Hacker News
- Attack of the 50 foot Blockchain (2017) http://blog.koehntopp.info/2017/08/01/fertig-gelesen-attack-of-the-50-foot-blockchain.html 103 comments
- Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain:Bitcoin, Blockchain, Ethereum and Smart Contracts https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B073CPP581/ 2 comments
- More Than 500 Blockchain Hackers to Battle for a $50,000 Prize https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/500-blockchain-hackers-battle-50000-prize/ 8 comments
- The search for $50 million lost after Blockchain Global's crypto exchange collapse https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-10-03/blockchain-global-collapse-cryptocurrency-asic-730/102925444 100 comments cryptocurrency
- Coinbase Report: Over 50% Of Fortune 100 Companies Have Blockchain Initiatives In Pipeline https://cryptonewsbtc.org/2023/06/25/coinbase-report-over-50-of-fortune-100-companies-have-blockchain-initiatives-in-pipeline/ 49 comments cryptocurrency
- More than 50% of Fortune 100 are working on blockchain projects https://news.coincu.com/197256-fortune-100-working-blockchain/ 31 comments cryptocurrency
- Value Locked in Defi Rises Above $50 Billion Mark, Ethereum Dominates TVL by Blockchain https://news.bitcoin.com/value-locked-in-defi-rises-above-50-billion-mark-ethereum-dominates-tvl-by-blockchain/ 12 comments cryptocurrency
- Forbes Blockchain 50 2023 https://www.forbes.com/sites/ninabambysheva/2023/02/07/forbes-blockchain-50-2023/?sh=7cdcb746319d 4 comments cryptocurrency
- Winklevoss Twins Hold Stake in 50 Blockchain Startups, Unfazed By Falling Crypto Prices https://blockmagnates.com/winklevoss-twins-hold-stake-in-50-blockchain-startups-unfazed-by-falling-crypto-prices/ 41 comments cryptocurrency
- Are most Rust jobs in crypto? Yes, a little over 50% are indeed blockchain job offers. https://scrapingfish.com/blog/are-most-rust-jobs-in-crypto 355 comments rust
- Nornickel Enters Forbes Blockchain 50 List Second Year in Row https://www.aliens.com/read/nornickel-enters-forbes-blockchain-50-list-second-year-in-row?category=policy 3 comments cryptocurrency
- There’s a $50 Trillion Industry Making a Huge Bet on Blockchain https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-01-26/there-s-a-50-trillion-industry-making-a-huge-bet-on-blockchain 15 comments cryptocurrency
- Nearly 50% of the blockchain industry’s usage comes from games https://cryptoslate.com/nearly-50-of-the-blockchain-industrys-usage-comes-from-games/ 10 comments cryptocurrency
- Using Blockchain, Mark Cuban Buys $50,000 in Carbon Offsets Every 10 Days https://www.thestreet.com/crypto/.amp/news/using-blockchain-mark-cuban-buys-50000-in-carbon-offsets-every-10-days 11 comments cryptocurrency
- You Can Now Vote For The Forbes Blockchain 50: Blockchain's biggest businesses 2022! This is Your Moment to Shill Your Project! https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaeldelcastillo/2021/09/20/blockchains-biggest-businesses-forbes-blockchain-50-call-for-2022-nominations/?sh=4c43318f1a1a 11 comments cryptocurrency
- Bogota’s $2.8 Billion Program to Finance Blockchain Companies With up to $50 Million https://news.bitcoin.com/bogotas-2-8-billion-program-to-finance-blockchain-companies-with-up-to-50-million/ 3 comments cryptocurrency
- China Merchants Bank subsidiary and Nervos Foundation launch $50 million blockchain fund. https://www.theblockcrypto.com/linked/105247/china-merchants-bank-subsidiary-nervos-foundation-50-million-blockchain-fund?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss 6 comments cryptocurrency
- List of Top 50 Companies Using Blockchain Technology https://101blockchains.com/companies-using-blockchain-technology/ 11 comments cryptocurrency
- VET on the Cusp of Joining the Top 10 Cryptos; VeChain Mentioned in the 2021 Forbes Blockchain 50 https://heraldsheets.com/vet-on-the-cusp-of-joining-the-top-10-cryptos-vechain-mentioned-in-the-2021-forbes-blockchain-50/ 10 comments cryptocurrency
- Oracle, the world's third biggest tech provider, is creating a bridge between Ethereum, Chainlink and a multitude of startups. It's helping 50 startups introduce blockchain to increase their revenue through data streams, but many more will utilise its open source code. https://decrypt.co/7626/oracle-taps-blockchain-ethereum-chainlink-revenue-startups 3 comments ethereum
