Hacker News
- Metaverse Company to Offer Immortality Through ‘Live Forever’ Mode https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkp47y/metaverse-company-to-offer-immortality-through-live-forever-mode 2 comments
- Metaverse Company to Offer Immortality Through ‘Live Forever’ Mode https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkp47y/metaverse-company-to-offer-immortality-through-live-forever-mode 827 comments futurology
- Metaverse Company to Offer Immortality Through ‘Live Forever’ Mode(AI to copy your actions and make a software copy of you) https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkp47y/metaverse-company-to-offer-immortality-through-live-forever-mode 48 comments cryptocurrency
- Meltzer on why Vince probably changed his mind about retirement: "I do believe that if Vince McMahon thought that he was going to hurt the company by staying that he would leave. The WWE is his life legacy. I don't think he wants to be the one to take it down, I think he wants it to live forever." https://www.sescoops.com/news/reason-vince-mcmahon-retirement/ 146 comments squaredcircle