- In 1987 Mike Schmidt posted 6.1 WAR at 37 years old... Here he is that same year teaching kids how to hold a baseball bat, feat. SHOULD BE FELLOW HALL OF FAMER Dale Murphy. From the PBS special "Mike Schmidt and Friends: How To Play Better Baseball." https://youtu.be/ewQvMmbYP7g?si=-KfDnPs6DHRnFUWv&t=1187 46 comments baseball
- [PBS Origins] How History Ignored Women in Baseball https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CR4Mv5Q2rso 4 comments baseball
- [PBS NewsHour] Major League Baseball opens season with controversy over 'papery' uniforms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35nYwjHkaKE 3 comments baseball
- PBS Frontline present “The Astros Edge: Triumph and Scandal in Major League Baseball” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNU64BVw95g 17 comments baseball
- Frontline documentary "The Astros Edge: Triumph and Scandal in Major League Baseball" airs tonight at 10PM local time on PBS https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/schedule/ 10 comments baseball
- Latino Immigrants Brought Baseball To America. This New Exhibition Aims To Recognize That | PBS Newshour https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeQoKAuoQgc 7 comments baseball
- TIL in May 2006, Johnny Damon, Edgar Renteria, and Mike Timlin voiced baseball players on the PBS Kids show "Arthur". The players voiced by Damon, Renteria, and Timlin were named Playmon, Bateria, and Winlin. https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/ksfkkq/til_in_may_2006_johnny_damon_edgar_renteria_and/ 43 comments baseball
- [PBS] Ken Burns' BASEBALL now available to stream in Canada https://twitter.com/PBS/status/1239642673633529856?s=20 11 comments baseball
- PBS Streaming Ken Burns’ ‘Baseball’ for Free Amid Delayed MLB Season https://www.rollingstone.com/tv/tv-news/pbs-ken-burns-baseball-streaming-967564/ 154 comments baseball
- Baseball | PBS https://www.pbs.org/show/baseball/ 3 comments baseball
- With ongoing closures and postponements, Ken Burns has asked PBS to put his ‘Baseball’ documentary series up on their streaming platforms https://www.pbs.org/show/baseball/ 3 comments baseball
- [Ken Burns] With events canceled & so much closed, I asked @PBS to stream BASEBALL for free so we can participate in the national pastime together https://twitter.com/KenBurns/status/1239197240096325632 134 comments baseball
- PBS News Hour: "Dad pitches Major League Baseball teams on wooing their newest fan" https://www.youtube.com/watch?amp%3Bnoapp=1&%3Bpersist_app=1&%3Bv=1sjSCchTuSo&app=desktop 3 comments baseball
- Ty Cobb's legendary reputation as a mean, racist, and dirty player that no one liked is a meme that everyone has bought into, including Ken Burns's PBS special, "Baseball". The problem? None of it is true. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/apr/24/robert-knight-knocking-a-meme-out-of-the-park/ 28 comments baseball
- PBS' 'Antiques Roadshow' finds $1 million Boston Red Stockings baseball collection in NYC http://www.startribune.com/lifestyle/270787661.html 6 comments baseball
- For r/baseball Netflix users: Ken Burns' Baseball PBS series expires April 1st. http://movies.netflix.com/wimovie/ken_burns_baseball/70202575?trkid=496624 26 comments baseball
- Ken Burns' PBS documentary picks up where his previous series Baseball left off in the 1990s. One of the film's most compelling threads is the story of Barry Bonds -- before and after he makes what Burns calls a "Faustian bargain." http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyid=129757687 4 comments sports