Hacker News
- Is it too late for Bitcoin cloud-mining to be profitable? http://blog.bassemdy.com/2015/03/02/is-it-too-late-for-bitcoin-cloud-mining-to-be-profitable/ 2 comments
- Bitcoin Repeating This Price Pattern Of Late 2019? Watch This https://www.newsbtc.com/news/bitcoin/bitcoin-repeating-the-price-pattern-of-late-2019/ 24 comments cryptocurrency
- Why It’s Not Too Late To Buy Bitcoin https://medium.com/@darrencarty807/why-its-not-too-late-to-buy-bitcoin-38780619469a 10 comments bitcoin
- Why is ethereum on a tear of late, outperforming bitcoin? https://www.livemint.com/market/cryptocurrency/why-is-ethereum-on-a-tear-of-late-outperforming-bitcoin-11619100249067.html 31 comments cryptocurrency
- Statistical analysis of Bitcoin price manipulation by Tether issuance in late 2017 https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/93w36f/statistical_analysis_of_bitcoin_price/ 5 comments btc
- Who is buying so much bitcoin lately? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6tm376/who_is_buying_so_much_bitcoin_lately/ 9 comments btc
- What have you bought for bitcoin lately? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/4xw2lk/what_have_you_bought_for_bitcoin_lately/ 17 comments btc
- You and me, we are all Peter Thiel! He says his “biggest mistake of the decade was getting too late and too little into bitcoin” https://cryptosnewss.com/peter-thiel-says-his-biggest-mistake-of-the-decade-was-getting-too-late-and-too-little-into-bitcoin-featured-bitcoin-news/ 21 comments cryptocurrency
- Tesla still held $2B of Bitcoin as of late 2021, SEC filing reveals https://cointelegraph.com/news/tesla-held-2b-of-bitcoin-as-of-late-2021-sec-filing-reveals 35 comments cryptocurrency
- Bitcoin Whales Accumulated $4.8 Billion of BTC Since Late September: 85% of all Bitcoin not Moved Since 3 Months https://nitter.net/santimentfeed/status/1447402391129575428#m 42 comments cryptocurrency
- Billionaire Chamath Palihapitiya Says It’s Too Late for US To Ban Bitcoin and Crypto https://dailyhodl.com/2021/10/12/billionaire-chamath-palihapitiya-says-its-too-late-for-us-to-ban-bitcoin-and-crypto/amp/?__twitter_impression=true 35 comments cryptocurrency
- Your daily hopium. YOU ARE NOT TOO LATE TO BECOME WILDLY WEALTHY WITH BITCOIN. https://bitcoinmagazine.com/.amp/culture/not-too-late-wealthy-with-bitcoin. 81 comments cryptocurrency
- Legendary investor Bill Miller lost 90% of his fortune in the late 2000s. Bitcoin and Amazon stock have made him a billionaire. https://markets.businessinsider.com/currencies/news/bitcoin-amazon-stock-investor-bill-miller-value-partners-billionaire-2021-4-1030344952 11 comments cryptocurrency
- Bitcoin's Average Block Time Spikes to 13 Minutes for the First Time Since Late 2018 https://beincrypto.com/bitcoins-average-block-time-spikes-to-13-minutes-for-the-first-time-since-late-2018/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=bitcoin&utm_content=jd 10 comments btc
- Is it too late to sell Bitcoin to Bitcoin Cash ? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/9ttqsd/is_it_too_late_to_sell_bitcoin_to_bitcoin_cash/ 4 comments btc
- Is it too late to invest in Bitcoin or should we wait for the right time to jump in? http://coinbeat.com/is-it-too-late-to-invest-in-bitcoin/ 12 comments business
- Why Bitcoin Cash's price has been dropping lately and why it's only temporary. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/74fwdm/why_bitcoin_cashs_price_has_been_dropping_lately/ 112 comments btc
- AM I TOO LATE TO BUY BITCOIN CASH??? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6uj9ks/am_i_too_late_to_buy_bitcoin_cash/ 11 comments btc
- Bitcoin just passed $4,000 - Too Late To Invest, Or Does This Train Still Have A Ways To Go? https://techcrunch.com/2017/08/12/bitcoin-just-passed-4000/ 12 comments btc
- 7:03am EST - is it too late to send Bitcoin pre-fork? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6qvhoz/703am_est_is_it_too_late_to_send_bitcoin_prefork/ 5 comments btc
- Brian Armstrong - The Bitcoin Roundtable Consensus Proposal — Too Little, Too Late https://medium.com/@barmstrong/the-bitcoin-roundtable-consensus-proposal-too-little-too-late-e694f13f40b#.z4xih4qgv 86 comments btc
- Germany's $3 Billion Mistake—Is it Too Late for the government to buy back the bitcoin it sold? https://youtu.be/eGQ9VNIDBkY 5 comments bitcoin
- SEC Pushes Deadlines on Four Bitcoin ETF Applications to Late 2021 https://decrypt.co/82375/sec-pushes-deadlines-on-four-bitcoin-etf-applications-to-late-2021 2 comments cryptocurrency