- Major Banks Investing $50 Million To Build Blockchain System http://blocksoar.news/banks-investing-b1d5c 8 comments business
- Dr Muneeb Ali [Pakistani blockchain pioneer, raised over $50 million in 2017 to build a decentralized internet]: "Imran Khan’s election victory in Pakistan is a historic world event. It’s a new path to prosperity after decades of stagnation; millennials and professionals are energized today." https://twitter.com/muneeb/status/1022627804423364610 17 comments pakistan
- 50 Real World Use-Cases of Blockchain Technology. https://medium.com/@mixrent/50-blockchain-real-world-uses-cases-b3bd0531221e 74 comments ethereum
- 50 Real World Use-Cases of Blockchain Technology. https://medium.com/@mixrent/50-blockchain-real-world-uses-cases-b3bd0531221e 10 comments technews
- Overview of 50 States’ Guidance and Regulations on Blockchain and Digital Currency https://bitcoincenternyc.com/bitcoin-news/bitcoin-blockchain-cryptocurrency-laws-50-states/ 3 comments btc
- A $50 Million Heist Unleashes High-Stakes Showdown in Blockchain https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-06-23/a-50-million-heist-unleashes-high-stakes-showdown-in-blockchain 25 comments ethereum
- Join the Revolution: Be One of the First 50 Beta Testers for The Artist Xchange, the Decentralized Platform Transforming the Music Industry with Blockchain and DeFi https://the-artist-xchange.gitbook.io/theartistxchange/ 12 comments cryptocurrency
- Freelancing Boosts Blockchain Adoption As 50% of Freelancers Accept Cryptos As Payment https://www.analyticsinsight.net/freelancing-boosts-blockchain-adoption-as-50-of-freelancers-accept-cryptos-as-payment/ 11 comments cryptocurrency
- Argo Blockchain shares fall 50% as Bitcoin miner faces negative cash flow https://www.theblock.co/post/181291/argo-blockchain-shares-fall-bitcoin-miner-negative-cash-flow 15 comments cryptocurrency
- Congress Has Introduced 50 Digital Asset Bills Impacting Regulation, Blockchain, And CBDC Policy https://www.forbes.com/sites/jasonbrett/2022/05/19/congress-has-introduced-50-digital-asset-bills-impacting-regulation-blockchain-and-cbdc-policy/ 9 comments cryptocurrency
- Coinbase drops margin trading — because Bitcoin doesn’t scale – Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain https://davidgerard.co.uk/blockchain/2020/11/25/coinbase-drops-margin-trading-because-bitcoin-doesnt-scale/ 29 comments btc
- More Than 500 Blockchain Hackers to Battle for a $50,000 Prize • /r/Bitcoin https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/4xta9d/more_than_500_blockchain_hackers_to_battle_for_a/ 3 comments ethereum
- Hi! My name is Varun, I'm 15, and I gave a TEDx talk about Bitcoin and the blockchain. I had around 50 people come up to me to learn more about Bitcoin in the following week! #spreadtheword https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_6doVFL4Cw 45 comments btc
- Blockchain Engineer Alleges Attack Triggered Terra's $50 Billion Downfall https://news.bitcoin.com/blockchain-engineer-alleges-attack-triggered-terras-50-billion-downfall/ 66 comments cryptocurrency
- When the market is going down zoom out. There are over 50 major companies many of whom are a part of the elite 500 club, and over 10k coins with a valuation of over $1.54 trillion. All actively employing blockchain technology. Some of these players include Visa, HSBC, Barclays, Walmart, Ford, Shell https://cryptomode.com/deconstructing-myths-how-blockchain-can-actually-help-the-environment/ 19 comments cryptocurrency
- Crypto Firm Santo Blockchain Buys 50 Bitcoin ATMs, The company aims to purchase 300 BTC ATMs in 2022. https://www.financemagnates.com/cryptocurrency/news/crypto-firm-santo-blockchain-buys-50-bitcoin-atms/ 6 comments cryptocurrency
- 8 out of 50 companies on Forbes' Most Innovative FinTech Companies in 2021 ("The FinTech 50") list were crypto and blockchain: Alchemy, Anchorage, BlockFi, Chainalysis, Fireblocks, Gemini, Kraken and Paxos https://www.forbes.com/fintech/2021/#bb3aedc31a63 7 comments cryptocurrency