Hacker News
- Can Governments Stop Bitcoin? https://quillette.com/2021/02/21/can-governments-stop-bitcoin/ 51 comments
- Governments Can Ban Bitcoin, but That Won’t Stop Its Adoption by the People https://www.inbitcoinwetrust.net/governments-can-ban-bitcoin-but-that-wont-stop-its-adoption-by-the-people-2abb4c82e454?sk=5b934d11b2ea66c083787cf9a458f933 20 comments cryptocurrency
- Why Governments Can't Stop Bitcoin: Game Theory Explained! https://youtube.com/watch?si=4OUW_a9SXBcTTW9t&v=MyMHHLm-d44 2 comments bitcoin
- Daniel Krawisz: Why Governments Can't Stop Bitcoin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooVyxE1OSl8 4 comments btc
- Chinas government uses TANKs to stop people from withdrawals at their local bank!!! Is there a better argument for Bitcoin? https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/china/chinese-authorities-tanks-banks-b2128298.html%3famp 2 comments bitcoin
- China mines more bitcoin than anywhere else. The government wants that to stop https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/24/investing/bitcoin-mining-china-crackdown-intl-hnk/index.html 21 comments cryptocurrency
- Report: Nigeria to Stop Cash Withdrawals From Government Accounts – Economics Bitcoin News https://news.bitcoin.com/report-nigeria-to-stop-cash-withdrawals-from-government-accounts/ 23 comments cryptocurrency
- Bitcoin Could Be the Greatest Gambling Platform in History. Can the Government Stop It? https://fee.org/anythingpeaceful/this-could-be-the-greatest-gambling-platform-in-history/ 14 comments technology
- Someone just transferred $1 in Bitcoin and paid a fee of $0.34. That’s a transaction fee of 34%. No government bank or third party had to verify the transaction, nor could they have STOPPED IT, if they wanted to. https://www.blockchain.com/btc/tx/5876ca239b7da1c351c25a0331b8271c7f6e9cc17b39ddbd926e218d19f39533 37 comments cryptocurrency
- Someone just transferred $3,526,250,000 in Bitcoin and paid a fee of $1.11. That’s a transaction fee of 0.000000031%. No government bank or third party had to verify the transaction, nor could they have STOPPED IT, if they wanted to. https://nitter.net/WatcherGuru/status/1452303872987262976#m 170 comments cryptocurrency
- Panel Recommends Indian Government Take Immediate Steps to Stop Bitcoin Use https://news.bitcoin.com/indian-government-take-immediate-steps-to-stop-bitcoin-use/ 8 comments btc
- “I will not stop:” Jackson mayor responds to state bill blocking bitcoin options for city governments https://eu.jacksonsun.com/story/news/2022/04/10/jackson-mayor-responds-state-bill-blocking-bitcoin-options-city-governments/9481980002/ 7 comments cryptocurrency
- More than 200,000 sign petition in South Korea to stop government’s crackdown on bitcoin ‘happy dream’ http://sg.intrendings.com/business/more-than-200000-sign-petition-in-south-korea-to-stop-governments-crackdown-on-bitcoin-happy-dream-business-news/ 3 comments btc
- US Government: Stop Dickering and Prepare for Post-Quantum Encryption Now. Any impact on Bitcoin GRC narrative?! https://www.cnet.com/tech/computing/us-government-stop-dickering-and-prepare-for-post-quantum-encryption-now/ 29 comments bitcoin
- Why is the bitcoin selling trend is not stopping even after major government and corporate endorsements? Do you think ww entered the crash season? https://www.express.co.uk/finance/city/1446508/bitcoin-price-what-is-happening-to-bitcoin-today-evg 40 comments cryptocurrency
- Another day of the Government trying to stop you from getting Crypto: US Man Selling Bitcoin Without License Faces 5 Years in Prison https://news.bitcoin.com/us-man-selling-bitcoin-without-license-faces-5-years-in-prison/ 11 comments cryptocurrency
- Friedrich Hayek predicts Bitcoin in 1984: I don't believe we should ever have a good money again before we take the thing out of the hands of government. We can't take it violently, all we can do is by some sly roundabout way introduce something they can't stop https://youtu.be/PcM2np8-Mv0 28 comments cryptocurrency
- Government Ban on Bitcoin Is ‘Foolish’: SEC's Hester Peirce Attempts by governments to stop people from trading Bitcoin won't go well, according to Crypto Mom. "You’d have to shut down the internet." https://decrypt.co/65910/government-ban-bitcoin-foolish-sec-hester-peirce 119 comments cryptocurrency