Hacker News
- How to Test If We're Living in a Computer Simulation https://www.iflscience.com/how-to-test-if-were-living-in-a-computer-simulation-71919 4 comments
- How to test if we're living in a computer simulation https://theconversation.com/how-to-test-if-were-living-in-a-computer-simulation-194929 3 comments
- Are We Living in a Computer Simulation? http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/are-we-living-in-a-computer-simulation/ 201 comments
- Are You Living In a Computer Simulation? (2003) http://simulation-argument.com/simulation.html 60 comments
- We are living in someone else's computer simulation http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/14/science/14tier.html?ei=5090&emc=rss&en=22bfff4070a81187&ex=1344744000&partner=rssuserland 41 comments
- You’re living in a computer simulation, and math proves it http://io9.com/5799396/youre-living-in-a-computer-simulation-and-math-proves-it 4 comments
- Do we live in a computer simulation? Proposed law of physics backs up the idea https://theconversation.com/do-we-live-in-a-computer-simulation-like-in-the-matrix-my-proposed-new-law-of-physics-backs-up-the-idea-215552 2 comments
- Do we live in computer simulation? Proposed new law of physics backs up the idea https://theconversation.com/do-we-live-in-a-computer-simulation-like-in-the-matrix-my-proposed-new-law-of-physics-backs-up-the-idea-215552 2 comments
- Could new law of physics support the idea we're living in a computer simulation? https://phys.org/news/2023-10-law-physics-idea-simulation.html 2 comments
- Are We Living In A Computer Simulation ? https://youtu.be/BVHk4rZX7MI 3 comments philosophy
- Living In A Computer Simulation https://reasonandmeaning.com/2018/07/09/living-in-a-computer-simulation/ 6 comments artificial
- Why you're actually Not "living in a computer simulation" http://www.skeptic.com/reading_room/are-we-living-in-a-computer-simulation/ 3 comments philosophy
- Are You Living in a Computer Simulation? http://people.uncw.edu/guinnc/courses/spring11/517/simulation.pdf 11 comments philosophy
- Are You Living In a Computer Simulation? - The Simulation Argument http://www.simulation-argument.com/ 32 comments philosophy
- Are You Living In a Computer Simulation? http://www.simulation-argument.com/simulation.html 19 comments technology
- Are you living in a computer simulation? http://www.simulation-argument.com/simulation.html 5 comments science
- The moral case for why we don’t live in a computer simulation https://medium.com/@shaun_gallagher/the-moral-case-for-why-we-dont-live-in-a-computer-simulation-23dd96b95588 88 comments philosophy
- Scientists to test if we are living in a computer simulation http://m.huffpost.com/uk/entry/2282745?utm_hp_ref=fb&src=sp&comm_ref=false 230 comments worldnews
- Are We Living Inside a Computer Simulation? http://mashable.com/2012/12/17/the-lattice/ 9 comments technology
- You might be living in a computer simulation http://io9.com/5799396/youre-living-in-a-computer-simulation-and-math-proves-it 2 comments reddit.com
- Do gravitational anomalies prove we're not living in a computer simulation? http://newatlas.com/gravitational-anomaly-prove-universe-not-simulation/51588/ 27 comments space
- Physicists Find We're Not Living in a Computer Simulation. https://cosmosmagazine.com/physics/physicists-find-we-re-not-living-in-a-computer-simulation 3 comments nottheonion
- Possible way to test the "We are living in a computer simulation" hypothesis. http://www.astrobio.net/pressrelease/5204/do-we-live-in-a-computer-simulation 9 comments space
- Physicists Confirm That We’re Not Living In a Computer Simulation http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/next/physics/physicists-confirm-that-were-not-living-in-a-computer-simulation/ 27 comments space
- Physicists Confirm That We’re Not Living In a Computer Simulation http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/next/physics/physicists-confirm-that-were-not-living-in-a-computer-simulation/http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/next/physics/physicists-confirm-that-were-not-living-in-a-computer-simulation/ 269 comments nottheonion
- Physicists find we’re not living in a computer simulation https://cosmosmagazine.com/physics/physicists-find-we-re-not-living-in-a-computer-simulation 48 comments technology
- Living in a Computer Simulation- the Paper that Supports Elon Musk's Argument of Simulation [PDF] http://www.simulation-argument.com/simulation.pdf 29 comments philosophy
- Do we live in a computer simulation? UW researchers say idea can be tested http://www.washington.edu/news/2012/12/10/do-we-live-in-a-computer-simulation-uw-researchers-say-idea-can-be-tested/ 838 comments science
- You can watch a live computer simulation of a Russian Premier League match on their web site http://eng.rfpl.org/mc/ 12 comments soccer
- Living in a computer simulation should have no bearing on our existence and how we find meaning in life. https://medium.com/the-multilarity/the-play-of-plays-219a6f113282 283 comments philosophy
- Physicists say there may be a way to prove that we live in a computer simulation http://io9.com/5950543/physicists-say-there-may-be-a-way-to-prove-that-we-live-in-a-computer-simulation?utm_campaign=socialflow_io9_facebook&utm_source=io9_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow 8 comments science
- if you accept a pretty reasonable assumption of Dr. Bostrom’s, it is almost a mathematical certainty that we are living in someone else’s computer simulation http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/14/science/14tier.html?ei=5090&en=22bfff4070a81187&ex=1344744000&partner=rssuserland&emc=rss&pagewanted=all 57 comments reddit.com
- If miracles really happen, it would be a stronger argument that we live in a computer simulation than for the existence of any spiritual element or god. https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/8xennmr4a5czmyz25/if-miracles-really-happen-it-would-be-a-stronger-argument 17 comments philosophy
- Scientists have used computer simulations to reconstruct feeding in the common ancestor shared between humans and starfish, which lived over half a billion years ago. http://www.bristol.ac.uk/news/2015/october/computer-simulations-reveal-feeding-in-early-animal.html 7 comments science
- Could we live in a simulation? It seems as if unnecessary information elementary particles are deleted or compressed, just like in a computer. https://www.vice.com/en/article/5d9k8a/new-law-of-physics-could-mean-we-really-live-in-a-simulation-physicist-proposes 119 comments futurology
- Simulation hypothesis: The smart person's guide - This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about the simulation hypothesis, the idea that we live in a computer simulation built by superintelligent machines. http://www.techrepublic.com/article/simulation-hypothesis-the-smart-persons-guide/ 20 comments technology
- Physicists find we’re not living in a computer simulation . A team of theoretical physicists has shown that life and reality cannot be merely simulations generated by a massive extraterrestrial computer https://cosmosmagazine.com/physics/physicists-find-we-re-not-living-in-a-computer-simulation 75 comments science
- We're not living in a simulation, theoretical physicists confirm. Calculations show that just storing information about a couple of hundred electrons would require a computer memory that would physically require more atoms than exist in the universe. https://cosmosmagazine.com/physics/physicists-find-we-re-not-living-in-a-computer-simulation 45 comments science
- A Monash University-led interdisciplinary study has used cutting-edge computer simulations alongside footage of live seals to explain the origins of efficient swimming in nature’s underwater acrobats: Seals and Sea Lions https://www.monash.edu/science/news/current/engineers-and-biologists-join-forces-to-reveal-how-seals-evolved-to-swim 3 comments science
- New research suggests that nurturing by grandmothers may explain human longevity. Essentially using computer simulations, researchers show that long-living grandmothers, if directed to take care of grandchildren, allow mothers to have even more kids, enriching the longevity trait in the population. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/evolution/9628724/grandmothers-gave-humans-longer-lifespans.html 3 comments science