Hacker News
- Show HN: Foldie - Transfer Files Between Android and Mac (written in Flutter) https://github.com/FLopriore/foldie 6 comments
- Show HN: Quire for Android, in Google Flutter https://quire.io/blog/p/Introducing-Quire-for-Android.html 2 comments
- Flutter – A mobile app SDK for iOS and Android https://flutter.io/ 97 comments
- Show HN: Jnigen – Experimental Java interop for Dart / Flutter on Android https://mahesh-hegde.github.io/posts/building_jnigen/ 2 comments
- Google launches Flutter Beta 3, its Android and iOS mobile app SDK https://venturebeat.com/2018/05/07/google-launches-flutter-beta-3-its-android-and-ios-mobile-app-sdk/amp/ 29 comments
- Android 12+: Changing wallpaper or dark theme breaks Flutter and Jetpack Apps https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/130637 3 comments
- This Android game was made with Flutter https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.numberpuzzle.findhiddennumbers.numberseek 5 comments flutterdev
- Flutter Code Push on Android by overriding `libapp.so` https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/162206 2 comments flutterdev
- How I built home screen widgets for iOS & Android in Flutter (Repost because of post type) https://ejolie.hashnode.dev/developing-ios-android-home-screen-widgets-in-flutter 3 comments flutterdev
- How I built home screen widgets for iOS & Android in Flutter https://ejolie.hashnode.dev/developing-ios-android-home-screen-widgets-in-flutter 10 comments flutterdev
- The missing guide to deep linking in Flutter - Part 1, Android https://yshean.com/deep-linking-in-flutter-apps-part-1 8 comments flutterdev
- Preview Impeller on Android in #Flutter 3.16! https://youtube.com/shorts/7HEDTxXc2NE?feature=shared 5 comments flutterdev
- Google Earth now Flutter on iOS, Android, Web https://x.com/flutterdev/status/1708908434068779376?s=46 22 comments flutterdev
- TIL I do not need android studio to do flutter dev https://github.com/mesaquen/android-cmdline-tools-guide/blob/main/guides/android_sdk_install_guide.md 35 comments flutterdev
- Foldie: Transfer Files between Android and MacOS (written in Flutter) https://github.com/FLopriore/foldie/releases/tag/v1.0.0 3 comments flutterdev
- We made a Flutter android and windows app using llama.cpp ! https://youtu.be/jdw7oABjTeQ 8 comments flutterdev
- Does flutter provide a way to show these kind of Native android dialogs? https://ibb.co/HGBWPwW 6 comments flutterdev
- flutter set up for arch linux (without installing android studio) https://www.rockyourcode.com/how-to-get-flutter-and-android-working-on-arch-linux/ 4 comments archlinux
- Intercepting traffic from Android Flutter applications https://blog.nviso.be/2019/08/13/intercepting-traffic-from-android-flutter-applications/ 5 comments netsec
- Google launches a sneak peak of Flutter, its Android and iOS mobile app SDK http://codesmithdev.com/google-launches-a-sneak-peak-of-flutter-its-android-and-ios-mobile-app-sdk/ 3 comments programming
- Learn Flutter - Native Android and IOS Tutorials https://www.youtube.com/c/robertbrunhage 5 comments learnprogramming
- Intro to Flutter for Android Developers https://medium.com/@netdur/intro-to-flutter-for-android-developers-7ff72137cc40 6 comments programming
- Flutter on Windows without Android Studio https://ifdevthentalk.com/2017/05/29/flutter-on-windows-without-android-studio/ 6 comments dartlang
- How To Fix Your Android Build In Flutter 3.29.0 https://github.com/milan-ciganovic/instagram_share_plus/pull/8/files 5 comments flutterdev
- Complete Guide for Creating Home Widgets with Flutter UI for Android & iOS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcNonkHVLbA 7 comments flutterdev
- Make Flutter see Android Studio Flatpak App https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/18970#issuecomment-762399686 5 comments pop_os
- FlutterHunt - Identify any Android app built with Flutter https://flutterhunt.com 25 comments flutterdev
- How to Add Flutter to an Existing iOS and Android App https://antmedia.io/how-to-add-flutter-to-an-existing-ios-and-android-app/ 60 comments iosprogramming
- Another Open-Source Flutter Android App: TeamViewer Alternative https://github.com/rustdesk/rustdesk 8 comments android
- Google’s Flutter app SDK for iOS and Android is now in beta https://techcrunch.com/2018/02/27/googles-flutter-ui-framework-is-now-in-beta/ 14 comments programming
- Building Android version of my iOS app (Flutter or Android Native) https://apps.apple.com/app/id6447760823 17 comments iosprogramming
- Is there any point in learning android SPECIFICALLY android when react-native, xamarin, dart + flutter etc exist? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/agmfst/is_there_any_point_in_learning_android/ 3 comments learnprogramming
- People keep complaining about Flutter not being native, but look at Notion's Android app—using iOS buttons instead of Material Design! https://photos.app.goo.gl/Nks9PmedjjKXKJ9P6 19 comments flutterdev
- Automate Flutter Android App Deployment with GitHub Actions and fastlane https://canopas.com/automate-flutter-android-app-deployment-with-git-hub-actions-and-fastlane 2 comments flutterdev
- Recently, I designed and developed a Flutter app (using Riverpod for state management) for Android, iOS, and the web that's similar to ChatGPT Haha. I want to know what you like about it and any suggestions you have for improvement. Thanks! 😊 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.apeiron.apeironai 6 comments flutterdev
- Flutter - beautiful, fast apps for Android & iOS (Keynote of Dart Summit 2016) (3:00 - 27:30) https://youtu.be/-03R4Fj79_E?t=3m1s 38 comments programming
- Announcing Flutter beta 1: Build beautiful native apps. Flutter is Google’s new mobile UI framework that helps developers craft high-quality native interfaces for both iOS and Android https://medium.com/flutter-io/announcing-flutter-beta-1-build-beautiful-native-apps-dc142aea74c0 11 comments webdev