- 'It's Trump vs. not-Trump:' After conventions, Biden looks to excite his base while Trump tries to expand his https://news.yahoo.com/trump-vs-not-trump-conventions-090015288.html?soc_src=newsroom&soc_trk=com.apple.uikit.activity.copytopasteboard&.tsrc=newsroom 8 comments politics
- North Korea has 'expanded secret missile base' despite Trump promises over denuclearisation https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/north-korea-nuclear-missile-base-war-us-kim-jong-un-donald-trump-a8669591.html 14 comments politics
- North Korea has 'expanded secret missile base' despite Trump promises over denuclearisation https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/north-korea-nuclear-missile-base-war-us-kim-jong-un-donald-trump-a8669591.html 36 comments worldnews
- With New Niger Drone Base, Trump's CIA Poised for Expanded African Footprint: NYT https://www.commondreams.org/news/2018/09/10/new-niger-drone-base-trumps-cia-poised-expanded-african-footprint-nyt 18 comments politics
- Catholic hospital systems are pushing Trump to expand “conscience rights” – even though faith-based medicine has nearly killed some of their patients. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/catholic-hospitals-refuse-to-treat_us_5b06c82fe4b05f0fc8458db3 10 comments politics
- China's Renewable Energy Plans Could Leave Trump's US in the Dust. China announced this week plans to massively expand its already massive renewables base. Trump’s attempts to hamstring the US solar and wind industries, along with batteries, EVs, and other tech, surely seem like an opening to China. https://www.splinter.com/chinas-renewable-energy-plans-could-leave-trumps-us-in-the-dust 104 comments energy