Hacker News
- Heimcontrol.js – Home Automation in Node.js with Raspberry Pi and Arduino https://ni-c.github.io/heimcontrol.js/ 6 comments
- Home-made arduino-based PCB drilling machine https://youtu.be/lC4i-xv90iw 10 comments arduino
- This is an Arduino Gynoid we made at home https://youtu.be/bjf8W3C-dhM 6 comments robotics
- I just made arduino nano double sided pcb at home https://youtu.be/gSyo_GxZKQo 4 comments arduino
- The Alexa and Arduino Smart Home Challenge https://www.hackster.io/contests/alexasmarthome 5 comments arduino
- can a web server ping a specific arduino connected to my home network? https://www.reddit.com/r/arduino/comments/79nwbe/can_a_web_server_ping_a_specific_arduino/ 18 comments arduino
- R2D2 Arduino Home made https://youtu.be/L5JR2HmYTIg 4 comments arduino
- NI is now selling a LabVIEW Home Edition for $50 that can interface with Arduino! http://digilentinc.com/products/detail.cfm?navpath=2,66,1457&prod=labview-he 82 comments arduino
- AnyMote Home + Your Phone = The Ultimate Universal Remote, Create your own Arduino option only $20 https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1635386542/anymote-home-your-phone-the-ultimate-universal-rem 3 comments arduino
- Arduino Home Automation: Animated Outdoor Lighting http://andrewtjohnson.me/2014/09/arduino-runway-lights-a-lesson-in-clean-code/ 22 comments arduino
- Arduino and Kinect Home Automation http://youtu.be/X5Uj8zfpxzo 3 comments arduino
- Home automation with Arduino and Android [OC] http://hblok.net/blog/posts/2013/02/19/home-automation-with-arduino-and-android/ 5 comments arduino
- I tried a simple Home Automation Project with Arduino and a Parallax RFID reader. http://www.youtube.com/watch?amp%3Bfeature=share&v=FfwTurNJW_s 4 comments arduino
- Dual Axis Solar Tracker using Arduino and products lying at home https://youtu.be/aDFVgU-tj-g 26 comments arduino
- ArcBotics Sparki the Easy Arduino Programmable Robot - Open Home Automation https://openhomeautomation.net/arcbotics-sparki-review/ 7 comments arduino
- I want to make an audio equalizer for my home stereo... Is it possible using arduino uno? https://www.reddit.com/r/arduino/comments/55nxbo/i_want_to_make_an_audio_equalizer_for_my_home/ 5 comments arduino
- Arduino homing beacon detector https://www.reddit.com/r/arduino/comments/55jrzv/arduino_homing_beacon_detector/ 8 comments arduino
- Tutorial on setting up ESP8266 for Arduino IDE, and adding MQTT for cheap smart home sensors http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/meet-arduino-killer-esp8266/ 17 comments arduino
- heimcontrol.js - Home automation in Node.js with Raspberry PI and Arduino https://ni-c.github.io/heimcontrol.js/ 4 comments node
- Turn your Arduino into a KNX (home automation standard) device ! http://liwan.fr/knxwitharduino/ 3 comments arduino
- Home Automation for Makers - Arduino AtHeart https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/home-automation-for-makers-arduino-atheart 6 comments arduino
- Arduino Based Home Brew Smart Watch http://www.hardcopyworld.com/ngine/aduino/index.php/archives/670 4 comments arduino
- Programming Your Home: Automate with Arduino, Android, and Your Computer http://www.book-experts.org/programming-your-home-automate-with-arduino-android-and-your-computer/ 7 comments arduino
- What type of hardware would you need to make a home based security system using Arduino? http://makezine.com/projects/pir-sensor-arduino-alarm/ 25 comments arduino
- heimcontrol.js - Home automation in Node.js with Raspberry PI and Arduino http://ni-c.github.io/heimcontrol.js/ 6 comments raspberry_pi
- DIY Home Automation with Arduino, Pusher, and Twilio http://www.twilio.com/blog/2012/08/diy-home-automation-using-twilio-powerswitch-arduino-and-pusher.html 14 comments arduino
- Using Arduino to decode a home security system protocol and integrate with home automation: DSC Keybus Interface library https://github.com/taligentx/dsckeybusinterface 7 comments arduino
- Supermariocarts ... home made Arduino controlled robots ... battle it out... in the kitchen with knifes and balloons!! https://youtu.be/BopEye6pNvk 7 comments arduino
- [HELP]Easy arduino home automation using a 433mhz Hub http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Broadlink-RM2-Smart-phone-wireless-universal-remote-control-electrical-appliances-of-your-home-by-WIFI-Infrared/1682452655.html?tracelog=ae-app-ios-sharefor-shkmail 17 comments arduino
- First project post - I've made something like a ZX81 (British 80's home computer) with my Arduino. https://github.com/robinhedwards/arduinobasic 3 comments arduino
- My cat snack dispenser (Arduino + Raspberry Pi + text message). Needs a shell, and testing before I dare leave it home alone. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6O-1nEj_2og 35 comments arduino
- Arduino Giveaway - I have lots of unused Arduino parts I'd like to give to a good home. https://www.reddit.com/r/arduino/comments/7v7op4/arduino_giveaway_i_have_lots_of_unused_arduino/ 519 comments arduino
- I'm a 2nd year Mechatronic Engineering student and I want to get an Arduino kit to make cool stuff at home. What kit should I get? https://www.reddit.com/r/arduino/comments/5g95sk/im_a_2nd_year_mechatronic_engineering_student_and/ 9 comments arduino
- Not directly Arduino-related, but I wrote an inventory system for home hackers/maker spaces to keep track of components etc. https://www.reddit.com/r/arduino/comments/o0b7uz/not_directly_arduinorelated_but_i_wrote_an/ 6 comments arduino
- MIT are designing an Open Source ventilator for saving COVID19 patients while ICUs are overrun. Its based on Arduino. Consider trying to replicate their design at home https://e-vent.mit.edu/ 132 comments arduino
- I missed playing my piano back home, like 2 years ago, so I decided to make one based on Arduino. It actually worked and I am really happy with my Arduino Piano!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?amp%3Bfeature=share&v=xCdGTaL4YPk 6 comments arduino
- I updated my 3D printed home automation set of kits. Can automate door locks, light switches, and power plugs with low cost. Raspberry Pi and Arduino compatible http://autom8.cc 12 comments raspberry_pi
- My Home-made Arduino Fish Feeder. UPDATE: Mounted and first real test done. Any Thoughts? Feedback? Ideas? + CODE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95IsXPZcVww 17 comments arduino
- Now that I have to stay home I finally have the time to share all my Arduino projects like this Power supply with a bar graph current indicator - source code and PCB/Eagle circuit on my github https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1I17_Nu-uhY 9 comments arduino
- Hi everyone! I'm an Android developer who also interested in Arduino. I've created bunch of projects with Arduino, mostly for automating home tasks. And recently made a tutorial app for Arduino focusing on simplicity to make it easier to learn the essentials, I'd be glad if you checked, thank you! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=site.ardumaniac.ardumaniac 3 comments arduino