- You Can’t Be Too Late With Bitcoin but You Have the Freedom To Decide How Early You Want To Be https://www.inbitcoinwetrust.net/you-cant-be-too-late-with-bitcoin-but-you-have-the-freedom-to-decide-how-early-you-want-to-be-6562a1b84866?sk=8d951ff00e750e997e1a98b61b7da0a2 7 comments cryptocurrency
- How SegWit Decapitated Bitcoin, and how Bitcoin Cash resurrected Bitcoin before it was too late. https://blockchair.com/bitcoin/whitepaper 79 comments btc
- Youtube is shitting on a lot of content creators lately, is there an alternative to Youtube that uses Bitcoin Cash yet? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7c1gqm/youtube_is_shitting_on_a_lot_of_content_creators/ 10 comments btc
- I know im late to the party but is it worth it to actually mine bitcoin cash with a regular computer? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6v0x89/i_know_im_late_to_the_party_but_is_it_worth_it_to/ 6 comments btc
- Russia Proposes Crypto Crackdown. Bitcoin’s Reaction? (Sorry to bring the bad 🗞, better know it early then late) https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-01-20/russia-proposes-crypto-crackdown-bitcoin-s-reaction-no-problem 12 comments cryptocurrency
- Think You're Late To Bitcoin? Think Again. Beware of the "I missed the bus" bias, change your perspective, and enjoy that global adoption is still low to stack cheap sats. https://bitcoinmagazine.com/culture/you-are-not-late-to-bitcoin 29 comments cryptocurrency
- New Book Published: The Blocksize War - The book covers the major twists and turns of Bitcoin’s blocksize war, which raged on inside the Bitcoin space for over two years, from mid 2015 to late 2017 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08YQMC2WM 40 comments btc
- Core has failed to scale Bitcoin. An entire year after its release, SegWit has failed to pass 35% adoption. SW was too little, too late, and the industry didn't want it. http://charts.woobull.com/bitcoin-segwit-adoption/ 363 comments btc
- All too common occurrence lately: "Block took long to be found on the bitcoin network. Transaction confirmations and withdrawals delayed." https://twitter.com/bitbargain/status/765351220420698112 9 comments btc
- Hal Finney’s Widow Fran Finny Launches Bitcoin Charity for ALS Research to Honor Late Husband https://coinfomania.com/hal-finneys-widow-launches-bitcoin-charity/ 2 comments bitcoin
- The Crypto Daily – Movers and Shakers – September 6th, 2021 Steering clear of the first major support level at $49,352, Bitcoin rallied to a late in the day high $51,900.0 https://ca.news.yahoo.com/amphtml/crypto-daily-movers-shakers-september-003852289.html 11 comments cryptocurrency
- Number of Bitcoin held on Centralized Exchanges has Consistently Fallen since late May, Suggesting Long Term Holding by Majority of People https://cointelegraph.com/news/traders-are-withdrawing-2-000-btc-from-centralized-exchanges-dailyc 19 comments cryptocurrency
- Bitcoin transaction fees from the beginning of the year (chart). Despite the backlog is sometimes almost non-existent lately, fees haven’t dropped that much. https://twitter.com/nikzh/status/848498494407159809 11 comments btc
- Whether you like him or not (I’m a fan actually), Kevin O’Leary has been giving Eth some good mainstream mentions lately. He thinks Eth will always be #2 though, and calling it silver to Bitcoin’s gold isn’t quite the best descriptor either, but mainstream coverage is good either way. https://www.cnbc.com/video/2021/04/28/kevin-oleary-on-bitcoin-vs-ethereum.html 36 comments ethereum
- If you want me to believe one side is corrupted, it's not going to be the group who joined bitcoin early instead of late-coming members of a group likely infiltrated by NSA. https://twitter.com/DrSammyD/status/945102280570875904 30 comments btc
- We are in danger of losing net neutrality. I feel like the path bitcoin is taking lately is a direct reflection of what the internet would be without net neutrality. Huge fees and high waiting times. it’s time to take a stand and take charge of our liberty once again! https://www.battleforthenet.com 274 comments btc
- My Prediction: When bitcoin Cash market cap. approaches BTC , Core will dump Blockstream and go for an emergency block size increase. By then it will be way , way too late. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/78xjlg/my_prediction_when_bitcoin_cash_market_cap/ 31 comments btc