?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nytimes.com%2Faponline%2F2016%2F01%2F20%2Fsports%2Ffootball%2Fap-fbn-49ers-kelly.html%3Fpartner%3Drss%26emc%3Drss%26_r%3D1 38 comments nfl
- Boykin: "I'm in no way calling Chip a racist. I wanted to relate with my coach better." https://twitter.com/jimwexell/status/627876066770685952 10 comments nfl
- IBM Chip Processes Data Similar to the Way Your Brain Does http://www.technologyreview.com/news/529691/ibm-chip-processes-data-similar-to-the-way-your-brain-does/ 3 comments technology
- Excellent way to seal your potato chip bags without a chip clip http://www.wimp.com/sealchips/ 43 comments reddit.com
- [Highlight] Chip Kelly finds an efficient way to make an adjustment https://youtu.be/bIzepL62RIs 36 comments nfl
- Chinese spy chips are found in hardware used by Apple, Amazon, Bloomberg says; Apple, AWS say no way https://www.cnbc.com/2018/10/04/chinese-spy-chips-are-said-to-be-found-in-hardware-used-by-apple-amazon-apple-denies-the-bloomberg-businessweek-report.html 1591 comments technology
- Chinese spy chips are found in hardware used by Apple, Amazon, Bloomberg says; Apple, AWS say no way https://www.cnbc.com/2018/10/04/chinese-spy-chips-are-said-to-be-found-in-hardware-used-by-apple-amazon-apple-denies-the-bloomberg-businessweek-report.html 567 comments worldnews
- MIT Researchers Reveal More Efficient Way To Build Chips Below The 10nm Process http://www.tomshardware.com/news/mit-researchers-sub-10nm-patterning,34002.html 14 comments hardware
- Medical technology that could eliminate need for animal testing wins design award | ‘Revolutionary’ Organs-on-Chips could change the way pharmaceutical trials are conducted http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/medical-technology-that-could-eliminate-need-for-animal-testing-wins-design-award-10337887.html 13 comments worldnews
- Apple’s Lightning Authentication Chip Has Been Successfully Cloned, Third Party Cables On The Way http://www.cultofmac.com/195089/apples-lightning-authentication-chip-has-been-successfully-cloned-third-party-cables-on-the-way/?utm_medium=twit&utm_campaign=spread-us 168 comments apple
- Australian researchers make quantum computing breakthrough, paving way for world-first chip http://www.theage.com.au/technology/sci-tech/australian-researchers-make-quantum-computing-breakthrough-paving-way-for-worldfirst-chip-20151005-gk1bov.html 5 comments technology
- Australian researchers make quantum computing breakthrough, paving way for world-first chip http://www.theage.com.au/technology/sci-tech/australian-researchers-make-quantum-computing-breakthrough-paving-way-for-worldfirst-chip-20151005-gk1bov.html 5 comments worldnews
- IBM and allies find a way to make chips even tinier and faster http://www.cnet.com/uk/news/ibm-and-allies-advance-chip-technology-two-generations-into-the-future/ 11 comments worldnews
- Qualcomm to offer hardware killswitches on their chips - "a way for users, or authorities, to remotely wipe smartphones" http://www.slashgear.com/qualcomm-safeswitch-offers-a-hardware-based-kill-switch-16346433/ 15 comments technology
- Taurean Prince speaks on his time with the Brooklyn Nets “I played the 4 in Brooklyn, I’ve never played the four. ”I remember Kai saying ain’t no way we winning a chip with TP at the 4. https://streamable.com/hrpzfy 35 comments nba
- [Heyman] The 14-team postseason is a very big issue at the moment. The union sees this as their biggest bargaining chip as MLB presses hard for it. Union previously agreed to 12 teams so one way or another it’s expanding. https://twitter.com/jonheyman/status/1498439597998878721?s=21 74 comments baseball
- Inside the machine that saved Moore’s Law - The Dutch firm ASML spent $9 billion and 17 years developing a way to keep making denser computer chips. https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/10/27/1037118/moores-law-computer-chips/ 28 comments technology
- [Smith] Taylor Raddysh just got a, well, teaching moment. Jon Cooper stopped drill + got on rookie for not getting puck deep or chipping in, instead turnover led to rush the other way. “That’s 1-fucking-nothing.” https://twitter.com/joesmithtb/status/1446516692557905921?s=21 46 comments hockey
- SciTechDaily: "Engineering Breakthrough Paves Way for Chip Components That Could Serve As Both RAM and ROM" https://scitechdaily.com/engineering-breakthrough-paves-way-for-chip-components-that-could-serve-as-both-ram-and-rom/ 100 comments hardware
- Stanford team builds an integrated circuit to control the flow of light through a diamond chip, helping pave the way for quantum processors. https://engineering.stanford.edu/magazine/article/quantum-technology-seeks-control-light-unerring-precision?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=reddit-tests&utm_content=quantum-reddit 13 comments science
- Mechanical engineers have discovered a way to produce more electricity from heat than thought possible by creating a silicon chip, also known as a 'device,' that converts more thermal radiation into electricity. This could lead to devices such as laptop computers and cellphones https://unews.utah.edu/beat-the-heat/ 42 comments science
- Trade War Has Damaged U.S. Chip Industry in Ways a Deal May Never Fix https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/27/technology/trade-war-chipmakers.html 40 comments worldnews
- In other words, McConnell: Ya know, we could easily pass this but it would be way better if I can use dreamers as a bargaining chip instead. I would rather exploit the fact that the Democrats have sympathy. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/probably-not-mcconnell-wont-bring-up-bill-to-protect-dreamers/2019/06/05/18b67cb6-87e0-11e9-a870-b9c411dc4312_story.html 4 comments politics
- How many games are Golden State Mikey going to lose on the way to their 3rd straight Chip? https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/8vnyzq/how_many_games_are_golden_state_mikey_going_to/ 4 comments nba
- Chip & Dan Heath says telling great stories is one of the best ways to make your message stick. But the question is - how do you tell a great story? I've compiled 10 popular storytelling formulas in this post to help guide you tell a memorable and sticky brand message. https://www.reddit.com/r/marketing/comments/6v0hvr/chip_dan_heath_says_telling_great_stories_is_one/ 16 comments marketing
- [Russillo Show ~15min mark] Stephen Jackson: "As a rookie, think I was 2nd leading scorer in Utah Summer League behind Dirk. Pop told me that he wants me in SA, but the only way that happens is if I don't smoke weed during the year. Once he said that, I shut it down. Winning a chip > than weed." http://www.espn.com/espnradio/play?id=20097563 233 comments nba
- When did people begin to expect that AMD would beat Intel's top of the line chips? I recall people having way less of expectations for AMD before the launch. https://www.reddit.com/r/hardware/comments/5xyekl/when_did_people_begin_to_expect_that_amd_would/ 42 comments hardware
- Scientists have found a way to make memory chips perform computing tasks, which is traditionally done by computer processors. This means data could be processed in the same spot where it is stored, leading to much faster and thinner computers. https://techxplore.com/news/2017-01-scientists-memory-chips-processors-tasks.html 23 comments science
- "BAM: Our upgrade to 16nm chip tech finally on its way !! This is the most advanced tech for next 2 yrs! Go Go Go! Nothing stopping us now!!" https://twitter.com/bitfurygeorge/status/786391526632935424 3 comments btc
- Researchers have created a chip for the nano-manipulation of light, paving the way for next gen optical technologies and enabling deeper understanding of black holes.They designed an integrated nanophotonic chip that can achieve unparalleled levels of control over the angular momentum of light. http://phys.org/news/2016-04-black-holes-nano-control-paths.html 69 comments science
- Antigravity pump lifts water upwards with no power source: scientists have developed a way to lift water with no need for an external source of energy. Although the technique only works over short distances at the moment, it could be useful for microfluidic lab-on-a-chip devices .. http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn27710-antigravity-pump-lifts-water-upwards-with-no-power-source.html?cmpid=rss%7Cnsns%7C2012-global%7Conline-news#.vxrpyoex1yh 17 comments science
- Nordic countries point way to cashless future as US struggles with chip-and-pin http://www.theguardian.com/money/2015/jan/09/nordic-countries-cashless-societies-us-chip-pin 3 comments technology
- The Next Big Thing in Computer Memory - Researchers have discovered a new way to make chips that could pack terabytes into smartphones http://www.technologyreview.com/news/529386/super-dense-computer-memory/ 309 comments technology
- Intel previews SSD overclocking -- Intel showed off two ways to goose more performance from SSDs, increasing the controller clock speed and the NAND flash memory chip speed http://www.zdnet.com/intel-previews-ssd-overclocking-7000020120/ 6 comments hardware
- Lasers Enable Finer Chip Structures - "A research team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) said it has found a new way to shrink circuit structures in semiconductors." http://www.tomshardware.com/news/science-research-mit-semiconductor-lithography,14296.html#xtor=rss-998 9 comments technology
- Intel promotes the Turbo Boost technology in its new Core i7 Mobile processors as a way to adapt to the needs of the software and get more performance from the chip, but this isn't the real reason the technology exists. http://news.cnet.com/8301-13512_3-10362882-23.html 3 comments technology
- "In every presidency there are critical moments that become turning points and this could easily be one for Obama, because he has put so many chips on to healthcare reform, and it's been getting away from him in a major way" http://www.reuters.com/article/gca-healthcarereform/idustre58260k20090903 3 comments politics